
MicrowavedTea , in Member states falling short of Digital Decade goals, shows latest European Commission report

I get the other parts but why is there a target for 75% adoption of cloud and AI? It feels like solutions looking for problems instead of the other way around.

kbal , avatar

Recognizing that those goals are simply wrong should be one of those "basic digital skills" they talk about. I mean use cloud services and AI if you really need them, but it should not be encouraged.

Tiptopit , in Greece becomes first EU country to introduce a six-day working week

I mean in Germany the saturday is still a working day, it is just that 40 hours a week in 5 days are already considered as full time. For example the minimum vacation day by law are still calculated based on a six day work week.

CyberEgg , in Greece becomes first EU country to introduce a six-day working week

That headline is wrong. There were six-day working weeks before, we only moved forward and away from them.

Diplomjodler3 , in Europe's Ariane 6 rocket finally ready for liftoff

It's like bringing out a new and improved horse and buggy just after Ford introduced the Model T.

Foni , avatar

Sorry for my ignorance, but what would the Model T be here? And why does it make this rocket obsolete? I don't know much more about the subject than I see in the press.

federalreverse Mod ,

From the article:

Ariane 6’s first launch will use two boosters, with a more powerful four-booster version scheduled for liftoff in the middle of next year.

However, the boosters and other parts of the rocket are not reusable — unlike SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket.

Reusability of the rocket is a big thing because it reduces cost.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Precisely. Introducing a new rocket that is not reusable in this day and age instantly makes your product obsolete.

Foni , avatar

That's fine, but is that so essential right now that it can be compared to going from a horse-drawn carriage to a car? I mean, do you think there won't be room for disposable launchers anymore?

Thanks for answering

poVoq OP Mod , avatar

It's just not cost competitive at all anymore.

One can argue about having a disposable second stage (like Falcon-9) vs. full re-usability (like the upcoming Starship), as the latter is not very efficient fuel wise. But not having a reusable first stage just makes it way too expensive to be able to compete in the currently market dominated by the Falcon-9.

Foni , avatar

Thanks for the explanations, I hope that ESA develops something more updated soon

HowRu68 , in Italy: lawyers file complaints of Uyghur forced labour over tomato paste exported from China's Xinjiang region

I saw a 50 min. documentary by DW about slave labour in China. It seems it's worse than I imagined. They sort of mentioned like two or three other minorities iirc , that were being detained, and ofcourse, everybody who disagrees with the policy of the supreme leader as well.

0x815 OP ,

Yes, that's a very illuminating documentary. DW shows just half of it, the entire film has around 90 minutes and was available at until three or so weeks ago. Maybe Arte TV puts it online again at a later time.

kbal , in [from !] Spain - Adults who want to enter porn websites must have a 'digital card' with 30 accesses valid for 30 days avatar

El Mundo according to google translate:

The problem is that the Agency only has powers for companies and internet providers with their main establishment in Spain and that is why it seeks to extend its project worldwide.

For this reason, in addition to explaining it in the US and before the EC, it has been presented to the Plenary of the European Data Protection Committee, where work is being done under age verification criteria and it is expected that some criteria will be approved before the summer based on the Spanish proposal.

Justas , in 30-degree heat is the new normal in Lithuania – experts avatar

This summer hasn't been that bad yet, I swam in a lake on Sunday at 28C but have to wear an extra layer today at 22C. Frequent rain helps too.

Maultasche , in Orbán meeting with Zelenskyy in Kyiv right now

The closest, Zelensky has been to one one of Putin's agents in a while.

TheGrandNagus , in [from !] Spain - Adults who want to enter porn websites must have a 'digital card' with 30 accesses valid for 30 days


EherNicht , in [from !] Spain - Adults who want to enter porn websites must have a 'digital card' with 30 accesses valid for 30 days

There is this browser using the Onion Network.

Sagan OP , avatar

Indeed, and other several ways to avoid the measure. I'm not even sure how they are technically going to try to implement this, but except banning VPNs, good luck.

passepartout , avatar

Guess I'll just not be able to work without vpn lol.

passepartout , avatar

The Onion network is too slow for porn. You'd also take away bandwidth from other people who arguably benefit more from it.

EherNicht ,

Without experience myself, I‘ve heard that some onion routes are fast enough. Some are not.

kbal , in [from !] Spain - Adults who want to enter porn websites must have a 'digital card' with 30 accesses valid for 30 days avatar

No need to resort to using tor. I'm sure there will be plenty of clearnet websites around the world that provide what people are looking for without much caring about what the government of Spain has to say about things. Increasingly many, I expect, as it becomes impossible to comply with every one of these ridiculous laws around the world.

bacondragonoverlord , in Now The EU Council Should Finally Understand: No One Wants “Chat Control”

The logo in the lock is wrong.

That's the logo of the council of Europe not the council of the European Union.

It doesn't look like a great news source if you get stuff like that wrong.

federalreverse Mod ,

EFF is an American association of internet activists, not a news source. This is essentially a press release. Them getting the logo wrong is probably on brand for an American organization. (I wouldn't know the right logo off the top of my head either, but I know there are multiple councils and double-check.)

Ephera , in Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent

The rightwing extremist party of Germany, AfD, also has ties to Russia...

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Isn't it weird how all these stridently isolationist voices are taking Russian money? I just can't seem to connect this dot. Putin must really hate woke 🙃

muse , avatar

Odd. I wish I could find some Foundations of Geopolitics to explain these things.

YourPrivatHater , avatar

Same with the left wing... Oh and your instance. 💀

CyberEgg ,

Wrong. You're spreading desinformation.

YourPrivatHater , avatar

Bro BSW is literally putin dicksucking championship and is run by redfash people. (antisemitic redfash to be specific)

grallo ,

I am not sure if I would really call BSW a left party.

YourPrivatHater , avatar

They are. They are redfash. Talking about the horseshoe is one thing, but lets use the political Compass, they are peek Auth left and AFD is peek Auth right, they can work together to destroy democracy, wich is their long therm goal, or rather the goal of the Countries behind both parties. (Russia and China)

schnokobaer ,

BSW is already evaluating their chances at a majority in coalition with AfD and who knows else, but certainly not with any leftist party. To consider them left is showing a fundamental lack of basic understanding of the German political landscape.

YourPrivatHater , avatar

They are left, tankies are left. And they are redfash tankies.

And its not uncommon for faschistoids to work together, especially when they are both sponsored by Russia and China...

They should both not be allowed to exist.

CyberEgg ,

You're right about, but I wouldn't really call BSW left. It has some left position on labour, but besides that... Nope.

And Die Linke seems to have gotten rid of Putin bootlickers with the departure of Sabra Wagenknecht and her peers.

YourPrivatHater , avatar

They are as left as the SED was with a more immigrant hate. Redfash/Tankies.

CyberEgg ,

At best, you have no idea of what you're talking about. At worst, you're spilling BS on purpose.

YourPrivatHater , avatar

I think you should learn some politics.

CyberEgg ,

Yada yada yada.

Don_alForno ,

BSW is not left wing though.

cows_are_underrated ,

And China

xploit , in Orbán meeting with Zelenskyy in Kyiv right now

Did he get lost on his way to Moscow or something?

jherazob , in Now The EU Council Should Finally Understand: No One Wants “Chat Control” avatar

In the coming EU council presidency, which will be led by Hungary...

Oh, the next one will be lead by Orban, yeah, they'll happily drop the surveillance proposal, yeah right...

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