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federalreverse Mod ,

As I understand the two of you: "hybrid" has a "conventional " component, and "springtime" supposedly refers to the fact that seizing Russia in winter is hard.

If my reading of this is correct, please stop your trains of thought. You guys sound way too trigger-happy. It helps absolutely no one to turn the Russia-Ukraine war into an EU-Russia war. War just kills a ton of people, and for what, in that case?

Sensibly enough, everyone in the EU is trying to avoid getting involved in the "conventional warfare" bit and containing things to Ukraine. I am also fairly sure that right now, nobody whosoever is dumb enough to try to seize Russia.

federalreverse ,

You do realize that that "club" is a gherkin, right? :)

Fwiw, I like all the properly illustrated variants so much better than the French variant that always feels lifeless to me.

federalreverse ,

It was an attempt at a joke. The one version you linked to is green and kind of looks like a gherkin. That's all.

federalreverse ,

Meine Oma kommt sowieso immer mit selbst eingelegten, verdächtig aussehenden Pilzen um die Ecke. (Wenn man ihre Hygiene kennt, dann isst man sowieso nichts von ihr.)

federalreverse ,
federalreverse , (Bearbeitet )

Ich erinnere mich gerade dunkel, dass 2021 nach der Wahl einige der Afd Anhängenden das Argumentation verbreitet haben, dass ihre neue Fraktion eine derer mit der höchsten Quote an nicht in Deutschland geborenen Menschen sei: Eugen Schmidt, Petr Bystron, ... Dementsprechend könne die Partei ja gar nicht fremdenfeindlich sein.

Dass das alles Spionys sind, ist da eine lustige Wendung.

federalreverse ,

Mag sein, aber die Afd hat sich da tatsächlich Regeln aufgestellt, was die Zusammenarbeit mit ganz ganz offensichtlich verfassungswidrigen Vereinen wie Npd und Freie Sachsen angeht. Liegt natürlich nicht daran, dass deren Positionen grundsätzlich so weit von denen der Afd entfernt wären, sondern dass ist eher Selbstschutz. Das Bizarre, hier in Sachsen zumindest, ist, dass die Afd plötzlich als gemäßigte Partei rüberkommt.

federalreverse ,

Da ich den Fall nicht so genau verfolgt habe, fand ich diesen Artikel hilfreich: https://taz.de/!5988475/

federalreverse OP Mod , (Bearbeitet )

Shit. I noticed too late that the English version is paywalled (the German translation isn't). :(

DeepL re-translation into English

After weeks of silence regarding revelations about the Fratelli d'Italia (FdI) youth group, which praised Mussolini and far-right terrorists, Senate President Ignazio La Russa condemned the acts. Pressure is mounting on Giorgia Meloni, who remains silent on the matter.

In a Facebook post, La Russa, President of the Senate and co-founder of the Fratelli d'Italia, strongly condemned all forms of racism and anti-Semitism, adding that the incidents were contrary to the party's values.

The Italian news agency Fanpage carried out investigative research into the youth wing of the Fratelli d'Italia (FdI) and published undercover footage showing the Roman salute, young people praising Mussolini and chanting fascist slogans.

La Russa's statement came after a leading representative of the Gioventù Nazionale (Nationalist Youth) made anti-Semitic remarks about the Fratelli d'Italia senator and former spokesperson for Rome's Jewish community, Ester Mieli, in front of a hidden camera in the second part of the report.

"My sincere and warm-hearted solidarity goes to the senator and friend Ester Mieli, who has been the victim of unacceptable statements by some members of the Gioventù Nazionale," he wrote.
FdI changes position within a few hours

On Wednesday, Giovanni Donzelli, the head of the FdI organization, also changed his tone.

In the afternoon, he initially declared that he did not believe "the one-sided research of the radical left-wing press". The attempt to portray the Fratelli d'Italia as an extremist and nostalgic movement was pathetic, Donzelli said.

But in the evening, after the publication of the second part of the investigation, there was a U-turn and disciplinary measures were even announced.

"We repeat: There is no place for racists, extremists and anti-Semites at Fratelli d'Italia. The statements heard in the videos published today, regardless of the way they were recorded and published, are unacceptable and incompatible with the values of our political movement [...] Fratelli d'Italia will act with great determination against those responsible".
Meloni and public broadcaster in the spotlight

In light of the second video, which shows homophobia, racism, nostalgia for Benito Mussolini, sympathy for Adolf Hitler and National Socialism within the FdI youth group, the opposition continues to demand a statement from Giorgia Meloni on the fan page investigation.

Many are also calling for the public broadcaster Rai to broadcast the investigation, as it has been reported on all channels and in all newspapers except Rai.

In response, several associations and parties organized a demonstration in front of the Rai headquarters in Turin on Wednesday evening to show solidarity with the editorial team of RaiNews24. The latter had recently complained about the public broadcaster's lack of coverage of the investigation.

"If we can't watch it on Rai, then we'll watch it on Rai," was the slogan of the initiative, which showed the second part of the investigation on a big screen.

federalreverse OP Mod ,

Oh the usual: Youth orgs of parties being a little more radical than their parent parties. Fratelli is a right-wing, self described "post-Fascist" party that, when behind closed doors, is celebrating Mussolini. Interior politics have included taking away adoption rights from LGBTQ parents,rolling back trans rights, and re-organizing state broadcasters.

