TheHobbyist ,

Good luck on your defense! Goodspeed

EvilEyedPanda ,

Today's thesis is an improv on why windows sucks.

thefrankring , avatar

Windows disagrees with the thesis.

InternetCitizen2 OP ,

So did the rest of the committee.

fmstrat ,


nifty , avatar

Is this a joke, or did your friend really fail? Would be interested to know what happened, if you don’t mind sharing

InternetCitizen2 OP ,

No, he passed.

russjr08 , avatar

Well, aside from this I hope it all went well OP!

Holzkohlen ,

This is on you. You prepare your computer ahead of time. Do updates the night before, check if everything works. You also have an empty battery?
Like I loathe windows as much as anyone, but this would never ever happen to me. I triple check it all, especially if it runs windows.

NaoPb ,

Forced updates are still terrible.

pyre ,

nah. at worst it's the lesser of two evils. the alternative is keeping a crushing majority of the user base vulnerable forever because virtually no one likes to voluntarily update their os.

laurelraven ,

No, they're terrible. Windows can and does know when a system is least in use and is supposed to handle this during those periods. Updates are important but this is an excessive and unnecessary way to fix the issue of people not performing their own updates.

pyre ,

... and it does handle this during those periods. unless you tell it not to. or set the non working hours wrong.

laurelraven ,

I've frequently seen Windows ignore that setting and force the restart while the system is actively being used

The mega corp neither needs or deserves your defense. They've fucked up the update system with Windows 10 and it's not gotten any better since then.

Incandemon ,

Seconding this, I can't think of a time that I've actually had windows respect my configured update window.

I'd also like to point out how annoying it is that manually hitting the update button doesn't seem to do anything. If I hit the button I want to dedicate the full system resources to updating right now, not just keep doing what it was doing but add a skinny thing.

ArcaneSlime ,

Pfffft it's so much easier to update when it doesn't shut your shit down for 1hr and instead downloads 573MB of updates in a tiny window you can leave up while going about your business and can choose when to do it by typing "sudo dnf update -y" and your password into said tiny window.

Besides, you can tell linux to auto update if you want, and you'll never notice it doing so in the background (well it'll likely tell you depending on the distro but if it didn't, you'd never notice as it is non-intrusive.)

pyre ,

the download does happen in the background. the installation is what requires shutting down. i only find out there's any update when the shutdown button is marked and whenever I'm done i tell it to install the update and shutdown. it's really not as bad as you guys desperately seem to want it to be.

ArcaneSlime ,

Oh my mistake, I didn't mean to say the wrong part took 1hr+ and it was actually the other part, silly me. Meanwhile on linux there's still no such annoyance. You do know we all used to use windows and got fed up with it's bullshit and jumped ship right? You can stay a frog in boiling water all you want, those of us who jumped out of the pot can see the burner.

pyre ,

whatever floats your boat. keep getting things wrong so you can feel better about jumping ship i guess?

ArcaneSlime ,

Lmao you really think "nuh uh the long annoying part isn't the download it's the install" is better than "well linux has neither issue" don't you? Bless your heart.

pyre ,

... no? i guess you're having a different conversation in your head than the one your eyes should be reading.

ArcaneSlime ,

Oh I forgot to mention "nuh uh windows doesn't do that thing it definitely does, you and everyone else who ever experienced it are just crazy."

pyre ,

you are sounding more crazy with every comment, that part is accurate.

ArcaneSlime ,

Lol sure buddy, whatever helps you cope. Why don't you go infect yourself with some ransomware hmm?

pyre ,

too bad Linux doesn't protect mental health

ArcaneSlime ,

That's what trolling you is for.

pyre ,

oh boy that's weak.

ArcaneSlime ,

No u. Sorry to disappoint, I can't dedicate any more time than passing quips to this waste of a conversation though, unfortunately I do have a life outside of lemmy.

pyre ,

check the word counts in this thread

ArcaneSlime ,

No u lol

pyre ,

i love that you eventually devolved into a bot

ArcaneSlime ,

Beep boop yo momma

pyre ,

good bot

ArcaneSlime ,

Told you don't have time for bullshit, out touching grass

pyre ,

it's clear you've never really been out

ArcaneSlime ,

Was last night, and it wasn't even with your mom, surprisingly enough. Now shitting at work, why don't you get yourself a life and stop with the permanently online schtick?

pyre ,

you're trying so hard it's embarrassing

ArcaneSlime ,

No u

pyre ,

good bot

ArcaneSlime ,

No u

pyre ,

bad bot

ArcaneSlime ,

No u

pyre ,

k bb

laurelraven ,

That looks like a conference room PC, I would doubt OP even has any control over that and possibly didn't even have access to the room until right before

It isn't their computer.

