
foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I'm writing rust without fully understanding the language. Pray for me.

Actually I guess that's true of most language I program in? Like, I'm sure there's some obscure python syntax or behavior I can't remember, despite calling myself a python programmer and having done it professionally for many years.

but my point was more that I barely know any rust. there's entire parts of syntax I don't understand yet. but I'm coding anyway!

nougcat ,
@nougcat@ohai.social avatar
vikriti ,
@vikriti@dopamine.social avatar

@foone seems like rust has been screaming back

SwiftOnSecurity , Englisch
@SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

One of the biggest security expertise redpills is this is unironically a good idea and the time spent making fun of it was ill-advised for most users whose physical security threat is not a factor in comparison.

SwiftOnSecurity OP ,
@SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

Overcoming the incentive to dunk on “users” behavior is an important element in maturing your security understanding. You have a set of levers to pull. Human nature is not one of them. Deal with that or be a righteous failure.

g ,
@g@irrelephant.co avatar

@SwiftOnSecurity I just switched over from the LinkedIn app and a user bashing thread.

Turns out it’s true, most security breaches are caused by human error, it’s just maybe not the human that clicked in the link who made the mistake.

fasterthanlime , Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

I'm reading up about C++ move semantics and I don't understand why anybody in the history of humankind has ever tried defending this language.

fasterthanlime OP ,
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

@tuvok @nicolas17 I’m not trying to change C++. I was just making sure that it is exactly as bad as I discovered it is! Thanks for your input though.

bb010g ,
@bb010g@pony.social avatar

@fasterthanlime The C++ standard still doesn't have basic lifetime semantics, correct. However, you can look to the C++ Core Guidelines, which does provide lifetime semantics through types like gsl::owner<T>, in conjunction with toolchain support (compilers, linters). You'd be particularly interested in P1179 from Herb Sutter, “Lifetime safety: Preventing common dangling” (in repo, v1.0 release blog post (2018-09-20)), a.k.a. the C++ Core Guidelines Lifetime Profile. Here's a short overview blog post (2020-01-22) from Daniel Martín.

MSVC implements a decent amount, including the Lifetime Profile (release blog post (2019-01-24), follow-up blog post (2022-12-13)), and Microsoft provides the Microsoft GSL (licensed MIT) implementation of the Guideline Support Library.

Clang 18.1.0 implements -Wdangling-gsl and clang-tidy 18.1.0 implements a set of cppcoreguidelines-* checks, including cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory, but Clang itself has not implemented P1179. Matthias Gehre and Gábor Horváth did implement P1179 in a Clang downstream (EuroLLVM 2019 talk (2019-04-08–09) (video, slides, blog post from Herb Sutter (2019-05-03), cfe-dev RFC) as -Wlifetime (note that the README there contains some useful links), but it hasn't been upstreamed and development is inactive. For some newer discussion, see LLVM forum thread “[RFC] Lifetime annotations for C++” (2022-04-01) from Martin Brænne, Rosica Dejanovska, Gábor Horváth, Dmitri Gribenko, & Luca Versari. I'd personally recommend using gsl-lite (licensed MIT) for your GSL implementation when using compilers other than MSVC.

GCC doesn't implement the Core Guidelines AFAICT.

cppfront plans to implement Lifetime Profile–style static analysis AFAICT (e.g. discussion (2023-08-20), but I don't believe that's happened yet.

You may additionally find “C++ safety, in context” (2024-03-11) from Herb Sutter useful.

fasterthanlime , (Bearbeitet ) Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

Well, I'm curious now — macOS users, are you a "developer" and do you have Finder set to "show hidden files"?

shooboo ,
@shooboo@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasterthanlime do file save/open dialogs count as Finder? Desktop? Because if not than I don’t even know what it’s supposed to be useful for when you have a shell?

fasterthanlime OP ,
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

@shooboo they do, but you can always do Cmd+Shift+. to show them temporarily, or just Cmd+Shift+G to go to the thing directly if you know its path

fasterthanlime , Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

If you're sleeping on https://zed.dev "because AI" I get it, but you're genuinely missing out — it is an incredible engineering feat, a jewel of product design, and a very active ecosystem.

