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Mr_Dr_Oink , in We are all gonna die

Like hey scoob! It's the g-g-g-g... ghostbusters!

jdeath , in We are all gonna die

that's just florida

yogthos , in Who needs Skynet avatar

The root problem is capitalism though, if it wasn't AI it would be some other idiotic scheme like cryptocurrency that would be wasting energy instead. The problem is with the system as opposed to technology.

Samvega ,

The root problem is human ideology. I do not know if we can have humans without ideology.

davel , avatar

This sounds like some Žižekian nonsense. Capitalism’s Court Jester: Slavoj Žižek

Samvega ,

I'm open to trying a non-Capitalist system, but I'm pretty sure hierarchical bullshit will happen and the majority will end up being exploited.

Whether anyone else is open to it before humans extinguish themselves, I don't know.

Wxnzxn , avatar

If you think that sounds like "Žižekian nonsense", then you obviously don't understand what Žižek argues, because he clearly doesn't say anything silly like "human ideology" (or "Žižekianism", for that matter). The article you posted also does wonders completely breaking down Žižek as an abonimable human being - while not truly engaging with his ideas. It is pretty worthless, takes things deliberately out of context, and, after rigorously defining him as a persona non grata, invests no proper effort to do what actual communists like Marx and Lenin did - acknowledge that even enemies like that can give contributions to understanding, and things to learn from and work at doing so.

Does he sometimes spew bullshit? Absolutely. Does he believe in "human ideology" or spout anticommunism on a worse level than The Black Book of Communism, as the article wants to imply? Only if you deliberately misread and misinterpret him.

davel , avatar
Wxnzxn , avatar

Yeah, look, I did read the article, and the article, unlike the person who might very well have done that in their work, did not do that. All I see is the same flipping of materialist analysis into an ideological dogma, that becomes ahistoric, trying to repeat instead of following material developments towards communism. From a quick look at your links, there's even a lot I agree with, especially in criticising the French intellectuals. It still reads like a polemic removed from reality, that values its own farts more than understanding and working towards change, but it has value. And the article you linked in the beginning does nothing, but try to opportunistically recruit people away from one ideologue (which Zizek can definitiely be called) to another idealist "team" that tries to redirect proletarian material interests and analysis. You seem to think it's a contest of who can quote "great people" the best and who can be the most orthodox, which treats it all like a religion instead of a material movement to change the world and mode of production.

In the end, I fear, we will be on other sides of the river, each seeing "their idealist perversions" across from "our materialist analysis", but I at least won't cross the river for your side any time soon.

davel , avatar

Okay, Holden Caulfield, best of luck with your own personal, non-phony, left-libertarian revolution.

Wxnzxn , avatar

Nice burn, even brought in the "libertarian", at least be consistent, if I am a Zizekian heretic, I'm not an individualist libertarian who's afraid of authority, I am of course a liberal anticommunist reactionary who won't acknowledge the achievements of "really existing socialism". You strike me as someone who would have written a hit piece on Marx for profiting from British imperialism and his capitalist buddy Engels, citing the letter and his drinking habits to make clear that he is an immature mind, then join some utopian socialist fringe group.

davel , avatar

You strike me as someone who would have written a hit piece on Marx for profiting from British imperialism and his capitalist buddy Engels

I don’t why you’d have that impression, but you guessed wrong.

Can someone be a landlord and a communist at the same time?

<davel> It’s a red flag. At the highest level this boils down to whether that someone is consistently a traitor to their class.

In my estimation Engels was consistent.

his drinking habits to make clear that he is an immature mind

How are you deciding I would think anything like that from what little you know about me? Very strange assumptions.

yogthos , avatar

Nah, human ideology is much broader than a single economic system. The fact that people who live under capitalism can't understand this just shows the power of indoctrination.

Samvega ,

I'm not a fan of ideology.

yogthos , avatar

What you're saying is that you're not self aware enough to realize that you have an ideology. Everyone has a world view that they develop to understand how the world works, and every world view necessarily represents a simplification of reality. Forming abstractions is how our minds deal with complexity.

Samvega ,

I'm autistic.

Tryptaminev ,

Do you think people should be treated with respect? Do you think there should be consideration for your condition so you are not exempt from certain events, activities, opportunities?

These are matters of ideology. If you say yes to it, it is ideological in the same way when you say no to it. There is no inherent objective truth to these value questions.

Same for the economy. It doesn't matter if you think that growth should be the main objective, or that equal opportunity should be the focus or sustainability or other things. You will have to make a value judgement and the sum of these values represent your ideology.

Samvega ,

There is no inherent objective truth to these value questions.

I disagree. These values are based on objective observations.

mino , avatar

Objective observations made by what apparatus?

