notjustbikes , Englisch avatar

It's annoying when people complain that my content is "too eurocentric". And after making my Shinjuku station video a lot of people are saying that "finally" there's some "non-eurocentric" content. 🙄

I make videos about MY experiences in cities. I don't summarize a bunch of facts you could easily find on Wikipedia, Twitter, or news articles, and then lazily recite it over stock footage.

I actually GO to places, experience them in person, and over 90% of my videos is footage I filmed myself.

notjustbikes OP , avatar

I live in Europe. I experience Europe. I go back to Canada once a year to see family.

That's not "eurocentric", those are my regular lived experiences.

I am not going to travel out of Europe (and Canada) regularly.

That's not not a realistic thing financially, but it's also completely irresponsible from a climate perspective, and wouldn't be fair to my family either.

And it bugs me because these comments show absolutely no respect for me, or the creative process behind my videos.

notjustbikes OP , avatar

Of course, these people don't actually care about my content. Calling my channel "eurocentric" is a virtue signal for them.

"Look at how worldly I am to consider people outside of Europe! 😇 Unlike this eurocentric YouTuber 🙄"

These people deserve the mountain of urbanist AI slop content being uploaded to YouTube every second.

Those channels aren't eurocentric!

They cover every topic on Wikipedia that can easily be summarized by ChatGPT! 🤦‍♂️

notjustbikes OP , avatar

Anyway, if you're ever curious as to why I hate comments, it should be clear by now. 😁

Unfortunately it's basically impossible for me to avoid reading any comments about my videos, because they show up in the most unlikely places (like under completely unrelated articles on all kinds of websites).

I'd have to avoid reading anything on the Internet at all.

Actually, now that I think about it, that might not be such a bad idea. 🤔

Damax , avatar

@notjustbikes stop reading mastodon too? 🫣

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@Damax lol, so far, no.

Most of the extreme ignorance and virtue signaling comes from Americans, and Mastodon already has a much more European and international audience.

And since I blocked a bunch of American servers, including some American "urbanist" and "cyclist" servers, my feed here has been great!

Er, I mean ... Mastodon is too "eurocentric"! How awful! 🤣

Damax , avatar

@notjustbikes I’m happy you don’t get discouraged by extremists, even those that message you privately to show you the finest car infested part of Japan … Me? No … only once 😅

ajsadauskas , avatar

@notjustbikes I watched your video today on Shinjuku and it was entertaining and insightful 😊

A lot of urbanist content on YouTube tends to really focus on North America. So some European balance is not necessarily a bad thing on tgat front.

Especially given that even some of the most car-centric cities in Europe tend to perform well against some of the best in North America.

And yes, there should be more videos on YouTube about HSR in China, or the excellent rail and metro systems in cities like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.

But they should be made by people living in those cities!

Your videos have singlehandedly inspired people in countless cities to advocate for Dutch-style protected bike lanes.

Keep up the great work! It's definitely appreciated! 😊

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@ajsadauskas thanks!

I agree that these videos should be made by people in those countries.

I never lived in Japan, but I've been there about a dozen times for business trips, which is why I think my Shinjuku video was so accurate and well-recieved by people who actually live there.

Unfortunately almost all urbanist YouTubers are Americans, and there are various socioeconomic and cultural explanations for that.

I link to international content often but sadly there's not a lot of it out there

number6 , avatar


Youtube comments are by far the lowest quality comments. I think there's a lot of people who are scolling at work or school.

I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to avoid those comments, at least.

dkwright , avatar

@notjustbikes Notjustbikes was the site that piqued my interest in urbanism. As a Canadian with strong European connections, you managed to put into words what I feel every time I go to Europe and return to Canada. Through you, I have discovered other great sites like Strong Towns, City Beautiful, etc. keep up the great work and don’t let the bastards bring you down.

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@dkwright yeah, you're doing it correctly. You got inspired, and found Strong Towns and other content relevant to you.

You're not expecting the first urbanist YouTuber you've found to make every urbanist video on every topic you want to watch.

a31 , avatar

@notjustbikes you have entered the next stage of the CGPGrey pipeline, detaching yourself from the internet more and more, until one day you just… ✨disappear✨

magalhini , avatar

@notjustbikes How dare you not travel to a new country every month to report back to us for free? You haven't even covered Fiji or Ittoqqortoormiit, not to mention you haven't talked about bike lanes in the Galápagos Islands. Unforgivable!

(we appreciate you and your content ❤️ as a European living in Montreal, you always hit the mark as far as I'm aware).

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@magalhini ironically I actually DO have footage of bikes lanes in the Galápagos Islands.

rrustema020 , avatar

@notjustbikes @magalhini O my, how much time must have gone wasted to make that point... Appreciated by me though!

prefec2 , avatar

@notjustbikes I find your videos insightful and I like watching them. In many cases, I put them in my bibliography to later link them in posts, as they are way better than my abilities to express the same thing in text.

In summary, I greatly appreciate your work.

stargazer , avatar

@notjustbikes ImustnotcommentImustnotcommentImustnotcommentI*must say thanks for you top notch content

damn... sorry😅

burne , avatar

@notjustbikes write only internet?

