
fasterthanlime , Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

I'm reading up about C++ move semantics and I don't understand why anybody in the history of humankind has ever tried defending this language.

ldvsoft ,

@fasterthanlime Nope! As C++ tutor: move semantics cover the value stored in the "variable", not the variable itself. Moving is an operation that happens at "construction" place, where usually move constructor/assignment operator will reap apart the source variable and store the value in the new place. But here is a catch: the source should be left in SOME correct state. Which state? Generally unspecified, but for unique_ptr this must be nullptr.

Apparently post size limit is getting close...

lexplt ,
@lexplt@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasterthanlime have a look at value semantics
It’s horrendous

heiseonline ,
@heiseonline@social.heise.de avatar

Elon Musks X wächst – aber deutlicher langsamer als vor der Übernahme

Interne Zahlen der Plattform X verraten: Der Dienst gewinnt weiterhin aktive Nutzer dazu. Das Wachstum hat sich jedoch deutlich abgeschwächt.


Simmer ,
@Simmer@norden.social avatar

Der Zuwachs ist zu spüren. Überall Porno.😬

TheOneSwit ,
@TheOneSwit@det.social avatar

@heiseonline aktive Bots höchstens 😂

fasterthanlime , (Bearbeitet ) Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

Well, I'm curious now — macOS users, are you a "developer" and do you have Finder set to "show hidden files"?

hirozed ,
@hirozed@fosstodon.org avatar

@fasterthanlime I don’t have it set by default in Finder, but I do in Terminal. If I need to see hidden files in Finder, for example to get to the .ssh dir to add a key to an FTP app that doesn’t show it by default, I’ll hit Cmd+Shift+. and it will display. Hit the command again to hide.

benjamineskola ,
@benjamineskola@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasterthanlime I’m a developer (and former sysadmin) but I've never bothered to change that setting. If I need to do something with hidden files, I'm probably already working in the terminal. The only things I use Finder for are ones where hidden files are not relevant.

fasterthanlime , Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar


beeb ,
@beeb@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasterthanlime you have to import the entropy crate otherwise stuff like that always ruins the fun

fasterthanlime OP ,
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

@piecritic N… no reason

tazgetroete ,
@tazgetroete@mastodon.social avatar

Abitur statt Abschiebung. 👉 https://taz.de/!6023136/

Fish0815 ,
@Fish0815@mastodon.social avatar

@tazgetroete Ein riesen Erfolg für Joel, aber auch seiner Unterstützer*innen. Aber wäre, wenn er sich entschieden hätte eine Ausbildung zu machen? Oder auf einer anderen Schule wäre? Oder in einer ander Stadt.....usw.
Was für ein krankes System ist es, in dem Menschen von ihren Familien getrennt werden und ihrer Zukunft beraubt werden, wenn sie nicht genug Unterstützer haben? Einer schafft es zu bleiben, hunderte werden entgegen jeder Vernunft und Menschlichkeit abgeschoben.

susannelilith ,
@susannelilith@rheinneckar.social avatar

@tazgetroete Das ganze hat aber einen bitteren Nachgeschmack. In einem Land leben und arbeiten, das einen beinahe abgeschoben hat.

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

You know the "one dimensional thinking" trope, where people run directly away from falling/rolling objects, rather than run a small distance to the side?

I just saw a letsplayer do that in a space game! With full 3D movement!

In deep space, they realize they've over-accelerated, and are heading towards a small satellite 13km away at 500m/s. They go "oh no, I'm going to crash into it again!" and slam on the retrorockets.
To slow down.

18+ miss_rodent ,
@miss_rodent@girlcock.club avatar

@foone Honestly, I am super curious how much this might vary culturally?
Like, would people from a region without streets/roads and a heavy deendancy on travelling in cars along said streets in straight lines, be as prone to this as, say, an american, who's whole life has been defined by having to move in straight lines?

althearose ,
@althearose@digipres.club avatar

@foone and here we thought being hare-brained was an insult. Dodge and weave might just save your life (and your crew's)

foone , (Bearbeitet ) Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

Am I misremembering, or was there some cryptographic system where you could set up a container and have two keys to it, each of which provided a different file with no way for anyone to prove the other file/key existed?

ie, if the authorities forced you to decode it, you could give them the fake key and they'd only get the fake contents, and they couldn't prove that you have another key which reveals other contents?

