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Ooops , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Und täglich grüßt die Umfrage
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Dir ist doch nicht etwa aufgefallen, dass die von der FDP öffentlich gelobte "Technologieoffenheit" schon im Erstentwurf enthalten war und sie das trotzdem nicht abhalten konnte, das Gesetz noch 3-4 mal zu blockieren um das, was bereits drin stand, nochmal zu fordern? Wie konnte das bloß passieren, wo es doch so subtil war, dass es professionelle Journalisten scheinbar nicht bemerkt haben?

Ooops , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Und täglich grüßt die Umfrage
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nee, Ablenkung: Es ist egal, wenn die Leute noch hundert mal klar für das Verbrenner-Aus abstimmen. Am Ende haben sie dann nämlich gar nicht gemerkt, wie ein weiteres Propaganda-Märchen (es gibt gar kein Verbrenner-Aus!) Teil des öffentlich Diskurses geworden ist. Und Konservative können noch über Jahre hinweg mit Forderungen Stimmung machen, die längst erfüllt sind.

Ooops , an Europe in ‘They call us Nazis’: inside the wealthy German town where the far right is on the rise
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

That already happened a long time ago.

On one hand nazi is just a meaningless word for "I don't agree with them" but on the other hand the actual risk are all those left-green fascist degenerates trying to destroy the country... Why would the fascists have called themselves national socialists if they weren't left. wink wink

Ooops , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Grünen-Politikerin bei Angriff in Göttingen leicht verletzt
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Er ist offenbar besorgt, durch den von den Grünen initiierten Niedergang Deutschlands und wir müssen jetzt ganz dringend zuhören, auf ihn zugehen und ihm klar machen, dass wir seine Ängste verstehen!

Ooops , an Europe in Macron To Meet Scholz, Marking First State Visit By A French President To Germany In 24 Years - News18
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Not on an official state visit at least...

Ooops , an Wehrhafte Demokratie in Rechtsextreme Straftaten 2024: Anstieg um 50 Prozent
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Rechtsextreme Straftaten steigen massiv -> die Gesamtmenge an Straftaten in der Statistik steigt -> "Wir müssen endlich die ganzten kriminellen Ausländer abschieben, um Deutschland wieder sicher zu machen!" -> und wieder zurück zu Schritt 1...

Scheint doch alles wie am Schnürchen zu laufen.

Ooops , an linuxmemes in In some cultures, that is considered an honor Samantha!
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nope, this is "Your system ran out of memory and now this program isn't reacting anymore (it's trying to allocate memory but there is no free memory left). Please stop the program or try to get rid of some of its subprocesses to free up memory."

Ooops , (Bearbeitet ) an Europe in Yanis Varoufakis sues the German state
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Do I condemn Hamas’ atrocities?

I condemn every single atrocity, whomever is the perpetrator or the victim [...], at the same time, I celebrate anyone who risks their life to TEAR DOWN THE WALL.


Are Israelis not justified to fear that Hamas wants to exterminate them?

Of course they are! Jews have suffered a Holocaust that was preceded with pogroms and a deep-seated antisemitism permeating Europe and the Americas for centuries.


So, let’s be clear: If Jews were under attack, anywhere in the world, I would be the first to canvass for a Jewish Congress in which to register our solidarity.

(from the speech published later, when he was not allowed to talk there...)

So in short:

  • I normaly condemn violence in general but I don't condemn Hamas but cheer for them.
  • The only antisemitism Israel should be afraid of comes from Europe and America.
  • No Jew in the world was actually attacked... as I would have stood with them then.

What an impressive example of a voice of reason for Palestina... totally not an antisemitic, lying populist cheering for Hamas' attacks while at the same time denying any Jew got attacked. What a f****ng 🤡.

Ooops , an Europe in Eurovision expresses disappointment over performer wearing pro-Palestinian symbol
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Thank you for perfectly demonstrating my point. You are an idiot thinking this is a team sport, "your" side is right and everybody not sharing your exact opinion is wrong and the enemy.

And because everyone is the same on that "other side" I somehow become a zionist bombing civilians in your alternative world view, although I could impossibly qualify for that definition by any degree.

