federalreverse , an DACH - jetzt auf in Merz: "Hätten mehr Wärmepumpen eingebaut werden müssen"

Hoffentlich sieht auch die CxU-Basis, dass so ein hinterfotziger, rückgratloser Interpretationskünstler vielleicht für den Wahlkampf taugt, aber sicher nicht als Regierungspersonal.

spechter ,

Werden sie nicht. Das heißt dann aber wenigstens, dass sie nicht weiter nach rechts gepusht werden

Diplomjodler3 ,

Wieso? Es reicht doch Wahlen zu gewinnen, da muss man ja nicht auch noch kompetent regieren. Im Zweifelsfall schiebt man es halt wieder auf die Ausländer.

federalreverse ,

Merz' Wut und Merz' Opportunismus kann sich auch ganz schnell auf ein Parteikollegy negativ auswirken. Und davor hätte ich Angst.

foopac ,

Ich verstehe es ehrlich gesagt auch nicht... Der Typ scheint mir ein ebenso fragiler egomane zu sein wie andere gewisse Herren mit autokratischen Tendenzen.

Warum zur Hölle sollte ich mir jemanden ans Bein Nageln der einen auf Rumpelstilzchen macht wenn bspw. Wüst etwas so wildes sagt wie "Das Herz der CDU schlägt in der Mitte"?

(Zugegebenermaßen ist das was Wüst da schreibt schon ein recht realitätsferner Fiebertraum einer CDU, aber es wäre wirklich nicht schlimm gewesen, wenn das neue Grundsatzprogramm der CDU auch nur einen Teil davon enthalten würde.)

Black616Angel ,

Sehen sie. Wählen jetzt halt AfD...

connaisseur , an DACH - jetzt auf in Merz: "Hätten mehr Wärmepumpen eingebaut werden müssen"

Er hat das bei einem Wärmepumpenhersteller gesagt. Natürlich trifft er nur dort solche Aussagen. Morgen wird es wieder ganz anders tönen.

manucode , avatar

Was kümmert mich mein Geschwätz von gestern?

cron ,

Was kümmert mich mein Geschwätz von heute?

cron , an DACH - jetzt auf in Merz: "Hätten mehr Wärmepumpen eingebaut werden müssen"

Anderer Link, bei MSN kann ich ohne App nichts lesen.

denial ,

Unter "in der App weiterlesen" ist noch ein "Artikel erweitern" Knopf.

cron ,

Danke für den Hinweis. Der Button ist bei mit bei einem Browser da, bei einem anderen nicht.

7eter OP ,

Bei mir war er vorhin da - jetzt nicht mehr - im gleichen Browser :D

cron ,

Passt doch gut zur Strategie der CDU bei Wärmepumpen: Mal so, mal anders.

crispy_kilt ,

A/B testing. Wollen sehen ob du die App installierst wenn es den Knopf nicht gibt.

Ephera ,


germanatlas , an Nachrichten in Donald Trump geht in Deckung, als bei einer Kundgebung in Pennsylvania Schüsse abgefeuert werden avatar

Um Trump selbst über Opfer von Waffengewalt zu zitieren: "Get over it"

maeries , an DACH - jetzt auf in Vatikan reformiert Bewertung angeblicher Wunder

Nehmen die das eigentlich selber erst oder machen die das nur, um ihre eigene Existenz zu rechtfertigen?

jo3rn , an DACH - jetzt auf in Vatikan reformiert Bewertung angeblicher Wunder

Außerdem bestehe die Gefahr, dass Betrüger mit angeblichen Wundern oder sonstigen Phänomenen versuchen, Geld zu machen und Menschen zu manipulieren.

Self-aware wolves

h3ndrik , an DACH - jetzt auf in Vatikan reformiert Bewertung angeblicher Wunder

Ein Wunder! 🙂🙃🫠

alsaaas , an DACH - jetzt auf in Vatikan reformiert Bewertung angeblicher Wunder avatar

Oh nein, eine reaktionär-konservative Institution macht realitätsfremde Dinge :0

flower3 , an DACH - jetzt auf in Merz: "Hätten mehr Wärmepumpen eingebaut werden müssen"

Wow. erst mit Falschaussagen wie „die gRüNeN wollen dir deine Heizung verbieten!!1!1“ die Bevölkerung verunsichern und dann wundern warum die Leute Gasheizungen statt Wärmepumpen hamstern.