Edit: it was truecrypt/veracrypt. Thanks!

falken ,
@falken@qoto.org avatar

@foone like Hot Coffee?

aCrownOfMoths ,
@aCrownOfMoths@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@foone a few years ago I made a game that shipped on a very limited number of USB sticks. If you played it with the USB plugged in, it would play the actual game, if you copied the folder off and removed the USB it launched into a different B-side version of the game. I think adding encryption to something like that would genuinely be really cool

tazgetroete ,
@tazgetroete@mastodon.social avatar

Die Bundeswehr wirbt mit einer TikTok-Kampagne um Nachwuchs. Dabei ist die App für Soldaten aus Datenschutzgründen verboten. Wie passt das zusammen? https://taz.de/!6022130

PC_Fluesterer ,
@PC_Fluesterer@social.tchncs.de avatar

Gar nicht. Nennt man kognitive Dissonanz. 😎

Monsterklatsch ,
@Monsterklatsch@norden.social avatar

@tazgetroete die Bundeswehr will ja auch nicht Soldaten der Bundeswehr mitder Kampagne erreichen sondern junge Menschen am Anfang ihres Berufslebens. Die erreicht mensch unter anderem auch (leider) über TicToc.

SwiftOnSecurity , Englisch
@SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

Telling children they are living in a dying world is an essential evil we don’t really have terminology for. Children cannot fix your sins through shame and abortion of hope. You are the villain in their story, not their savior - peddling nothing actualizing change, only dred.

simonoid ,
@simonoid@aus.social avatar

@SwiftOnSecurity the bus scene from utopia season 2 deeply impacted me for this reason.

that_ac ,
@that_ac@hachyderm.io avatar


I feel like this just goes here Tay.

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  • foone , Englisch
    @foone@digipres.club avatar

    A discussion from Tumblr about my Brazilian Pride Flag Conflict re: VGAPride got reposted on reddit, and it's hilarious how different the reaction is.

    So many people there are like "why are you having this problem? MS-DOS? just design the flag in inkscape or g*mp! why would you want to design a pride flag for DOS?"

    It's real sad. They just don't understand why anyone would write software to display pride flags on DOS.

    lunarloony ,
    @lunarloony@dosgame.club avatar

    @foone It feels like an extension of the "just be normal" argument

    favretto ,
    @favretto@mastodon.social avatar

    @foone and to imagine the bullshit they tell us that the green is for the forests yellow for the gold and riches and blue for the sky and rivers.

    And not because the republicans were lazy and just put a blue circle with the sky atop the former Brazil empire flag, no, that surely couldn't be it

    heiseonline ,
    @heiseonline@social.heise.de avatar

    KI braucht Strom: Microsoft bestellt riesige Menge CO2-Zertifikate

    500.000 Tonnen CO2 sollen im Auftrag Microsofts in Texas aus der Luft gesaugt und in den Boden gepumpt werden. Ein Rekord.​


    wackJackle ,
    @wackJackle@norden.social avatar

    @heiseonline Das ist alles sinnlose Propaganda!

    mardor ,
    @mardor@ruhr.social avatar
    fasterthanlime , Englisch
    @fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

    I know you all probably have questions, and I uhhhh runs away

    gfaster ,
    @gfaster@tilde.zone avatar

    @fasterthanlime @Cyborus wow that's horrible why would you do that please tell me more

    fasterthanlime OP ,
    @fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

    @gfaster @Cyborus So I could build parts of my app independently as dynamic libraries. I don’t really want to ship and copies of Tokyo, but monomorphization is kind of forcing my hand here.

    It’s that or having the entire crate graph when building tokio, which ruins the purpose of segmenting my app in completely separate crates like that.

    derpostillon ,
    @derpostillon@mastodon.social avatar

    Bilder des Tages – beeindruckende Fotos aus Deutschland und aller Welt https://www.der-postillon.com/p/bilder-des-tages-beeindruckende-fotos.html

    18+ plabberpapp ,
    @plabberpapp@social.tchncs.de avatar
    llutz ,
    @llutz@norden.social avatar

    Stück aus dem eisernen Thron heraus gebrochen?

    ralphruthe ,
    @ralphruthe@troet.cafe avatar

    Schönen Abend noch!

    finche ,
    @finche@nrw.social avatar


    Keine bösen Witze über Schweine, bitte.

    Ich meine es halbernst; man sollte sich nicht wirklich darüber lustig machen, daß manche von uns tatsächlich Schweine essen und alles davor billigend inkauf nehmen.

    xuxxux ,

    @ralphruthe sehr gut! Aber vertan die Chance allen zu zeigen, wo der Frosch die Locken hat.

    derpostillon ,
    @derpostillon@mastodon.social avatar

    Vater merkt, dass er immer noch Benjamin Blümchen hört, obwohl er sein Kind schon vor 20 Minuten in der Kita abgegeben hat https://www.der-postillon.com/2020/07/toeroeoeoeoe.html

    oarnd ,

    @derpostillon das ist keine Satire! Hat das der kinderlose Praktikant geschrieben?

    Junicast ,
    @Junicast@chaos.social avatar

    @derpostillon Neuerdings auch einfache Anekdoten?

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