
Fleppensteijn , in Switzerland to phase out analog FM broadcasts by end of 2024 avatar

99 percent of the country have access to a DAB+-compatible receiver

That's surprising. I didn't think many people still listen to radio.

Badeendje , avatar

In their car.

Fleppensteijn , avatar

I doubt that many people have a car

Badeendje , avatar
  • Some flawed statistics never stopped government policy. :)
  • It's Switzerland, the country of high costs and higher wages, stolen nazi gold and laundering the money for the worlds most heinous people. They are rich.
  • And according to the Swiss themselves there is 0.53 cars per person.. so "has access too" probably key in the scentence.
Iheartcheese , in How the Dutch became the tallest nation on Earth avatar

It's all the windmill sucking them upwards

The_Worst ,

It is also for our protection. Our country is below sealevel so when the dikes break through, only our ankles will be underwater.

0x815 , (Bearbeitet ) in Italy Seeks to Build Base for Long-Term Partnership With China

Good charm offensive, it's good when countries collaborate in mutual respect and mutual benefit (from that points of view it's also good that Italy left China's Belt and Road Initiative). The label 'Made in Italy' is unfortunately often misleading, though. Two actual examples:

Italy: lawyers file complaints of Uighur forced labour over tomato paste

Containers of tomato paste exported from Xinjiang to Italy are the subject of domestic criminal and international complaints filed by rights lawyers on behalf of Uyghur advocacy groups who allege that the goods were produced using Uyghur forced labor.

The shipment was among 82 containers of agricultural products from China’s state-owned Xinjiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. shipped by rail and sea from Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, to southern Italy in late April, according to the plaintiffs. The shipment also sparked outrage among Italian farmers who protested against the arrival of the cheaper processed tomato products from China in what they said were unfair imports.

Dior, Armani Under Investigation For "Made In Italy" Handbags Produced By Migrants --- (Archived link)

[Italian] prosecutors allege that some of the luxury handbags made by the fashion houses' suppliers with the "Made in Italy" stamp are actually made in sweatshops within the European country, employing low-cost Chinese labor. They say many of the sweatshops fall extremely short of legal workshop codes.

As a result of the Italian investigation, judges in June placed Manufactures Dior SRL—a unit of Dior—under so-called court administration after ruling that its supply chain included Chinese-owned firms in Italy that mistreated migrant workers. The same measure was taken against Armani in April and Alviero Martini, known for its map-print bags and other items, in January.

[Edit typo.]

j4k3 , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland avatar

You don't own a car in this dystopia. This solves nothing. Anyone with a brain can defeat such systems. I can easily place an Arduino in between any sensor to buffer the data as I choose. This will not impact everyone equally, but it will make things much worse. Your autonomy is being stollen from you. This is your citizenship in an egalitarian democracy. Authoritarian is always a mistake of epic proportions. It is never the positive benefit that the sophists spin. We are on the precipice of a massive shift in the world order that is on par with the events of WW2. Giving up your autonomy is the dumbest and most incompetent of moves. Russians dying and invading their neighbors is a great example of a group or people with no autonomy. Giving anyone such monitoring and power over your property has an avalanche effect of legal precedence.

You're increasing the cost and complexity of your car with a system that will make any used car market disappear. This is already happening with cars built after 2014 with proprietary systems that make no sense in the low margin second hand market. This move is making the poorest people exponentially worse off in the long run. It is making small businesses much harder to create. This is a massive move against the poor and creating a large void in wealth disparity for a none issue in the first place.

calcopiritus ,

You are using roads that you don't own, they are public roads, and public roads have rules. If you want to "own" your car and remove it's seatbelts or whatever other street legality rule, you are free to do so.

Just like you can't go to the streets and piss on the garbage bin, but you can pee in your home's garbage bin.

Places have rules.

j4k3 , avatar

There is a massive difference between rules and authoritarianism. You don't know your history very well. Feudalism started when the larger government failed to adequately protect provencal farmers. People simply picked up and moved closer to people that were rich enough to afford a few armed security guards. Eventually, this relocation enriched these lords to the extent that the people in their region lost all of their rights to everything. They didn't own land, tools, or even their right to relocate.