An absolute God?

Samvega ,

The idea that objectivity requires a God figure would seem to me to be Berkeleyan idealism.

yogthos , avatar

Observations may be objective, but the values are always subjective. Two different people can look at the same set of facts and come to entirely different conclusions of what constitutes desirable actions based on their world view.

Samvega ,

Two different people can disagree on whether a table is a table: this does not alter objective fact.

yogthos , avatar

You entirely missed the point of what I said. Two different people can agree on an objective fact that a table is a table, but disagree on whether it's a good looking table.

Sidyctism2 ,

What is an ideology to you?

Samvega ,

The dictionary definition.

Sodium_nitride ,

The root problem is never ideology, always material conditions. Ideology arises from material conditions and not the other way around.

kibiz0r ,

Right, but the technology has the system’s philosophy baked into it. All inventions encourage a certain way of seeing the world. It’s not a coincidence that agriculture yields land ownership, mass production yields wage labor, or in this case fuzzy plagiarism machines yield a transhuman death cult.

yogthos , avatar

Sure, technology is a product of the culture and it in turn influences how the culture develops, there's a dialectical relationship there.

kibiz0r ,

So why take the heat off of AI, as if profiting from mass plagiarism is different when it has an API instead of flesh and bone?

yogthos , avatar

Because as I explained in my original comment, if it's not AI it's going to be some other bullshit.

bassomitron , in Who needs Skynet

But what if we use AI in robots and have them go out with giant vacuums to suck up all the bad gasses?

My climate change solution consultation services are available for hire anytime.

pastel_de_airfryer ,

Careful! Last time I sarcastically posted a stupid AI idea, within minutes a bunch of venture capitalists tracked me down, broke down my door and threw money at me non stop for hours.

SlopppyEngineer ,

Robots figuring out that without humans releasing gas their job is a lot more efficient could cause a few problems.

Tryptaminev ,

Don't worry, they will figure out that without humans releasing gasses they have no purpose, so they will cull most of the human population but keep just enough to justify their existence to manage it.

Although you don't need AI to figure that one out. Just look at the relationships between the US intelligence and military and "terrorist groups".

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

Don’t worry, they will figure out that without humans releasing gasses they have no purpose, so they will cull most of the human population but keep just enough to justify their existence to manage it.

Unfortunately this statement also applies to the 1%. And the "just enough" will get smaller and smaller as AI and automation replace humans.

Hubi , in Who needs Skynet avatar

It's been a while since I've seen this meme template being used correctly

CodexArcanum ,

Turns out, most people think their stupid views are actually genius

mariusafa , in Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker…..

What of I told you there is an easier way of blocking ads: noscript.

xthexder , avatar

I guess you haven't heard they're experimenting with injecting ads right into the videos on the server. Just turning off scripts won't do anything for that.

mariusafa ,

Yeah I've seen it on twitch. We are joeover.

TwanHE ,

Sponsor block gives me a nice list of options to do in that case: skip automatically, show a skip button or ignore. All based on what type of interruption there is.

spongeborgcubepants ,

Depending on your country, these ads still need to be marked clearly as such. And for accessibility reasons, that mark will always be machine readable.

So blockers will be fine.

nexussapphire , in Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker…..

So the final step is the internet blows up?

Thcdenton , in it's the only halfway decent radio station in my area

You had me until the Imagine Drangons jumpscare

Mubelotix , in Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker….. avatar

Youtube is wasting ressources, it's a fight they can't win

Freefall ,

Exactly this. They ALWAYS lose this fight.

cRazi_man , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

They have infinite resources. They're making gestures to dissuade normies. I suspect this will get them most of the result they want. They're also wasting time, effort and resources of adblock programmers (and that is a far more limited resource).

Mubelotix , avatar

Sure but as long as there is a least one dedicated bearded dude hidden in a dark underground room behind his screen, they will be defeated. No matter how much they spent on the new technology. What I mean is that devs might burn out, they will still be replaced by others. And we get such people faster than youtube is able to burn them out

lemonmelon ,

If they had infinite resources, they wouldn't need to worry about adblockers.

Lyricism6055 ,

They aren't worried about them. They are squeezing what they can out of the platform.

Iirc YouTube has a positive revenue now

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Because they wouldn’t need advertising?

zarathustrad ,

They don't need to actually unblock everything. They just need to convince their advertisers and stock holders they are.

reddithalation ,

nah, if they embed the ad into the video stream (they were testing this for some users!), the only adblocking option will be to blank out the screen and wait through the ad (or download the video in advance and edit the ad out automatically), both of which would make it a lot more annoying to adblock than currently.