And also because everything on your side needs to be righteous you twist reality to fit your view. I explicitly asked how to effectively separate Palestinian civilians in Gaza from their de facto Hamas governmemnt. Yet somehow in your brain that question translated to the exact opposite of what I actually said: That somehow every civilan in Gaza is part of Hamas.

Seriously... how fucked up is your delusion that things you read instantly transform to mean something completely different, just so they fit the imaginary point you are trying to make?

Ooops , an Europe in Eurovision expresses disappointment over performer wearing pro-Palestinian symbol
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Hamas plans a genocide of Jews on one hand -without limited success so far, but not for a lack of trying- and actively helps with worsening the situation in Gaza on the other because they can use deaths there for their propaganda. Israel isn't shy about killing as many Palestinians as possible either, because not reacting to Hamas terror isn't an option, but any reaction will produce a negative reaction and tons of propaganda anyway. So why not go all in?

So which side are you talking about? The one commiting genocide or the genocidal one? No, Palestinian civilians are sadly not a valid side you can chose as they are de facto governed by Hamas in Gaza... unless you have a plan to separate one from the other somehow. Please then go on and tell the plan to world leaders unsuccessfully looking for such a solution for many, many years now.

Or in short: Pretending there are easy sides, with one being right and one wrong, is not a solution but indeed part of the problem.

Ooops , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Photovoltaik statt Gemüseacker – darum ist ein Bauer so sauer
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Weil dann müßten sie ja etwas umstellen und nicht wie sonst auch immer weitermachen.

Wein unter Photovoltaik, Mais rein für die Energieerzeugung abschaffen, und dafür dann sinnvollere Dinge anbauen wäre halt möglich und würde wahrscheinlich bessere Gesamtergebnisse einbringen. Aber das ist mit der Bauen-Ideologie oft nunmal nicht zu vereinbaren.

Oder das ist schon wieder so eine deutsche Besonderheit, dass Weinanbau unter Photovoltik in Frankreich funktioniert aber nicht in Deutschland. So wie Wärmepumpen in Skandinavien funktionieren aber es in Detuschland dafür zu kalt ist...

Ooops , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Photovoltaik statt Gemüseacker – darum ist ein Bauer so sauer
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Weil wenn man deren Misswirtschaft, wie beispielsweise Mais nur zur Energieerzeugung, was elendig ineffizient ist, nicht mit Steuergeldern belohnt, steigen die wieder in Ihre Trecker und gefährden mit nachts auf der Straße plazierten Hindernissen Leben, bis man einlenkt.

Bauern halt... oder wie war das korrekte Wort für so ein Verhalten?

Ooops , an linuxmemes in Linux Salesman
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Canonical is basically the closed to corporate Linux you will find on the free distro market... They are pushing stuff you don't want for marketing reasons (for example their own proprietary Snaps when a better working open source solution already exists with Flatpack), love their telemetry (can be mostly disabled for now, but given the defaults and their other behavior we can already see where this is heading) and in general decide more alongside their latest business plan than actually making sense or listening to users.

Ooops , an Europe in Germany bans Yanis Varoufakis from entering the country - DiEM25 Communications
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nothing outrageous about banning a liar and propagandist from spreading lies and propaganda in our country.

Ffs... he even published the speech he was going to give there and it was hard to swallow so much bullshit. On the plus side, he basically answered questions about Hamas atrocities and their threat to Israel with (paraphrasing) "I condemn atrocities in general but here I celebrate the people that attacked Israel" and "What threat? Israel is only afraid because of rampant anti-semitism in Europe and America".

So we know were he stands and if you ask me he can go get fucked with the Hamas buddies he supports.

Ooops , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Verheimlichte Politiker-Interviews bei ARD & ZDF? | NDR
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Die Kommentare sind echt das geilste... und die perfekte Darstellung der Tatsache, dass relevante Teile der Bevölkerung einfach verloren sind und nicht mehr willens oder in der Lage sind die Realität wahrzunehmen.

Die schauen sich ein gerade mal 18 Minuten langes Video an, scrollen runter, um zu kommentieren, aber haben in ihren Hirnwindundungen da schon alles verdreht und kommentieren dann stattdessen irgendwelche Märchen, die sie gerade gehört zu haben glauben.

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