The only change that happened was trusting these minor authorities to simply do the right thing. This is how Roman Citizens became medieval serfs. The biggest lesson to learn from their history is to never give up your autonomy. Make all the rules you want. Don't steal my property and autonomy. It is my right to choose.

I don't even own a car, or drive. This is a fundamental cognitive failure of a generation blatantly repeating errors of the past. Those errors are very likely to cause hundreds of years of sociopolitical regression. We will be loathed for centuries to come because of our blind stupidity. Giving up autonomy is burning Rome. It won't be clearly seen for a long time, but it will be called neo digital feudalism. You will own nothing, because you did not recognize the blood that bought your autonomy or your descendants that will pay it again on the other side of the terrible age you've opened them up to endure. It has nothing to do with driving and everything to do with fundamental citizenship and democracy. Those two aspects are directly and irrefutably connected through the legislature. Once precedent is established, the grey areas tilt the table over time. Eventually, you area serf once again. It is absolutely essential to maintain autonomy to have democracy.

calcopiritus ,

Nobody is free to do whatever they want. Never had been.

There is a balance between freedom and security. Rules restrict your freedom but provide you with security.

It is childish to expect absolute freedom. When there is a new rule coming up, you have to think to yourself "is it worth it the freedom I'm giving away for the security it provides?". There are some rules 99+% of people can agree on, like "should people be free to murder other people?" The answer is most of the time "no".

For example, in Spain a recent law is introducing a "wankport". So soon we'll have to ask for our government for a key to access porn. With a limited 30 accesses per month. Their reasoning is "porn is bad for children!". Do I think that that is worth it? Absolutely not. It's completely baseless and it punishes adults to restrict the kid's behaviour.

There is an endless list of reasons why cars being too fast is bad though. They emit more noise, the emit more CO2 and other harmful gases, they release more microplastics, and so on. They also increase both the chance of accidents and their lethality. They wear more the roads and a miriad of other reasons.

What is the freedom you give away for cutting off all of those harms? Arriving 5 seconds later than usual to your workplace. Saving 5 minutes on your multi-hour trip. Is it worth it? Yes.

j4k3 , avatar

You have a bias that is unfounded and you are willing to sacrifice the future of your children for it. I was almost killed by the 7th car to hit me while commuting full time on a bicycle. If anyone has a reason to hate cars it would be me. Still I have better abstract logic skills than this and can see the bigger picture clearly. You are burning the future for stupid reasons.

calcopiritus ,

You can't approve of enforcing speed limits! You weren't almost hit by a car like I was!

federalreverse Mod ,

Oh dear, you're not a libertarian, are you?

j4k3 , avatar

I'm not a Nazi, Soviet, or McCathyist.

h3mlocke , avatar

Those godamn nazis are trying to make me follow the speed limit? OK bud.

Reddfugee42 ,

Ok boomer

dactylotheca , in Hungary’s Orbán travels to Moscow, days after Kyiv trip avatar

Conservatives ☕

CaptObvious , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

I predict a significant rise in interest for older cars. This will set back their green transition by a decade or more.

Reddfugee42 ,

No more than the boomers are already setting it back, but, you know, won't be much longer...

KISSmyOS , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

tl/dr: every new car sold in the EU will have a button that drivers will push every time they start the engine.
If they don't push the button, the car will beep at them when they go over the speed limit.

Dkarma ,

Lol 2 min video on how to clip that speaker wire incoming...

elvith , (Bearbeitet )

*10 minutes - shorter videos cannot be monetized, IIRC

Reddfugee42 ,

A/V systems are $2000 computers now. There is no separate speaker unless you're going to clip your car stereo speakers

Delphia ,

Yeah canbus systems are an absolute fucking nightmare too. The same wire controling several systems.

cows_are_underrated ,

Than 2 minutes on how to manipulate the switch in a way so that it detects a press every time you start your car.