It's likely on a campus domain managed by campus IT and should be configured with a sane update policy that automatically does this overnight when the systems aren't being used.

littletranspunk ,

I'd rather work with my PC than around my PC.

It's why I much prefer Linux

Ibuthyr ,

I don't get it. I never had my PC randomly updating itself without my consent. I simply keep my OS updated like everyone should. I do this by installing the update once I get notified (I simply update when I shut the thing down). Why is everyone so weird about this? Or is this a home edition problem? Don't use home edition.

calcopiritus ,

I use home edition and never had this problem. EU windows is much better though, maybe this is a USA windows thing.

uis , avatar

Right. It's easy to forget that M$ has two versions of шindows

TachyonTele ,

Nah, you can delay an update for a long time. Idk what OP is doing to cause this.

chiliedogg ,

I've had way too many Windows updates fuck my shit up, so I wait as long as possible to update so they have a chance to fix what they broke by the time it gets rolled out to my machine.

Ibuthyr ,

I've never really had any major fuck ups with windows updates. This is something I also don't get. I'm not an MS advocate or anything, I completely support people who use Linux because screw evil giant corporations. But most arguments here are completely emotionally driven.

K4mpfie ,

Tbf I do this too but sometimes Windows will shut down after an update and next time I start it it will "configure my PC", restart once more and then show me the login screen. Doesn't even take 5 tho.
The worst thing however is when I start my laptop and login, just for Windows to decide it's updating rn. However this is usually happening at work so I suspect that the update server on the domain pushes an urgent security update that can only happen once a user logged in. Still super annoying but doesn't take more than 5 minutes.

Ibuthyr ,

Ok, this I can relate to. I often sat down at my desk the next morning just to see that the PC is running. Electricity is kinda expensive where I'm from, so this pisses me off.

woelkchen , avatar

No, not any longer. In Windows 11 "update and shutdown" includes a reboot in-between and then shuts off. The only way you get this these days is to "update and reboot" and manually shutting off the computer during BIOS initialization.

K4mpfie ,

Yeah I'm still on Windows 10

josephsh5 ,


Moshpirit , avatar

Oh, so you know OP's thesis name too!

josephsh5 ,

No, I was referencing a scene from the show "Space Force" where the exact same thing occurs.

FuglyDuck , avatar

What’s the thesis on?

And good luck!

InternetCitizen2 OP ,

Its on transients in astronomy. I'm not defending tho.

FuglyDuck , avatar

anything exciting?

Black holes eating stars? Aliens? something blow up?

I'd say 'be gentle', but uh, brutality is kind of part of the formality, right?

Rolando ,

When you defend, print out your slides; at least enough for your committee and you. Then if all else fails, you can present off the paper copies. (also, it gives the committee members somewhere to write notes and to easily look back to previous slides.)

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Why you should use Wimdows

9tr6gyp3 ,

Im absolutely upset with whoever installed that rally camera ABOVE the TV.

Also, that cabling is awful...

9tr6gyp3 ,

Oh, and the microphones aren't even drilled into the table. Just wires all over the table and the microphone loose af lol

fox2263 ,

When we first got a conference camera we got the older Conference Cam 3000 and our boss made us put it up there against my suggestion. When it came down for the decorator, I put it back up but under the TV and no one complained and there it stayed! It eventually died and since I’m the boss now pretty much I replaced it with the Rally which I really like. But I’ve put the speakers on the table underneath rather than wall mount, with some good distance between.

Strange how this room looks similar to mine, minus the ceiling art.

englislanguage ,

If you put microphones into the table, the audio will be horrible, catching up any surface acoustic waves from any noise on the table. Like if someone touches the table anywhere, this will be caught by the microphone. If someone puts down a hard item to the table anywhere (e.g. a pen, fingertips with fingernails, smartphone) you won't be able to hear anyone in the room through microphones due to the transient noise.

9tr6gyp3 ,

The audio will not be horrible. Those mics are designed to be mounted into tables with a particular mount. They are padded underneath to eliminate that vibration. Also, the Rally Plus system is only looking for voice signatures and has some very good AEC built into it.

helenslunch , avatar

This just happened at all the checkout counters when I was at Home Depot...

MalReynolds , avatar

Fairly universally the worst moment (Mine was actually validating, but ppl seem to hate it)

Bytemeister ,

Have you tried turning it off and on aga.... Oh nevermind. Carry on.

Timecircleline ,

How did it go?!

InternetCitizen2 OP ,

I didn't defend, but it went well

Timecircleline ,

Well congratulations to the newly minted Dr!

Varven , avatar

Use arch

moon ,

the thesis was on why you should move to Linux

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