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nickwitha_k ,

Thank you. Came here to say this. Microkernels are great for limited scope devices like microcontrollers but really suffer in general computing.

nickwitha_k ,

I was not meaning to say that all microcontrollers (or microcontroller firmwares) run a microkernel but, rather, that microcontrollers are an environment where they can work well because the limited scope of what the device is expected to do and its necessarily supported peripherals can be much smaller, making the potential impact of context changes smaller.

For some good examples of microkernels for such purposes, take a look at FreeRTOS, ChibiOS, or Zephyr pre-1.6 (at which point architecture changed to a monolith because it is creeping towards general computing functionality).

Some microcontrollers don't even have context switching at all.

As long as there's some processing RAM and sufficient ROM, I'm sure that it can be crammed in there via firmware (in a sub-optimal way that makes people who have to maintain the code, including your future self, hate you and wish a more appropriate part were used).

And I'm not even starting to talk about MMU.

Some madlads forked Linux to get it to work without an MMU, even getting it merged into the mainline kernel:

So, doable. Adviseable? Probably not in most cases but that's subjective.

nickwitha_k ,

... Hydrogen cyanide is literally what has been used to execute people in gas chambers and genocide during the Holocaust. The LC(Lo), the lowest recorded lethal concentration is 107ppm, resulting in death in 10 minutes. That's, objectively, far more dangerous than the respective material that firefighters were exposed to at Chernobyl. You don't want that in any appreciable quantity in the air around people that you want to continue living.

nickwitha_k ,

...People who wanted to donate their software to the public with no strings attached could see an uptick in the number of users?

nickwitha_k , (Bearbeitet )

That's the beautiful thing about gifting software with permissive licenses (when one wants to): it's a gift and anyone can do whatever they want with it for free.

ETA: I DO think that it is important for one who chooses to license software permissively to be informed about their decision and its implications. But, just like consent in other areas, as long as one enters into it intentionally and with the understanding of what the license means, it's noone's place to judge (and, like consent in other interpersonal areas, the license can be revoked/modified at any time - with a new version). Honestly, really weird of those that take issue with individuals choosing to gift their software to humanity - there's way more interesting and useful things to engage in in the FLOSS landscape.

nickwitha_k , (Bearbeitet )


Just about every FOSS and Source-Available license that I've seen is perfectly valid. As a software developer, one has the option to choose how they wish to license their software. This can be based upon one's personal philosophical view or what seems most appropriate for the piece of software.

Not everyone is motivated by profit. Most software that I develop personally is permissively licensed because IDGAF as long as I have enough to get by. If I write some code that makes someone else's life better or easier, that's more than enough for me.

Wait. What am I saying? This is the Internet and, according to the rules of corpo social media, we're all supposed to be dicks to each other to further "engagement". WHICH ONE OF YOU SAVAGES IS USING TAB INDENTATION INSTEAD OF BLOCKS IN YOUR LICENSE FILES?!?;?!!!!111one

nickwitha_k ,

what would you do if someone used it to hurt people instead? I’d personally feel like shit if my software were used for that, and as others said in this post, they’d prefer to have entities request an exemption rather than have their code used in ways they don’t approve of. So what say you?

I've a few thoughts on this:

  • Anyone who wants to use anything that I release for harm, will probably do so regardless of license. Bad actors are going to act badly. Plus, chances are that they'd see no legal repercussions as underdogs winning in court is the exception, not the rule. The legal system is heavily stacked against the little guy.
  • I tend to specifically avoid working on things that are weaponizable to reduce the chance of ethical conflict.
  • The projects that I've released or plan to release tend to be pretty esoteric. The one that saw the most interest was years ago and it was an adapter between abandoned gallery plugin and an abandoned social media CMS thing. It would take some great creativity to hurt people with that, other than making them read my horrible code from that era. My current projects are more about FPGA and mixed reality stuff.
  • Once I've created something and shared it freely, it is no longer wholely mine. I cannot dictate how one uses it, anymore than a musician can dictate how someone listens to the radio. As long as one abstains from creating tools intended to harm (or that can be predictably turned to harm), I don't see legitimate ethical culpability. We only have control over ourselves.
nickwitha_k ,

Exactly. Bad actors are going to act badly. Unfortunately, something that we have to accept as reality (and something that some political philosophies fail to plan for). Bad actors will break the rules and, if they are wealthy, they will more often than not get away with it in the current state of affairs.

However, I would say that you bring an interesting point. It would be worthwhile, philosophically to have a "Pacifist MIT" license, being permissive but explicitly denying legal use to MIC.

nickwitha_k ,

That's their prerogative. FLOSS is a communal effort of equals. Users are not customers; not entitled to anything as it's donated freely. If you want to be bannied and not contribute, there's proprietary software out there but they'll exact a price (currently more than just financial).

nickwitha_k ,

Don't know that they'll all be ported to PC but the Supermassive standalones (Until Dawn, The Quarry) and Dark Pictures Anthology are great, if you like horror movies. I prefer to watch my wife play them. They're literally like interactive/choose your own adventure films.

nickwitha_k ,

Extra bonus: Odyssey was supposed to feature a female lead, rather than the choice, but a misogynistic Ubisoft exec vetoed it, which I can only assume was reason for the absolutely garbage dialog.

nickwitha_k ,

Just explained this to my Irish wife. To "run a train on someone" in American slang would mean having group sex with that person, potentially consecutively.

nickwitha_k ,

I'll second this. Maybe they're coming from Reddit? I've seen some pretty awful screenshots from there. And I'll also second the helpfulness of the FOSS devs - I've reached out to the OpenSSH maillist to try to better understand the functionality of cert auth and they were super helpful.