Reddfugee42 ,

I guess you missed the part in the article where it said it's been optional but that will change

nbailey , avatar

So instead of clipping a wire you plug in a Bluetooth OBD interface and flip a bit in the car’s memory that the engineers conveniently forgot to remove which disables the beeps…

GenosseFlosse ,

Lol, no! The ODBC port allows readouts only, you cannot change the programming of any of the components in your car.

Reddfugee42 ,
perviouslyiner ,

Someone who worked on design for a previous iteration of this said that their company deliberately routed the 'beep over a certain speed' signal via a wire between two modules for precisely this rrason.

SomeGuy69 ,

But I already have to do that with the annoying auto-start-stop. This is becoming a whac-a-mole game.

autotldr Bot , in Switzerland to phase out analog FM broadcasts by end of 2024

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Swiss radio listeners will soon have to toss out their old sets, as the country plans to end analog FM broadcasting on December 31, 2024, in favor of a total conversion to digital.

The move has been a long time coming in Switzerland, which has largely already transitioned to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB+, an evolution of standard DAB that was designed to address early issues).

That put Switzerland second to Norway in DAB+ penetration prior to enforcement of the EU's Electronic Communications Code, which mandated digital radio receivers be included in all new vehicles as of 2020.

While some countries in the EU and beyond have readily embraced DAB and the phaseout of analog radio, not everyone is as excited as the Swiss or Norwegians about the transition.

Several of those rollouts were abandoned due to lack of interest, low availability of DAB+ receivers and the rise in satellite and internet-based radio broadcasts.

Basic feature phones that lack internet access are common in India, which relies on emergency radio broadcasts more heavily than nations with broader mobile data network coverage.

The original article contains 590 words, the summary contains 180 words. Saved 69%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

EherNicht ,

I think analog FM should be kept. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to listen to some nice radio on my FM/AM compatible SONY Walkman

avidamoeba , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland avatar

This is beautiful.

Michal , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

Good news. Now, if they mandated a sensor that senses whether car is parked illegally, blocking footpath or a cycle lane, and drive itself to an impound lot, it's be even better. But it's progress and a significant one.

noodlejetski , in How the Dutch became the tallest nation on Earth

meanwhile Google's super smart parrot:

AFKBRBChocolate , in How the Dutch became the tallest nation on Earth

I have a friend whose parents came to the US from Holland, and I believe he's 6'6" (201cm). He said it was really strange when he went to Holland to visit family because he's so used to being a head taller than everyone else - looking out over a crowd - but in Holland there were tons of people as tall as he.

Very interesting that the article says the current Dutch generation is shorter than their parents.

sunzu ,

Being too tall or big streses the body, could be just natural selection moderating avg height.

anzo Mod ,

"Regression to the mean", it was studied a century, or so, ago. It's not about stress directly but the average/ natural/ non-stressful height is the most probable outcome indeed.

0x815 OP ,

This was Francis Galton, a British polymath of the 19th and early 20th century, who observed that certain characteristics of parents -such as height- are not passed on completely to their children. If parents' heights lie at the tails of the distribution in both directions, the heights of their children tend to lie closer to the mean of the distribution. Simply speaking, tall parents have kids shorter then they are, and short parents have kids taller than they are.

Galton invented what we today now as linear regression.

The article says that the Dutch children are now shorter than their parents. I was wondering whether this is simply a manifestation of the regression toward the mean, first discovered by Galton (and published in 1886)?

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Evolution (natural selection) doesn't work that way though. That would only work if either people started only having kids with shorter people, or those stresses you're taking about caused people to die before having kids, which I didn't think is happening.

CitizenKong , in Hungary’s Orbán travels to Moscow, days after Kyiv trip

When they didn't even try to hide who's pulling their strings...

Anticorp , in Europe’s most liveable cities

Kyiv is in a literal warzone. I would expect it's livability to be much lower.

venoft , avatar

It's kind of an insult to Istanbul at this point.

johny , (Bearbeitet ) in Europe’s most liveable cities

Brought to you by the institute for made up numbers.

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