Treczoks , an Nachrichten in Donald Trump geht in Deckung, als bei einer Kundgebung in Pennsylvania Schüsse abgefeuert werden


whotookkarl , an Nachrichten in Donald Trump geht in Deckung, als bei einer Kundgebung in Pennsylvania Schüsse abgefeuert werden avatar

Video in some of the other posts about it:

tja , an Nachrichten in Donald Trump geht in Deckung, als bei einer Kundgebung in Pennsylvania Schüsse abgefeuert werden avatar

Hat jemand irgendwo den gesamten Text? Anscheinend kann man den hier nur in der msn App lesen

clay_pidgin ,

Donald Trump was shot and left with blood streaming down his face as a suspected assassin opened fire on the ex-President's campaign rally.

Dream Kitchen, Realized from Here, in Glen Burnie.
Kitchen Model
Dream Kitchen, Realized from Here, in Glen Burnie.
Trump ran for cover as shots were fired in his direction in Butler, Pennsylvania, at around 6.13pm. He, 78, was rushed off the stage surrounded by Secret Service agents.

He was immediately taken from the rally in a motorcade. Law enforcement cleared the area.

READ MORE: 'Rat' George Clooney hit with savage nine-word warning from Donald Trump

Related video: Trump injured, possibly shot (FOX 5 Washington DC)
The movement over there to the other side of the
Current Time 0:00
Duration 8:35
FOX 5 Washington DC
Trump injured, possibly shot
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READ MORE: EXCLUSIVE: Expert gives chilling warning that Trump-Biden showdown is 'death rattle' for the US 'in deep crisis'
In a statement, his campaign team said: "President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act.

He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow."

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania
Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania
© Getty Images
The former president and presumptive Republican nominee was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when bangs started ringing through the crowd. Trump could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his neck. There appeared to be blood on his face.

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The former president headed to the critical battleground for his final rally before the Republican National Convention, which kicks of in Milwaukee on Monday. Trump is hoping to drum up support in what is one of the biggest swing states in the country.

A helicopter landed nearby around 6.30pm and ambulances were seen in the vicinity.

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In a release announcing the rally, Trump's campaign team said, "President Donald J. Trump loves Pennsylvania and is heartbroken to see how the state has been decimated by Joe Biden." But the Democratic National Committee reportedly fired back with a dig of their own, as they saw to it that Trump was greeted by a billboard reading, "Donald Trump was a disaster for Pennsylvania."

Trump's Pennsylvania rally comes amid growing speculation over who he will choose as his running mate.
Trump's Pennsylvania rally comes amid growing speculation over who he will choose as his running mate.
© AFP via Getty Images
Trump's Pennsylvania rally comes amid growing speculation over who he will choose as his running mate. The former president and reality TV star has been playing coy, building suspense around his selection for vice president in true showman fashion.

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Why Didn't Anybody Tell Me Androids Can Block Ads?
As Joe Biden's campaign faces turmoil after a lackluster debate performance that led to calls for him to bow out, Trump has stayed relatively under the radar, with few public appearances in the past two weeks. Yet, he's kept the rumor mill churning.

"It's like a highly sophisticated version of 'The Apprentice,'" Trump boasted during a radio interview on Friday, alluding to his old reality show where he famously dismissed contestants. Trump, ever the showbiz enthusiast, has hinted he wants to make a splash by announcing his VP pick at the RNC itself, believing it would inject excitement into the event.

"I'd love to do it during the convention ... or just slightly before the convention, like Monday," he mused on The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show. Other chances to announce have slipped by, but Trump seems set on making a grand entrance with his decision.

At his Doral golf club rally on Tuesday night, the crowd was buzzing with reporters. He joked about the media turnout, saying, "I think they probably think I'm going to be announcing that Marco is going to be vice president," referring to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who was seated up front.

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Liacouras Center on June 22, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Earlier today Trump delivered remarks at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority conference in Washington DC. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Liacouras Center on June 22, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Earlier today Trump delivered remarks at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority conference in Washington DC. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
© Getty Images
His campaign teased the audience with excerpts from his speech, with one line reading, "So tonight, I am officially," without finishing the thought. And in true suspense-building fashion, his team sent out fundraising emails with tantalizing subjects like, "Will I announce my VP pick in 60 mins?"