I think you owe it to yourself to find out what code editors could be.

h ,
@h@besties.house avatar

@fasterthanlime completely unusable on low DPI screens (ive got a 1080p monitor that is fairly big) at the moment cause the text rendering is dreadful. loved everything about it besides that i couldnt read clearly 😭😭
for anyone else with the same problem theres this github issue in case youd like to track this getting fixed: https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/7992

deadparrot ,
@deadparrot@mastodon.social avatar

@fasterthanlime 100% agree. I've been using Zed for over a year now and don't want to work with any other editor anymore. Going back to VSCode shows how awfully slow web-based editors are, and going to Neovim shows how inconvenient and brittle everything is if you don't want to spend time working on your config all day long. Zed combines the comfort of VSCode with the speed and tools from Neovim. Love it.

Volksverpetzer ,
@Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

Liebes ZDF, liebe Tagesschau, man hätte Weidel & Chrupalla nicht zu einem Live-Interview einladen müssen, um sie dann erst hinterher zu faktenchecken. Dass sie viel Desinformation verbreiten war klar. Warum zB nicht vorher aufzeichnen & Fakten bei Ausstrahlung einblenden?

(Ich meine, man sollte Vertreter rechtsextremer Parteien eigentlich gar nicht einladen, gleich nicht zwei Mal auf einmal und ihnen ohne Not eine Bühne für ihre Propaganda bieten. Aber das vielleicht zumindest als Kompromiss?!)

greenback ,
@greenback@det.social avatar

@Volksverpetzer Generell bin ich großer Fan von Live-Faktencheck. Wir hatten das beim OB-Wahlkampf in Mainz sogar bei großen Live-Diskussions-Runden mit Kandidierenden der demokratischen Parteien. Hat die Debatte interessanter gemacht, belebt, und geerdet

sbrinkmann ,
@sbrinkmann@mastodon.social avatar

@Volksverpetzer Die Idee finde ich sinnvoll. Die meisten Talks werden ja aufgezeichnet. Genau genommen sollte man dann aber auch die Aussagen anderer Politiker checken - allein aus Gründen der Fairness und damit die AFD nicht weiter an den Narrativ stricken kann, sie würde von den Medien ungerechnet behandelt.

arstechnica , Englisch
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

Congress accused advertisers group of colluding to tank X's revenue.


uberprutser ,
@uberprutser@vivaldi.net avatar

@arstechnica I'm also boycotting twitter, I hope musk won't suit me :)

nazokiyoubinbou ,
@nazokiyoubinbou@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica Can we PLEASE stop putting malignant narcissists in charge of things?

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

You know the "one dimensional thinking" trope, where people run directly away from falling/rolling objects, rather than run a small distance to the side?

I just saw a letsplayer do that in a space game! With full 3D movement!

In deep space, they realize they've over-accelerated, and are heading towards a small satellite 13km away at 500m/s. They go "oh no, I'm going to crash into it again!" and slam on the retrorockets.
To slow down.

18+ miss_rodent ,
@miss_rodent@girlcock.club avatar

@foone Honestly, I am super curious how much this might vary culturally?
Like, would people from a region without streets/roads and a heavy deendancy on travelling in cars along said streets in straight lines, be as prone to this as, say, an american, who's whole life has been defined by having to move in straight lines?

althearose ,
@althearose@digipres.club avatar

@foone and here we thought being hare-brained was an insult. Dodge and weave might just save your life (and your crew's)

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

it turns out if you try to git clone a youtube video, it doesn't work

foolishowl ,
@foolishowl@social.coop avatar

@foone It's the hard difficulty level on my favorite game, "What's in 'y clipboard?"

dwardoric ,
@dwardoric@chaos.social avatar

@foone 🤣

mattgrayyes , Englisch
@mattgrayyes@chaos.social avatar

I have just finished reading the Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells.
I thought it was great and now I have a hole that wants to be filled (hurr) with something similar.

It’s the combo of fast paced action, humour & sci-fi/space that I liked. Also nice it wasn’t a sausage fest, and had queer characters too.

Andy Weir’s stuff is similar when it comes to pacing & humour for me. But I’ve read it.

Any suggestions please?

Murderbot diaries:
https://amzn.to/462bOso (affiliate link)

WAHa_06x36 ,
@WAHa_06x36@mastodon.social avatar

@mattgrayyes Oh the Ancillary series is really good.

seb_ly ,
@seb_ly@mastodon.social avatar

@mattgrayyes oh you’re gonna love wayfarer! The first book is a space opera but they are all very different. I think the second is my favourite. Her monk and robot books are gorgeous.

