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UnfortunateShort ,

Die Sicherheitskräfte hatten zu wenige Waffen, das ist doch hier das Problem! Wie soll man bewaffnete Menschen ohne Handgranaten auch kontrollieren??🇺🇲?

UnfortunateShort ,

Java is still significantly faster and more efficient than Python tho - because it has ahead-of-time optimizations and is not executing plain text.

UnfortunateShort ,

I'm mainly taking efficiency in terms of energy consumption. I won't deny that some ugly decisions have been made with Java :D

UnfortunateShort ,

At it's heart, numpy is C tho. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Python is amazing glue code. It makes this fast code more useful by wrapping it in simple(r) scripts and classes.

UnfortunateShort ,

3 Esoteriker:innen müssen sich erstmal mit Aquamarin beruhigen.

UnfortunateShort ,

Technical question: If he would murder both candidates, could he still become president and pardon himself?

UnfortunateShort ,

Hot water an dish soap works miracles on all kinds of clogs btw.

UnfortunateShort ,

I have to, for work - which is why I am happy whenever they do stuff right. That said, there is also a lot of schadenfreude whenever they think something along the lines of "let's tell people we will screenshot everything".

Whatever MS does, I win.

[Thema, Post oder Kommentar wurde durch den Author gelöscht]

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  • UnfortunateShort ,

    Unabhängig vom Wahrheitsgehalt möchte ich gerne kurz anmerken, dass das ZDF das zitiert und nicht "geschrieben" im Sinne von "selbst verfasst" hat. Kleiner aber feiner Unterschied.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Stupid fact checkers with their stupid facts disproving all my convenient lies

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Is this AI generated trolling or is the person behind this just next level stupid?

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Wenn du grade beschäftigt bist und in Ruhe gelassen werden willst, würde ich sowas wie: "Lass mich das noch schnell zu Ende machen", oder: "Moment, ich muss grade noch was erledigen/checken/eintragen" und Variationen davon einfach wiederholen, bis der Tag rum ist 😁

    Für Dinge, über die du nicht reden willst, hätte ich "Hab ich keine starke Meinung zu" im Angebot. Das drückt einfach sehr neutral aus, dass einem das Thema komplett egal ist.

    Wenn dir ein Thema zu persönlich ist oder du eine Fragen übergriffig findest, würde ich das einfach sagen. Wenn deine Kolleginnen und Kollegen das nicht respektieren, entweder mit der Personalabteilung reden und sagen, dass du dich nicht wohl fühlst, oder, wie du schon sagtest, den Arbeitsplatz wechseln.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Great games are cheaper than ever. If you buy into those only trying to extract as much money from you as possible, that's on you

    UnfortunateShort ,

    They work.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    The kernel in the EFI partition is used as a tool to bootstrap hardware and memory for your proper kernel, which is chainloaded.

    There is a simple reason for that: The Linux kernel can do anything a bootloader needs to do, especially for itself, so why not use it as one?

    That said, in most setups there is another bootloader before that, which loads the kernel itself and the initramfs for that kernel. That can be for example systemd-boot, formerly known gummiboot, a minimal bootloader meant to (auto-)discover EFI compatible stuff it can load.

    Dracut creates a setup / boot chain like that.

    UnfortunateShort , (Bearbeitet )

    In the case of Dracut, I'm not sure what it does exactly, but the kernels will almost definitely not be identical. In the "EFI kernel", uneeded modules (meaning most of them) are usually omitted.

    You could probably also have different kernels in terms of version number, although it might complicate things. Kinda depends on whether they recycle data structures from the first kernel and whether those remain compatible. I don't really know whether this is actually done tho.

    The reason why multiple kernels (or bootloaders for that matter) are used is that there are different levels of "readiness" in your system. Say you have LVM and a LUKS encrypted partition (in whatever order). Systemctl-boot will load the kernel and it's initramfs, but can't be bothered to deal with complicated file system shenanigans. That would complicate the whole program significantly.

    So it just loads a Linux kernel which has these capabilities. That kernel can deal with LVM, decrypt the LUKS partition (or ask for a password), mount whatever btrfs nonsense is inside and then hand it over to the proper kernel. The proper kernel can in turn rely on having all its stuff mounted and ready, instead of having to worry about all this.

    You could do with just one kernel, but Dracut allows you to rapidly create bootable kernel + initramfs pairs of which you might need multiple (e.g. for dual booting, backup). Moreover, you probably wouldn't really want it to fiddle with your kernel all the time, especially when it's customised already.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Sorry for the late reply btw, responses were broken for me

    UnfortunateShort ,

    The "German Reich" these days consist of some weirdos who skipped history classes and call themselves "Reichsbürger". They even have capitalism! The heads of this movement charge them for nonsensical documents, like passports exactly no one accepts. Oh, and some think Germany is a corporation led by the allied forces.

    I don't know where they stand on mugs, but feel free to try it out and throw some at them.*

    *They may possess illegal weapons tho. Pls help

    UnfortunateShort ,

    OpenSUSE exists as a testbed for SLE, I don't think there's anything confusing about that. It's also much easier to get to a sensible setup for new users. If it weren't for the AUR and the Arch Wiki, I would probably still be using it.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    It's kinda sad that without Mozilla, Raymond, the NoScript guys and TOR we would lose control over the internet pretty much immediately

    UnfortunateShort ,

    I don't really know how to change your mind except bringing up that you are objectively wrong.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Come on, everyone knows you're supposed to tweak your Linux to look like MacOS on mushrooms.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    No software is perfect, you are going to run into some issue, somewhere, eventually. However, I would say when talking about Linux spcifically, there is a high chance that people talking about stuff being broken are people breaking stuff.

    It's simply fun to try riscy, experimental things. Naturally, people also like to write about it.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    I don't particularly like the UI, but I haven't had any Issue with teams ever tbh. It even worked on Firefox with uBlock, NoScript (ofc allowing like one or two domains for it) and VPN. For me, Office in general just works most of the time. I would never use it for private stuff, let alone pay hundreds for it, but for work it's more than fine.

    Except Outlook. Holy fuck, how is such a central application such a pile of steaming garbage? It has the worst UI/UX I have ever seen in any mail client by far.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    It is literally fucking knapsack problem the game™️ and I can't stop playing it. This game is one in-game shop away from ruining my life.

    Edit: I mean ruining it further. Sorry.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can run LoL on Linux

    UnfortunateShort ,

    First came programmer socks, then Rust was invented, and now (fe)men are taking matters into their own hands, correcting the gender gap in IT themselves. What's not to understand here?

    Seriously tho, I don't think it's against anyone. It's just a meme, probably originating from a high share of queer people in the IT domain and the rising popularity of anime and manga culture, where femboys are sometimes idealised.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    That would be way more accurate with KDE on the left and XFCE on the right. GNOME is completely different (and also, hands down, very ugly) out of the box.

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