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SloganLessons , in Great deal ngl avatar

the symbol was making me think it was a cryptocurrency

TimeSquirrel , in Please don’t nuke me avatar

Uh, what? I live here and I shit on it all the time.

balderdash9 , in Please don’t nuke me avatar

As others have said, we often make fun of ourselves. On these platforms, the liberal side of America is very vocal about the conservative side of America. Healthcare, guns, cost of living, etc. are something we're constantly being made fun of (often from ourselves).

If you've experienced pushback, it's likely because it gets stale as a subject. We know our country has problem; most of us feel powerless to change it.

Maybe that's what happens when you have this much diversity in a country. We're not like the French who can all unify and protest when needed.

edit: Rereading this, it makes it sound like I think diversity is a bad thing. Didn't mean to imply that, its just that we're so different its harder to unify.

Astroturfed , in Please don’t nuke me

Huh? Americans are like the most willing to admit their country is shit of like anywhere of the Lemmy audience.... America fucking sucks, sign American. I had some dude from Pakistan super mad at me for saying women are second class citizens there the other day. Apparently they treat women super well, according to that angry guy anyway. I'm still pretty sure they don't.

FooBarrington ,

As always, these things can't be generalised. Every country has people that talk about their own problems, and every country has "patriots" that will deny anything is happening. There are just a lot of Americans on the internet, so people notice those who relentlessly praise America more.

After all, few countries literally ingrain "[country] exceptionalism" into their population in their school system. Many Americans, while thinking they are pointing out problems, still say "but it's still better than almost any other country at X".

WiildFiire , in Please don’t nuke me

American: makes any sort of joke about any country, even if it's the smallest most unoffending thing

Person from that country : ur children get shot in schools

ModsAreCopsACAB , avatar
  • One of them is a stereotype based on ignorance and racism.

  • The other one is children getting shot at schools.

Funny how both of these things come from the US.

gonzo0815 ,

We might overuse that comeback, but at least we don't have school shootings.

Perfide ,

Okay, but you do realize that comeback makes you look bad right, not us? No matter your reasons or intentions, you are mocking children being murdered. Like in the example below:

American: lol British people eat spotted dicks.

A brit: lol American children get shot at school.

Wow. What a zinger, you really got me with that one, a fool I was to not recognize the comedy of children dying horrifically.

(To be clear, I didn't come up with that example randomly. I've seen the mocking of spotted dick be met with "lol child murder" more than once)

RaivoKulli ,

Seems like the comeback is working since it gets Yanks flustered and writing paragraphs of text as a reply lol

SkyezOpen ,

They're mocking us for letting children get murdered. Don't get all civility politics up in here if you can't even grasp the concept of the jab.

PP_BOY_ , avatar

If you're allowed to mock children deaths from a mental Healthcare crisis can we mock you for your roving gangs of rape squads?

German link:

Lucidlethargy , avatar

You should be ashamed of yourself. Many wonderful people live in this country. We have so much to do - and yes, we are plagued by many horrors - but we persevere.

TheGrandNagus ,

You ever considered that maybe the US deserves to be ridiculed for seeing children die and choosing to do nothing about it?

I understand it's a touchy subject, but come on. It's a serious stain on the US. The US deserves immense criticism for it.

Lizardking27 , in Please don’t nuke me

Non-americans really love this weird bogus narrative.

Custoslibera OP ,

Sometimes it’s a case of you can make fun of your own country but no one else is allowed to.

Viking_Hippie ,

That's probably because the loudest and most overly defensive ones are the Americans you're most likely to encounter and remember in online arguments and on American news, so that colors the perception. Especially when you don't live amongst the more reasonable majority of Americans 🤷

scv ,

That is not my experience at all. Most Americans get extremely defensive when someone criticizes the US, even people who know better. Many are ok with specific criticism (like, healthcare sucking), but it doesn't take much for them to revert to 'murican mode.

I have been living in the US for over a decade and been to 2/3rds of the states.

Mog_fanatic ,

That's really interesting. I've lived in 9 states and I can honestly say that outside of the southeast, it is legitimately difficult to consistently find people that dont think the us is a flaming sack of shit or at least headed that way. Seriously, I've heard waaaaaaaaaaaaay more negative talk on the us from Americans than anything positive. Especially in like the last decade. But this place is so damn big that anyone's experience would vary a crazy amount so that makes sense.