Mubelotix , avatar

No, you just need to skip the ad. Sponsorblock has been working for years now, solving pretty much the same problem

Zwiebel ,

Sponsor Block relies on the ads being at the same timestamp for all users

Mubelotix , avatar

They can be detected

reddithalation ,

nope, the ad time varies unlike a sponsor segment, and also youtube would not let you skip through an ad while streaming it, whereas sponsors you can, hence the download and edit out with LLM or whatever algorithm works best

Mubelotix , avatar

It can be detected

reddithalation ,

yes, but if youtube only serves you the real video chunks after your client plays through the ad chunks (all in the same media stream to the client), theres gonna be some waiting involved, not like adblocking today where it is instant.

Mubelotix , avatar

You could trick youtube into believing you are ahead in the video so that it fills the buffer earlier

DevilOfDoom ,

YouTube Revanced already has a blocker for sponsor segments embedded in the video.

reddithalation ,

you can skip through sponsor segments, but these are ads from youtube, not from the creator, and youtube will not let you conveniently skip through the ads. if implemented correctly, youtube could ensure that the ad is fully played, which would need downloading and automatic editing to counter.

Tlaloc_Temporal ,

How would they determine if the ad is played without trusting the client? I guess they could screw with the buffer, but that would really piss of people with poor internet, and most people would prefer an ad-length black screen to whatever attention wrenching dark pattern manipulative brown noise wants to infect your mind today.

reddithalation ,

That is an interesting question. From what I know, youtube has every video in chunks that they serve to the client, and so server side ad injection is just serving some ad chunks before the video. I think you're right with the buffer thing, it seems to me like the only way to make sure the client can't skip it would be to make the buffer shorter, impacting some people (although seems like only really people with internet thats fast enough for streaming some seconds, but not other seconds, which is an odd catagory)

Ultimately it would be a tradeoff for youtube, but the fact that they put the effort into doing mass testing of the idea at all shows that clearly there are some good incentives, and it may eventually be implemented.

zarathustrad ,

Don't worry, I have been using the powerful technology of "the mute button" and "doing other stuff" since before cable TV existed. We always have alternatives.

skulblaka , avatar

This is actually one of very few valid cases for an LLM, to help sponsorblock determine ad segments by analyzing the word choice and speech patterns in segments of the video.

franklin , in it's the only halfway decent radio station in my area avatar

Voice Quills amazing dub of this meme.

Console_Modder OP , avatar

I definitely didn't post this meme because I saw that video

xJREB , in Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker…..

Is Google Chrome fighting uBlock country-specific? I use Chrome on Win 10 with uBlock and haven't seen a YouTube ad outside of the mobile app in ages. For me, uBlock never stopped working in Chrome and I watch YouTube videos every 1-2 days.

Mubelotix , avatar

Ublock publishes patches so fast you never had a problem


Wow, these guys are even more awesome than I thought then...

boatsnhos931 , in I'm helping I promise!

Damn homie, looks like you need a grinder

Spacehooks , in Cant have the threat of a good example now can we?

Then complain refugees are coming from said country.

Land_Strider ,

Great excuse to radicalize people for blood thirst and war, isn't it?

Tiltinyall ,

The nationality with the highest count crossing the border currently is Venezuela. Checks out...

misterundercoat , in Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker…..

Mushroom mushroom

aStonedSanta ,

Ad ad oooohhhhh it’s an ad.

PersonalDevKit ,

It's a big ad
It's a big ad
Fooooooorrr beer

Mushroom mushroom badger badger

JargonWagon ,

Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker blocker

Koyaanisqatsi , in Ad blocker blocker blocker blocker…..

Blocker & Blocker

2 Blocker 2 Blocked

Blocker Tokyo Drift


Zdvarko ,

Block of the Bockers; Return of the Blockings

TheBat , avatar


tominator ,

The Final Blocker

The Final Blocker 2: Electric Boogaloo

solidgrue ,

Blocker 3
Blocker Resurrection
Blocker vs Inline
Blocker vs Inline: Requiem
Blocker: Covenant
Blocker: Romulus

CeeBee_Eh ,

The new timeline reboot:

  • Blocker: The beginning
  • The Blocker Returns
  • The Dark Blocker
  • Blocker Homecoming
  • Rise of the Blockers
  • Dawn of the Blockers
  • War of the Blockers
  • Kingdom of the Blockers

And to bring it full circle:

  • Planet of the Blockers
yngmnwntr ,

I truly hope the new planet of the apes franchise is building to an actual planet of the apes remake. Time traveling astronauts and shattered statue of liberty. I feel like they're already sowing the seeds for human mutants living underground worshipping an unexploded atomic bomb. Man those movies were weird.

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