(But: I really liked your video about Shinjuku..)

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@burne thanks!

ombremad , avatar

@notjustbikes I’m slowly building up a custom uBlock Origin filter list which aims to remove all comment section from the Internet. I’m not even a creator but as a trans person I find life much more bearable now that I don’t have to stumble into people wanting me dead under any random news article or YouTube video. I don’t miss anything.

rrustema020 , avatar

@notjustbikes it could be a business model, let people pay before you read their comment. 10 cents per word to read it and 1 euro per word as answer. But there should be vetting process to make sure only new comments get through, not a duplicate of a previously answered one.

machinart , avatar

@notjustbikes You summed it up perfectly, these dumbasses don’t care.

As a European, (French), I can tell that you truly opened my mind! Not that I was a car centric person, but I really did not know much about urbanism, let alone the diversity of solutions, the past (I’m 24, I’ve never known Paris and Dunkirk full of tramways and pedestrians, and barely heard of it).

So, thank you so much for your content :-)

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@machinart Thanks!

ids1024 , avatar

@notjustbikes Somehow I suspect the people complaining about "eurocentrism" would also ignore cities in Latin America and Africa.

tanketom , avatar

@notjustbikes Haha, imagine if us Europeans would complain about the US-centricness on everything not European – that would be a full-time job!

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@tanketom this is so true.

I've been consciously trying to avoid American content online for a few years now and it's not easy. But my recommendations are so much better as a result.

Tangentially, I am so fed up with Americans who expect me to make videos telling them how to fix US cities.

Like, almost all urbanist content online is about the US already, and you want ME to make MORE of it? A Canadian who lives in Europe? Don't ask me! Go bug the >95% of urbanist creators who are American! 🤣

ombremad , avatar

@notjustbikes besides, people complaining about you being "eurocentric" are more often than not very US and Canada-centric

michaelrjohnson , avatar

@notjustbikes That’s obnoxious and disheartening.

I love your content as-is. Thanks for everything you’ve done! Orange pills for everyone!

oook , avatar

@notjustbikes how dare you live where you are living?

notjustbikes OP , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

@oook I know, right?

I should move every six months so that people consuming free content on the Internet don't have to take the trouble of having to find a video from another channel about a location that they prefer.

Craigp , avatar

@notjustbikes From another angle, it means you're respected as a world-class authority to the point where people just assume you're an international team!

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@Craigp lol. Yeah, these people, plus the conspiracy theorists who have convinced themselves that I only talk about this stuff because of the fat cheques I recieve from the WEF and George Soros.

Still waiting on those cheques ...

maysaynya , avatar

@notjustbikes making a generous reading, maybe the very professional presentation of your channel leads to a certain detachment from you as an individual? your videos are very well produced and you rarely (never?) appear in them yourself visually, so people see them produced more by a company than by a person, as just educational content and not also a recounting of your own experiences. if a company were producing the same content as you then an accusation of eurocentrism would make more sense.

plactagonic , avatar

@notjustbikes your videos made me appreciate the little (a lot for Americans) bike/public transport infrastructure that is in my town.

Other than that I would never move to North America.

You may visit Brno if or when you are in Czech Republic. We have one of the largest trolley bus networks in Europe.

mcv , avatar


And it bugs me because these comments show absolutely no respect for me, or the creative process behind my videos.

That's unavoidable with open comment sections on the internet. There will always be idiots, there will always be people who are missing the context or the point. It's a waste of energy to worry about it.

Appreciate the useful comments and ignore the irrelevant ones.

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@mcv sadly at my scale it's nearly impossible to just ignore the bad ones.

With an audience of over a million, the signal to noise ratio is so bad that the good comments get completely buried.

That's why I try to avoid reading comments entirely.

pkraus , avatar

@notjustbikes Flying places is just dumb anyway. Good on you for not doing that.

There's this guitarist on YT who flew from Nashville, Tennessee to Guildford, England just to try some other dead dude's guitar, back in 2020. Promptly got COVID, ended up in a hospital, and then his wife cried about it on Twitter. Fastest unsubscribe ever.

cshentrup , avatar

@notjustbikes you really don't have to justify yourself. Just tell them to fuck off.

JustinH , avatar

@notjustbikes Hello Mr YouTube I require you to come live in my city for ten years and make a video about it or I'm unsubscribing.

haentz , avatar

@notjustbikes i like how your videos are curiouscentric. I feel like we can learn so much from the video from Japan. Pro/con privatization was the huge takeaway for ME…

publixpace , avatar


Don't deny it - you even got the french flag next to your name... 😉

notjustbikes OP , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

@publixpace it's legitimately hilarious how I still get comments (and even emails!) from people who feel the need to "correct" me on my flags in my "winter cycling" video.

As if I wouldn't know the flags of Belgium and the Netherlands when I've lived in both countries.

Or how I could somehow use the wrong flag from Wikipedia when the country name is literally in the filename.

The best part is that they only ever notice one and don't realise that the other one is wrong, too. 🤣

publixpace , avatar

@notjustbikes Well, there's about 80.000 german speaking people in Belgium, concentrated in two areas along the eastern border.