Lucidlethargy , avatar

I think they're full of shit, for what it's worth. 33 states in 10 years? Wtf...

scv ,

If you're going to accuse me of lying, at least have the decency of doing it in a reply to my post. I lived on the East Coast and traveled up and down some, then I moved to the Midwest, I got into politics and canvassed in several states plus I went on a few road trips for fun. Then I moved to the West Coast, which somewhat limited my ability to go on road trips to other states, but still, I went as far as Colorado, I spent a month there doing backpacking and visiting a few places like Denver and Aspen.

Why do you think it is so unlikely I could visit 3 states a year?

sock ,

well if an american does respond to this it proves them right if they dont respond it doesnt prove them wrong its a bad argument for an otherwise pretty dumb claim

unless americans do care i hate america and am american so idrk

Honytawk ,

If I ever have to read the bogus claim that "USA #1!!!" I'll flip my shit.

#1 in teen pregnancies maybe

#1 in prison population

#1 in school shootings

#1 in wage gap

What the US is not #1 in: happiness, progressiveness, quality of life, freedom

KoboldCoterie , in Please don’t nuke me avatar

What the fuck did you just fucking say about America, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about America over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" meme was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Custoslibera OP ,

Least aggressive response.

Viking_Hippie ,

It's a copypasta meant to make fun of overly aggressive keyboard warriors but yeah, it's very un-chill indeed 😁

riodoro1 ,

Holy shit, its been a while since I read this.

uzay ,

I love the gorilla warfare bit 🦍

Viking_Hippie ,
uzay ,

This is starting to turn into gorilla marketing

Viking_Hippie ,
Aurenkin , in Please don’t nuke me

American folks want to poke fun at other countries? I say no problem, break a leg! Actually please don't because it'd probably bankrupt you.

azimir ,

Damn that smarts.

I'd go to get that burn checked but my annual deductible is more than a used car cost before the profiteering here drove up the car prices so high.

Perfide ,

A culturally relevant joke at our expense that still has class? See guys, it IS possible. You, in fact, CAN make fun of America without going "lol your children get shot lol".

Metal_Zealot , in Please don’t nuke me avatar
Makeshift , in I'm looking for recipes

Carnism is one hell of a drug. Hope you can escape it soon OP. Good luck.

Same for all the others here still trapped in the beliefs of carnism.

Imotali , avatar

"Carnism" that's the difference between vegans and non-vegans.

Only vegans view their diet as a lifestyle and shit on everyone else who isn't vegan. We're not "carnists" we don't give a fuck really except that we hate vegans. Why? Because you lot are the pushiest, most openly judgemental, arrogant pieces of shit to walk the earth.

Makeshift ,

Carnism is simply a name of the belief system. For a long time it didn’t have a name, which is something that psychologically helps oppressors not question their own actions.

So it was given a name to help point out that it is, in fact, a belief system. The belief that eating animals and their secretions is normal, natural, and necessary.

sharkfucker420 , in Said this to my boss once, we laughed right to the unemployment office. avatar

My boss is a coke addict so I think I'd be fine

AWistfulNihilist ,

Shit, when I used to grow the devil's lettuce (till power got exorbitantly expensive) I was supplying my boss and half my coworkers at no charge.

In my experience, weed brings people together!

sharkfucker420 , avatar

Try growing mushrooms. Much less energy requirements lol

tryptaminev ,

weed helps surviving customer interactions on the phone, mushrooms dont really make works possible at all, because you know this cloud over there looks really fascinating. it reminds me of that time, when i was at that lake and woah did you just see that ray of light?

uzay , in Your wake-up juice defines you

Yes yes, Britain, the only tea-obsessed country in the world

faintwhenfree ,

It's just American view where what's true for America must be true for rest of the world.

If an Asian drinks tea, who Asian?

drew_belloc , in Actually whaats its for! avatar

Welcome to the fediverse

NOSin , in Your wake-up juice defines you

No hot chocolate is a gross omission.

atlasraven31 ,

I agree. Hot chocolate is the best.

aard , in Your wake-up juice defines you avatar

I'll murder anyone trying to talk to me before I had my 430ml of strong black tea in the morning. I have two cats and hate dogs. Never been to the UK.

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