nickwitha_k ,

Oh absolutely. Some people are just unpleasant (and as you say, sometimes it's down to a bad day). And sometimes, it's just personality clash/philosophy on OSS (ex. the former "benevolent dictator" of vim, RIP).

nickwitha_k ,

Currently on Fedora Silverblue. I think I'm settling there for a base system/local hypervisor. Tried NixOS but, as someone who has been Linuxing and programming for over a decade, I don't think it is for me (I don't like the syntax or need for a DSL - give me a tool that uses a standardized language like JSON or YAML, not one that forces me to use a language that is of no use anywhere else - not to mention the garbage documentation; if the Getting Started docs don't result in a system that is functional including a networking stack, it is insufficient and no, Discord is not documentation).

nickwitha_k ,

Reject rejection, embrace all distros.

nickwitha_k ,

You could probably use a Python script to handle any missing compression methods. Gimp is more readily extensible.

nickwitha_k ,

I'm going to have to come back to Nix/NixOS in a bit. I tried setting it up as a baremetal OS but clearly didn't have sufficient understanding of the Nix DSL to get it to do what I want. Following the instructions in the manual led to a functional system missing the network stack. I'll probably wait until the official docs catch up as it appears that they are quite a bit behind. That and I'm not sure how I feel about a DSL for package management. I'd much rather use JSON or YAML, or even INI or TOML. Maybe if I were a LISP or Haskell guy.

So, after a few hours sunk there, I switched to Fedora Silverblue, which worked out of the box and added Incus via rpm-os-tree. Just need to get the UI setup and I can start moving through my distro list.

nickwitha_k ,

Hey now. That "emerald mine in apartheid South Africa" but is not true at all. He benefited from being the son of a rich white guy in apartheid South Africa. The emerald mine was in Zambia. He materially benefited from colonial rule in TWO countries.

nickwitha_k ,

For myself, it's ADHD and keeping things open that I intend to get back to but rarely do.

nickwitha_k ,

Hey. I went to the ER and didn't have to pay a dime of the near $100k that I was billed. This is primarily because I was hit by an SUV and they were ruled completely at fault. I did have to setup a payment plan for the $5k that the US hospital system charged for my wife spraining her ankle two weeks before or wedding. Yeah. That was fun. Literally cost more than we could afford for the wedding.

Fuck this privatized, for-profit system.

nickwitha_k ,

Or the opponent has untreated ADHD causing them to keep losing their journal/spellbook, and, after searching their house, cleaning it, fixing a drawer slide, and picking up the lute for the fifth time in two years, they have finally found 4/5 of their lvl1 spellbooks.

All of the spells contained therein, however, are in various states of completion and riddled with attention-related errors, so, they may be able to put together a magic missile spell but it is quite likely to have unintended consequences like a half-eaten bagel materializing in the target's pocket and spectators suddenly having minty-fresh breath.

nickwitha_k ,

I'd argue that it is not possible to have an end. Culture and society, like species, continue to evolve and is never a static thing (believing otherwise is one of the big contradictions of neolibs and other staunch pro-capital ideologies). So, "post-communism" could be a set of philosophies that may not be concievable until such point that humanity has evolved culturally and socially enough. Possibly influenced by technological or external factors.

nickwitha_k ,

I think that @Rhynoplaz said it very well. I'm very sorry for what you went through and the betrayal by those who are supposed to protect you. I hope that you are able to continue healing.

As a fellow survivor of early childhood trauma, one of the ways that I deal with it is service to others. That is to say, taking what I've learned in my experiences in coping over the years and using them to help people who are going through similar experiences or experience marginalization either by advocating for them, lending an empathetic ear, or sharing what I've been through and have learned. I wasn't even aware until well into adulthood that my traumas (some that I don't remember due to young age) had had such a profound impact on my life. Choosing to leverage the painful traumas to constructive purposes that make other people happy gives me a sense of fulfillment and taking control over things that were very much out of my control as a young child.

Now, I'm not saying that this is the way for everyone or that your anger is wrong. It isn't and your anger is a healthy emotional response to your experience. Also, just as an emotion, it's absolutely ok and healthy to experience. There are no "bad" emotions, emotions are just part of our selves as humans and embracing them is embracing ourselves (I'm, admittedly still working on that). I might say that the direction that you are pointing your anger may be misplaced and that you may be perceiving an attack or slight where none appears to have been intended. But, again, please don't take that as me trying to invalidate how you feel as that is not at all my intention.

If you want to chat or would like some help in finding someone who is a professional to help you heal, please don't hesitate to reach out.

nickwitha_k ,

Unfortunately, sometimes the impact of trauma (especially early childhood trauma) can cause misperception of aggression in statements not intended to be aggressive. I think your comment was unintentionally triggering, in the true sense of the term, not the colloquial and derogatory sense. This, in turn, leading to "friendly fire" from people who actually seem to be wanting the same things.

nickwitha_k ,

Absolutely! I think that the sympathy and care that you expressed are very helpful and really want to commend you on reaching out with a supportive hand rather than matched aggression. I find that a lot of people who respond with displays of aggression are doing so because of their own internalized wounds forcing their way our in anger, rather than intentional malice (some people are just assholes, to be fair).

Keep rocking, you beautiful human being.

ETA: Other comment was deleted because I mistook who I was replying to because ADHD.

nickwitha_k ,

I don't care if I have support from others or not. I'm already used to never having my voice heard or being rejected, it makes no difference.

I don't think that the intention here has been rejecting or silencing you. There has been miscommunication and misperception, which is unfortunate but, it happens. If you step back for a moment, I think that you'll find that there are a lot of people about, especially on Lemmy, that would happily give you support, sympathy, and attempt understanding. You don't have to go it alone. A lot of us here actually want the same things and we're stronger together.

nickwitha_k ,

Somewhat similar to my wife's home town in rural Ireland.

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