They even got their own government, with german as their official language.

So technically there's nothing wrong with the right flag either way.

burne , avatar

@notjustbikes Dangerously, you like to live, don't you? /yoda

famo , avatar

@notjustbikes as a Belgian, I find this very funny 😎

captainchaos , avatar

@notjustbikes @publixpace Your humour is too subtle. 😄

jameshubbard , avatar

@notjustbikes your videos are great. I don't understand the complaints. I like your lived experience videos. Perhaps when you get a big TV network contract and can afford to jet around the world with a film crew they'll be happy.

Damax , avatar

@notjustbikes I’m sure you got (partially) immune to the critic but it’s nice to have a video artisan. Listing video ideas for myself, I realized they are so much topics anyone can cover. It shows on the Shinjuku video, It was packed with information and the video was long already.
Shinjuku is well done. And the new passage (with all the TV with commercials) is helping a lot. Definitely the new south with the deck is a great addition.

freezombie , avatar

@notjustbikes How is the Shinjuku video "non-eurocentric"? You approach it from the exact same North Atlantic (for want of a better word) perspective as all your other content.

ADisorderlyFashion , avatar

@notjustbikes I hope I'm wrong, but it seems like outside of Europe and specific parts of Asia, there's not really a whole lot of non-carcentric infrastructure. If I'm right then it literally wouldn't be your fault even if you had unlimited time and money to see every single city in the world.

Lingondraken , avatar

@notjustbikes I for one really appreciate that the content you make is based from your POV where you live and travel in continental Europe. Otherwise, a large amount of content is otherwise available in the native local language (which I likely don't understand) or if it is in English, it is US focused and might as well be from another planet, lol.

globcoco , avatar


I never thought that and enjoy what you show us very much.

Thanks dor sharing those experiences with us. 🤗

grayrattus , avatar

@notjustbikes fuck people. Do what you love and stay true to yourself.

fantazo ,

@notjustbikes Oh, the "eurocentric" sayers, who should not be allowed near any ballot box in the first place.

Those people declare that "X is eurocentric" all over the place, be it the general declaration of human rights, that we should treat everybody equal, that there are human needs which are shared by all members of humanity, #Esperanto or any idea which ever touched european soil.

I begin to see a pattern here. Maybe this phrase is a psyop to discredit any progressive idea.

qgustavor , avatar

@notjustbikes I need to do something that's a stereotype but, well, come visit Brazil. My city's planning is horrible, the BRT line construction never finishes, but it's a huge country, there is a lot to see, maybe there is something good to find.

notjustbikes OP , avatar

@qgustavor I have no plans to visit Brazil. I'd love to see some urbanist content made by Brazilians though!

qgustavor , avatar

@notjustbikes I am in a group with some urbanists on WhatsApp, I will look for their socials.

ednl , avatar

@notjustbikes Normal people know this, not to worry.

beckobert ,

One thing I always appreciated about your channel is that you never pretend to be an expert in urban planning, which you are not (there are other channels for that). Instead, you formulate the daily experiences so many of us have into a more cohesive story than most of us ever could.

CyclesSmiles , avatar

@notjustbikes and that is why your videos are so successful. Plus the fact that what to claim is always backdrop up by proper research. Thank you for all videos, past, present and future.😘

cshentrup , avatar

@notjustbikes welcome to woke world.

DenOfEarth , avatar


Your content is wonderful.

Just ignore the comments.

They are almost certainly:
🔹️Humans or bots paid for by fossil fuel, or
🔹️Idiots who believe them

The more you tell us how frustrating they are, the more they will just go haha it's working and crank up the volume. Just ignore it.

We're here and we love you.

doctormo , avatar


Many years ago I was one of the many people who suggested to Robert Llewellyn's fully charged show that partnering with other presenters in other countries was worth a punt. They seemed to take that on board.

It's a open source mindset to decentralise.

BUT; I don't see your channel the same, it's more personal and your opinions and thoughts are valuable without having to be a worldwide empire.

ArjanBos , avatar

@notjustbikes As an Amsterdammer would say: “Pure Kift”
They’re just jealous. 🙂

Love the videos and the I can share them with cities when they are making weird decisions (Frankfurt A5 highway increasing to 10 lanes 🤔)

odd , avatar

@notjustbikes It could be worse; they could be complaining that your urbanism channel is city-centric

Jonas_Bostrom , avatar

@notjustbikes Ignore the comments, there are many of us that really love your videos. Mainly because they are based on your experience!

mgiraldo , avatar

@notjustbikes we love you! you're doing the (urban) Lord's work 🤗

forpeterssake , avatar

I'll throw out some suggestions of non-eurocentric urbanist or adjacent video creators that I have enjoyed, and would love other suggestions:

Life Where I'm From (Japan) -

Heartland Urbanist (Ohio, USA) -

tehsiewdai (Singapore) -

AJ Tabura (Minnesota, USA) -

(Some of those folks are on Nebula or also!)

jensens , avatar

And I love to watch your perspective. So what, ignore mode on. It's the internet. Do not feed the trolls.

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