Speculation was rife as Saturday's event approached, located in a key swing state and just an hour's drive from Ohio, where Sen. JD Vance hails from, another name in the mix for VP. Despite the buzz, none of the speculated favorites Vance, Rubio and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum were slated to appear at the rally, insiders revealed under anonymity.

History shows most major party candidates reveal their VP choice before the convention kicks off. However, Ronald Reagan in 1980 and George H.W. Bush in 1988 played the long game, waiting until the convention to unveil their running mate decisions.

Trump has openly admitted the pros of jumping the gun, remarking that "it makes it easier" to make the announcement sooner rather than later. Yet, he's also nostalgically recalled the "old days," pining for the media blitz a splashy reveal would incite.

Beyond the buzz, delaying the announcement brings tangible hurdles. The second-in-command will be thrust into the spotlight to give the defining oration of their political life Wednesday night as they embrace the nomination at the convention.

Their calendars will need to be wiped clean to accommodate the whirlwind of rallies, events, and debate prep that awaits. Despite these obstacles, some of Trump's confidants are pushing him to play the waiting game up to the convention.

"RNC should make first night of the convention an Apprentice VP live show. Trump could fire each contender not chosen one at a time," quipped former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on X.

Following this line of thought, the RNC tweaked its regulations Thursday, with a ratification set for Monday, paving the way for Trump to make his move when it comes down to the wire.

Trump has toyed with the notion of postponing even further, mulling over a tease stretching to Tuesday or Wednesday as he disclosed to the program hosts. Trump has been carefully evaluating potential running mates, noting their performance in media appearances, at fundraisers, and at rallies.

Some candidates, including Burgum and Vance, have even shown support by attending his criminal hush money trial in New York. The political landscape was shaken last month when Biden had a troubling debate showing, sparking demands for him to step down and make way for fresher leadership.

This tumult within the Democratic Party has allowed Trump to delay his decision without losing the spotlight to Biden's difficulties. He admitted that the possibility of Democrats swapping Biden affected his timing.

"A little bit, you know, we wanted to see what they're doing, to be honest. Because, you know, it might make a difference," Trump revealed during a Fox News conversation with host Sean Hannity. While Trump's stance on selecting a vice-presidential candidate has varied since the primary season, he acknowledged having a shortlist of about four or five serious contenders as of Friday.

"I have some really, really good candidates. And you know, I may be leaning one way and that changing sometimes — you know all of a sudden you see something that you like or you don't like and you lean a little bit differently ... but we have a very good bench," Trump spoke of his potential VP picks.

clay_pidgin ,

Here are more interesting links.

alsaaas , an DACH - jetzt auf in Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags wird einfacher - Bundestag stimmt für Selbstbestimmungsgesetz der Ampel avatar

Ist das die Version mit oder ohne der Annahme, dass jede Person, die ihren Namen ändern will, terroristische Absichten hat?

Sailing7 , an DACH - jetzt auf in Nach Sieg von AfD-Mann – Bürgermeisterwahl in Großschirma für ungültig erklärt

Fuck. Die Kommentarsektion da geht ja ab.

Gruselig was man da so alles an Gedankengut findet. Wenn ich mir überlege, in so einem Dorf wohnen zu müssen... scheiße, da hätt ich wenig bock drauf. Überall Nazis.

Hat wirklich das ganze Land vergessen, was '45 gelaufen ist?

Ist denen die gesamte Ausländerfeindlichkeit, Rechtsextreme Art der Partei egal?

Und nebenbei ist die AFD ja auchnoch absolut Kapitalistisch unterwegs. Heftiger als die FDP. Generell gegen Sozialsysteme und auf die Top-5%-Verdiener ausgerichtete Politik.

Das ist Politik die nicht an den Otto-Normal Bürger ausgerichtet ist.

Wo ist also die Motivation?


Oder Gaslighten die sich alle selbst mit der Vorstellung, selbst einmal zu den top 5% Verdienern zu gehören?

Tartufo , an DACH - jetzt auf in Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags wird einfacher - Bundestag stimmt für Selbstbestimmungsgesetz der Ampel

Der 1. August kann nicht schnell genug kommen. Und danach dann der 1. November.

Tywele , avatar

Ich glaube ich werde das am 6. November machen einfach weil ich da Geburtstag habe 😁

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