Anne Leckie is harder and more serious but I absolutely love all of the ancillary series (and the other books in that universe).

I find Tchaikovsky a little hit and miss (his books can just get too dark and gross sometimes) but children of time is very unique and I liked that about it.

karolherbst , Englisch
@karolherbst@chaos.social avatar

I need a -O-1 flag in clang

CodingThunder ,
@CodingThunder@mastodon.social avatar

@karolherbst Isn't -O0 exactly that? The manpages atleast seems to suggest so...

karolherbst OP ,
@karolherbst@chaos.social avatar

@CodingThunder sometimes there are some annoying language rules in the way, like integer promotion in C, which would cause an 8 bit addition to get represented as conversion to 32 bit, 32 bit add and a conversion to 8 bit

Volksverpetzer ,
@Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

Etliche AfD-Politiker und sogar Abgeordnete haben Stasi-Vergangenheit. Einige verschwiegen dies Jahrzehnte lang - die Partei stört das nicht.

besorgtergutmensch ,
@besorgtergutmensch@ruhr.social avatar

@Volksverpetzer War das nicht der Grund warum niemand die Linke wählen durfte? Und warum die nicht so viel im Fernsehen stattfinden dürfen?
Ich weiß es nicht, ich stell ja nur Fragen...

petunientopf ,
@petunientopf@mastodon.social avatar

@Volksverpetzer gab es da nicht auch ein zwei Mauerschützen drin?

foone , (Bearbeitet ) Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

Am I misremembering, or was there some cryptographic system where you could set up a container and have two keys to it, each of which provided a different file with no way for anyone to prove the other file/key existed?

ie, if the authorities forced you to decode it, you could give them the fake key and they'd only get the fake contents, and they couldn't prove that you have another key which reveals other contents?

Edit: it was truecrypt/veracrypt. Thanks!

aCrownOfMoths ,
@aCrownOfMoths@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@foone a few years ago I made a game that shipped on a very limited number of USB sticks. If you played it with the USB plugged in, it would play the actual game, if you copied the folder off and removed the USB it launched into a different B-side version of the game. I think adding encryption to something like that would genuinely be really cool

ppxl ,
@ppxl@social.tchncs.de avatar

@foone ofc never gonna give you up.mp4

SwiftOnSecurity , Englisch
@SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

Telling children they are living in a dying world is an essential evil we don’t really have terminology for. Children cannot fix your sins through shame and abortion of hope. You are the villain in their story, not their savior - peddling nothing actualizing change, only dred.

that_ac ,
@that_ac@hachyderm.io avatar


I feel like this just goes here Tay.

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  • ErsatzLogic ,

    @SwiftOnSecurity On one hand, yeah to a point. On the other hand at least in the US my kid has been doing active shooter drills since preschool.

    So, I don’t think they need me to tell them the way the world is. I just honestly answer as best I can about what can be done, what isn’t being done, etc. But you are right that a parent shouldn’t be further pounding home the terror any more than they need to keep their kid immediately safe. Kids have eyes and ears and brains enough to see a lot of it on their own.

    foone , Englisch
    @foone@digipres.club avatar

    A discussion from Tumblr about my Brazilian Pride Flag Conflict re: VGAPride got reposted on reddit, and it's hilarious how different the reaction is.

    So many people there are like "why are you having this problem? MS-DOS? just design the flag in inkscape or g*mp! why would you want to design a pride flag for DOS?"

    It's real sad. They just don't understand why anyone would write software to display pride flags on DOS.

    favretto ,
    @favretto@mastodon.social avatar

    @foone and to imagine the bullshit they tell us that the green is for the forests yellow for the gold and riches and blue for the sky and rivers.

    And not because the republicans were lazy and just put a blue circle with the sky atop the former Brazil empire flag, no, that surely couldn't be it

    ppxl ,
    @ppxl@social.tchncs.de avatar

    @foone that reminds me that Wikipedia this is about a lot of things being public domain when there definitely entities who own said things in one or another level of intellectual property regulation.

    Once I had a very interesting debate with a Transport for London person when I desired a Security BSides London logo.

    And just recently I learned that the nginx logo is is owned as a image/text brand in Germany's brand registers. 🤐

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