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Socsa ,

Good sir or madam, you are mistaken, for I have also read Lenin.

Let us not speak of the time I read Chomsky, for I was quite confused by the open disdain for autocracy.

Ok, well I didn't actually read all of it, just the excerpts on

Socsa ,

Maybe in 1637. These days, the Wealth of Nations is no longer primarily derived from things which can be looted.

Socsa ,

A good or service can be tied to a physical resource, but still cannot be easily transferred by simple conquest.

Socsa ,

And you think the solution to that is to force me to use a government porn tracking service?

How about you be responsible for your kids, and I'll be responsible for mine. I do not care what your kids do on the internet.

Socsa ,

Hey, you forgot being the world's slowest payment processor

Socsa ,

Which is exactly why this is a stupid idea.

Socsa ,

When I was in middle school I had a kid who would pay me a dollar per picture to print out porn for him. Of course he got caught and told on me and his mom called my mom and I was just like "no, that's impossible you put porn filters on the computer."

So anyway, the moral of the story is that if you want to raise your kid to be a powerful STEM overlord, and a liar, and an entrepreneur - try to take away their porn.

Socsa ,

I'd wager the vast majority of us don't actually give a shit what other people's kids do on the internet, but also don't have the energy to be an outspoken "free the porn" activist.

Socsa ,

That's the insidious part of all this - the government will set up captive portals which require you to verify yourself to get outside the federal network. It will start with porn, then it will be VPNs, and so on. This is just a very convenient excuse to establish the infrastructure and process framework which will eventually be used to kill the open internet by a million cuts.

Socsa , (Bearbeitet )

Well the idea is to raise my kids not to be sexually repressed so they don't latch on to the first thing which shows them the smallest modicum of sexual attention.

They are free to make their own mistakes. Hopefully they learn from them. If they don't then it is what it is. I'm not here to dismantle the western framework of individual liberty for the misguided idea that it will prevent kids from having bad sex.

France asks two Chinese spies to leave the country after attempt to forcibly repatriate exiled Chinese dissident ( ) Englisch

The order came from the Elysée Palace but had to remain secret so as not to offend Beijing. The head of the Paris office of the Ministry of State Security (MSE, or Guoanbu), the Chinese intelligence agency, and his deputy were asked to leave France....

Socsa ,

a man was being restrained by a group of seven individuals who were leading him toward the boarding gates despite his resistance.

Obviously just a misunderstanding

Finland’s free contraception initiative reduces teen abortions by 66% ( ) Englisch

Finland’s multifaceted approach to preventing teenage abortions has proven highly effective, with a 66 percent reduction reported between 2000 and 2023. This large drop, owing to free contraception and obligatory sex education, serves as a model for public health programs....

Socsa ,

Stories like this only serve to reinforce the mistaken idea that conservatives actually care about abortions. They don't. Conservatives care about power and control, and abortion is just a proxy for the kind of individual freedom which threatens them.

Socsa ,

That will teach those neolithic druids to think about their long term impact on the planet!

Socsa ,

Short term and nuclear do not belong in the same sentence. It takes a decade to build a single plant.

Socsa , (Bearbeitet )

This is pretty rich coming from a guy who unironically defends Stalin and Mao for "doing what needed to be done."

Edit - I mean there you have it. If I explain the meme I'll get banned but I think any reasonable person can appreciate the whiplash.

Socsa ,

Meh, you and I both know that we cannot have an honest discussion of Mao or Stalin's flaws on this instance, the same way we can have an honest discussion of Biden's.

Socsa ,

And Israel is the most advanced nation in the Levant, I guess.

Socsa ,

Does that include weapons manufacturers in Russia and China?

Socsa ,

I mean it's a pretty academic question. Do the merchants of war drive global conflict, or are they necessary for national defense? Or is the issue more nuanced?

Russia historically makes up about half the world's arms trade. Though that has declined in recent years due to Ukraine. So who is the chicken and who is the egg?

Fwiw, I tend to agree that arms manufacturers do play a role in driving global conflict, but it's also clearly A responding to B and B responding to A.

Socsa ,

This has also changed significantly since 2022 since Russia has effectively stopped exporting weapons. They used to be pretty close to the US in terms of total exports

Socsa ,

probably not ready for your mom

leg stretches

cracks neck

This is the moment I have been training for...

Socsa ,

I don't hate saying it. I have used Linux professionally and personally for 20 years now, and Ubuntu is just a solid choice for productivity. It has wide hardware support and even better user support. People hating on Ubuntu are Linux hipsters and their opinions can typically be dismissed.

Socsa ,

apt install nvidia-driver-xxx?

Sometimes you have to update the kernel headers too I guess.

Socsa ,

You can tell this is fake because the code interview actually tests basic knowledge instead of giving you 13 minutes to create a templated polymorphic class which accepts arbitrary flatbuffer arguments and implements factory pattern constructors written in Haskell, with the end goal of recursively sorting nanoparticles by bond strength. Intro level position, $8/hr, must supply your own MacBook.

Socsa ,

I don't understand why people are so defensive about this. Study after study shows that cats are fucking terrible for native ecosystems.

Not just that, outdoor cats live much shorter lives. There is literally no reason to put a cat outside unless you hate your pet and your ecosystem.

Socsa ,

Yeah, the fact that parts of Lemmy actually seems to embrace radical Idlam because it "fights the west" is pretty uncomfortable.

Socsa ,

Nobody would fuck with churches if churches stayed quiet and stopped trying to impose their morality on the rest of us. Because of religion we are losing fundamental human rights. I'd be pissed too.

Socsa ,

The problem is that you'll fall off the technical curve eventually. It's almost inevitable. Even if you read and study every day and keep up with every bit of technical meta, your brain will slowly turn to goo and you'll find it hard to stay ahead of younger engineers purely on technical competence alone. At a certain point you need to develop some form of leadership skills so you can turn your experience into a multiplier.

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