HowManyNimons ,
palordrolap ,

Probably closed the terminal emulator it was running in and opened a new one before trying to find documentation at my leisure. One of the luxuries of learning Unix commands in a graphical environment.

For a more drastic noob story, I once rebooted a computer because I couldn't get out of GWBASIC. I was familiar with QBASIC at the time and that was a lot easier to get out of if you didn't know what you were doing.

Kerb , avatar

:!killall -9 vim

simpleslipeagle ,

Cuz it's kill dash nine. No more CPU time.

cupcakezealot , avatar

pull the computer cord out of the wall

Dasnap , avatar

I was introduced to Linux with Vim so it's actually Nano that confuses me...

loo , avatar

I've always been using nano, but since I refused to ever read the docs, I'm still confused

MigratingtoLemmy ,

I can't deal with nano hotkeys

loo , avatar


YerbaYerba ,

I was using a distro for a sbc recently and nano was the default visudo editor. Infuriating

chicken ,

The good thing about nano is that it has clear instructions for how to close it right there immediately in front of you

Dasnap , avatar

Look at Mr. Bigshot here reading instructions!

esc27 ,

Not if aren't familiar with control characters. Might was well be three seashells...

laurelraven ,

Same, every new system that defaults to nano and throws me in here when I'm expecting vim I have to stop and remember what the characters mean right before changing it to use vim (like, seriously, I typed "visudo", not "nanosudo", why the hell would I expect it to open in anything other than vi or vim?)

Malix , avatar

I guess just because how the question was laid out, I'm disqualified as I was taught how to use it the first time I used it. :P

with my first linux -system, I had an experienced friend to hold my hand while installing, configuring and usage - including vim. So, the first thing he taught me was how to exit it. This was sometime in ... 2003-ish?

damnthefilibuster ,

A tutorial tried to get me to install emacs the other day. I guffawed in nano.

rtxn , (Bearbeitet )

From the torrent, the deluge, the unending tidal wave of this exact meme in various formats. The "exit vim difficult" meme must constitute at least 50% of online content regarding *nix and *nix-adjacent systems. It is so stale that Slackware considers it outdated. It is the "mayonnaise is spicy" equivalent of funny. It is the white bread, picket fence stereotype of meme culture, yes offense. I'd like to say that it's beating a dead horse, but the horse is gone; its flesh has been tenderized, pulverized, and evaporated from the sum total of energy imparted by the constant beating. If the heat death of the universe were to happen tomorrow, and from the uniform vacuum energy a Boltzmann brain were to spontaneously form, it will have been already tired of this meme.

But to answer the question, it was either that, or the big

type :q<Enter> to exit

splash that appears when I open it with an empty buffer, and following its instructions.

No offense to you or your house, but I'm really tired of this meme.

neo ,

No offense, but I was dumb enough to wonder why they put a space before ":" and thought something must be broken. Obviously, pressing q and Enter (or typing <Enter>) also didn't work and proved to me that this editor must have crashed in a strange way.

So every time I see vim, it reminds me about my stupidity. The meme eases the pain.

uranibaba ,

splash that appears when I open it with an empty buffer, and following its instructions.

That's the key to the problem, I have almost never open vim with an empty buffer, almost only used it to open files directly. Since there is no nice splash screen telling you how to exit when you use vi <your_file>, this meme happens.

Waffelson OP ,

Even if the meme is old, Linux has grown quite a lot in recent years, so there are people who are not tired of the meme yet, and if you stay in some community for a long time, you will notice that many things will be constantly discussed over and over again

laurelraven ,

I get tired of it sometimes but every once in a while I'll come across a clever twist on it that makes me laugh

Magister , avatar

I guess it was in the 80s, open a new xterm, ps -edaf | grep vi, kill the process, then man vi to read how to exit properly.

This is how I learnt unix, do a ls in /bin /usr/bin /etc, man every command

dogsnest , avatar

If it was the 80s, didn't you have to feed punch cards through the mainframe first? /s

Magister , avatar

Already had huge X Terminal on HP mainframe, using X11R3 and mwm etc. xeyes, xload, xbiff, xterm, it was the time!

Haus ,

Similar. I'd guess it was something like ctrl-z; ps -e vi; kill -9 procnum on a vt100 terminal.

TornadoRex ,

Reinstalled Linux

darkpanda ,

Bought a new computer, threw the old one out.

dogsnest , avatar

This is the way.

abbadon420 ,

That's an easy fix. I had to burn my house down

ChilledPeppers ,

The Apple approved way of exiting vim

Tyoda ,

CTRL+face on keyboard. I guess Z got me out, but who knows.

laurelraven ,

Literally facerolled vim, nice

kibiz0r ,

I started on MacVim, so I could just use cmd+q. And by the time I used vim on the terminal I knew all about :commands

r00ty , avatar

That should be illegal. Any editor containing the letters vi together must not use any keys except those that can be sent over a vt100 terminal!

kibiz0r ,

Visual Studio: 😳

r00ty , avatar

I said what I said!

remotelove ,

Ctrl z

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