Unfortunately, since Meloni is pro-Ukrainian and apparently charming, a lot of conservatives all over Europe (and in fact Biden too) have acted is if everything is A-OK.

federalreverse ,

Lieber @moistbones, die Zuhausis in !ich_iel sind auch ein relevante Gurkentruppe. Schöne Grüße!

federalreverse Mod ,

EVs are not the solution but they should be part of the solution.

federalreverse Mod ,

Naah. Not really:

  • re: rich countries: Car infrastructure is very, very expensive and the additional car infrastructure between every building also makes life in cities much more expensive. Also, cars themselves are very expensive. So, no, you don't need to be rich to build public transit and bike lanes. It actually makes most sense when you're not.

  • re: small countries: For one, "small" doesn't make any sense — "densely populated" makes a bit more sense. However, when you look at it, the vast majority of humanity lives in cities today and their commutes are short, even in the US. And these commutes would in fact on average become shorter with more public transit and biking.

Cars have a place but right now, any industrialized nation has several times more cars than it would need, especially if city planning were more sensible.

federalreverse Mod ,

You are just digging a bigger hole with every comment, adding more inconsequential arguments.

Your original claim was that they are an SED clone. Which is just not true. That would also not make sense, given that we live in a vastly different time than the original Cold War era.

BSW is a party that, for the moment, has way more presence in political talk shows than it does substance. They have a prominent ex-Linke face, they have ex-Linke members, but they also have nationalist and socially regressive views. Calling them left-wing is thus not particularly appropriate either.

And just like CyberEgg, I absolutely don't understand why you bring in all the arguments that don't do anything for your case. E.g: Yes, BSW is popular in Eastern Germany. But that doesn't mean they're an SED clone or left-wing. It just means that a bunch of people in Eastern Germany voted for this weird cult.

And for the record, none of that means that either CyberEgg or I like BSW.

federalreverse ,

Ich will ein Auto, das mit Flamebait fährt.

federalreverse ,

Magie: https://nitter.poast.org

Keine Ahnung, warum diese eine Nitter-Instanz noch funktioniert.

federalreverse ,

Ich hätte gedacht, es funktioniert ohne Konto.

Ist aber auch egal, so kommt man jedenfalls an eine sinnvolle Menge Tweets.

federalreverse ,

Das Vorgehen bei (2) verstehe ich leider. Es sind schon oft Unfälle passiert, weil Leute nicht verstanden haben, dass es nicht reicht, ein digitales Rechteck über den Text zu legen. Oder dass der Scanner schon einen OCR-Durchlauf gemacht hat und dafür eine Zusatzebene mit Klartext angelegt hat, die man nicht einfach mit geschwärzt bekommt.

Zudem ist es natürlich auch grundsätzlich so, und das ist wenig erfreulich, dass Behörden lieber so schwärzen, dass der Text nicht digital durchsucht werden kann, weil Informationsfreiheit als der Gegner angesehen wird.

federalreverse ,

Das ist natürlich wirklich eine gute Frage. Aber Porto kostet Geld, so richtig fühlbar. Nicht bloß im Sinne von: jemand vergeigt auf Arbeit Zeit und kriegt Geld dafür.

federalreverse ,

Eigentlich sollte man Erdbeerfelder aufgrund der Pestizide sowieso gar nicht betreten. Vor allem nicht mit Kindern.

federalreverse ,

Inwiefern heißt das denn strafbare Handlung gut? Ist doch nur eine Feststellung.

federalreverse ,

Demnach sollen nicht etwa ein fremder Staat oder Terroristen für die Beschädigung der Bahn-Systeme verantwortlich gewesen sein, sondern schlichtweg Kriminelle, die wohl Kabel stehlen und verkaufen wollten.

So weit, so vorhersehbar.

federalreverse ,

Möglich ist es immer noch, als Quersubvention der linksextremen Karriere, weil die Antifa kein Demogeld mehr zahlt.

federalreverse ,

This one actually looks good. Decent amount of veggies too.

federalreverse ,

Auf tchncs? Ich dachte, die sind auf .ml, Grad und Hexbär?

federalreverse ,

Wirklich doof, weil man !ich_iel sinnvollerweise vielleicht abonnieren will, aber nicht unbedingt gehenwild auf dem gleichen Bediener.

federalreverse ,

Das sind doch bürgerliche Kategorien.

federalreverse ,

Ich dachte, du wärst Pirat oder so. Aber du hast so richtig romantische Gefühle, wenn du über Stalin redest und so?

federalreverse ,

Ungewöhnliches Muskelspiel.

federalreverse ,
federalreverse ,

Boah. Ich wusste es. Ich habe mich noch geärgert, dass meine Uhren-Anwendung keine Sekunden bei der Uhrzeit anzeigt. Dann habe ich die Nudeln noch mal in der Pfanne gedreht.

federalreverse Mod ,

Depending on where biofuels are produced, the land use changes can make them worse for climate than fossil fuels. E.g. there was a recent study on US biofuels.

federalreverse Mod ,

Hm, the article linked is really short. All I read elsewhere was "pro-business liberal". Which worries me a bit.

federalreverse Mod ,

Ooh, thank you! Sorry for the way I worded it. Anyway: To me, it looks weirdly pixelated, as if either:

  • It doesn't take into account high-PPI screens and scales the image file for a 96ppi screen and then the browser scales it up to display size or

  • It just takes a file with huge image resolution and the browser scales it down quickly on the fly.

You can look at my screenshots.

federalreverse ,

Hast du da mehr Infos? Hab da auf die schnelle nichts gefunden - und der Zyniker in mir wuerde das dann als "na, wir bekommen das auch mit weniger Aufwand als die Finnen hin" lesen.

Scheint wohl nur der Unterschied in der Gesteinsart zu sein.
Achtung NZZ.

Ich dachte eigentlich, da wäre mehr.

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