
0ddysseus , in Linux users when

Linux users install chrome now...?

Alsephina OP ,

Well they already had firefox installed it seems

M500 ,

Tutorials like this that are really simple might be a good way yo introduce the idea that Linux does not need to be difficult or complex.

Chrome is so common and it demonstrates that you can use something familiar on Linux.

pryre , in Can't relate to be honest, I still use MBR boot

Start using and efistub and never worry about boot loaders again!

Andrew15_5 , in It happens 🤷 avatar

Imagine having Windows installed in 2024. /s

AbsurdityAccelerator , in Completely untrue nowadays...

I swear my 3d printer is more reliable than my paper printer.

chandz05 , in Your ads dont work here, brand!

My Raspberry Pi SD card finally died after almost 10 years, and I was hosting Pi-Hole on it. After a year of Pi-Hole I didn't realize how many things had freaken ads. They pop up everywhere! I really need to get a new SD card :(

dream_weasel , in I am one of you now

"from scratch"

It's like a page worth of instructions you can follow verbatim excluding bootloader and network. If you watch one video of someone doing it to fill those gaps there is nothing to it.

Source: I watched Kai Hendry speed install arch, bookmarked the video and all my machines are now arch "from scratch" in 10 minutes or less of actual keyboard time.

Sanyanov ,

Mental Outlaw also has the great guide explaining the install step-by-step in a great detail

Jumuta , avatar

except he doesn't talk about the difference in bootloader installation for uefi

blackn1ght , in which ones do you think I missed?

None of them. I don't care who they are, nobody should be a billionaire.

puppy , in which ones do you think I missed?

I think they aren't billionaires precisely because they worked for the good of the internet/knowledge.

If they indeed became billionaires that would imply that how they conduct themselves had completely been altered along with their core beliefs.

Omega_Jimes , in which ones do you think I missed?

I have a standing theory that once a person is no longer concerned about their welfare or the welfare of their descendants, they go crazy.

Like, once you reach a point where survival is no longer a problem, that part of your brain goes nuts. It's not a flawless theory, since philanthropy is a thing and people like Dean Kamen exist, but it's a thing that seems to happen an awful lot.

Sagifurius ,

Survival no longer is a problem to literally everyone in north america. yeah people die, but, when was the last time you have heard of anyone who is not anorexic starving to death? People still talk like survival is an issue, but that's because they actually mean not being comfortable.

planetaryprotection ,

This is simply not true. Starvation isn't the only thing that kills people - they die of easily treatable medical issues all the time because of lack of health insurance. Unhoused people die of exposure every summer and winter.

Sagifurius ,

I mean i tried to make it painfully obvious I wasn't talking about medical conditions, car accidents, or crackheads being stupid, but i guess i had to come back and spell it out.

AllonzeeLV , in which ones do you think I missed?

No one should have that much power.

I wouldn't have trusted Fred Rogers with a billion dollars, and he's practically the only famous stranger I could have seen trusting with my newborn alone.

It's a society warping level of wealth. No single, unelected, unaccountable person should possess that much uniltateral power.

The global allowance encouragement of such an exploitative, reckless goal is why we are in our various bleak situations.

Cralder , in which ones do you think I missed?

It's nice to appreciate people who do good things, but keep in mind that the only way people become billionaires is by exploiting people. So I would not want any of these people to be billionaires because it would mean they got that wealth not by doing good things, but by owning ridiculous amounts of capital and exploiting people.

Rant over, sorry.

EddyBot , in Year of Linux on the Desktop

it is kinda wild that people abandon Windows 7 because of Steam and not because Microsoft stopped patching it several years ago

Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.

I don't think Steam actually recommends any distro since some time anymore

Takios ,

People don't care about security until they get hit. Source: working in IT for 10 years.

hemko ,

And then suddenly they care a lot and do all the wrong things for wrong reasons because they know shit

Oszilloraptor ,

"I don't worry about missing security patches. I just have 5 anti-virus tools running simultaneously, they keep me safe."

meekah , avatar

Or those people who actively avoid patches in general, because "they make my device slow"

de_lancre , avatar

I mean, they do make your device slow. That why tools like InSpectre exists. For some old cpu's like my notebooks one it can be up to 20% performance impact, so if you not planning to use it with internet (or at least as main access point via browser) ever again, why not get yourself free performance?

camelbeard , in This truly is the year of the linux desktop

Do we really want to be bigger anyway? I kind of like where Linux as a desktop isn't really big enough for all the scammers and malware makers to care.

(And I know it's huge for servers and malware also targets that, but they are usually maintained by professionals, not your parents that would probably run every shell script they are offered as help)

If Linux would become the biggest desktop os you are going to find so much more bad advice whenever searching for help online. I wonder if the nice people we have now are really ready for when the terrible people invade the community.

CosmicCleric , avatar

Do we really want to be bigger anyway?

YES. It needs more market share to influence companies financially to make products for it.

It's truly starting to make inroads recently, but it still has a ways to go.

I kind of like where Linux as a desktop isn’t really big enough for all the scammers and malware makers to care.

It's also not big enough for gaming companies to truly care, unfortunately.

Darorad OP ,

Thankfully valve does, linux gaming's gotten to a really great state in the last few years.

chiliedogg , in This truly is the year of the linux desktop

Is it that Linux is getting popular, or that most people don't buy new computers anymore now that their phone does everything they used it for, so it's only the enthusiasts still buying?

themoken ,

That's an interesting thought. I've wondered this about Chrome's market share in browsers too. How much of it is just that so much traffic is now from phones where, even if you have another browser installed, apps open links in embedded Chrome web views.

QuazarOmega , in Where they went Tim?

And then everyone praises him for standing up against Google and Apple for crippling/banning third-party app stores, like, cool... but clearly he's just chasing money, not doing it out of the goodness of his heart for us poor gamers

possiblylinux127 , avatar

I hate to break it to you but no company does anything out of the goodness of heart. Its called business

QuazarOmega ,

Pretty much, I wouldn't make such a blanket statement though, non-profit companies exist too

Dirk_Darkly ,

And unfortunately many of those still operate as for-profit companies and extract wealth via administrative fees and executive salaries.

lemmesay , avatar

case in point: Mitchell Baker, CEO of Mozilla corporation(the for profit arm of Mozilla organisation) got 7 million dollars of salary in 2022

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