geography082 ,

I like Elon musk (bring me your down votes).He may be billionaire or drag queen or whatever but he does what he wants even beyond loosing everything, he doesn’t give a fuck . Somehow he is authentic. Other billionaires are like rats fearing not loosing a single penny . Electric cars? I love them. Rockets , I played with them when I was kid. A shitty truck ? Yeah I will do it. Buying shit twitter and make my own, yeah why not. I know there are people and countries that are struggling to get food and this guy is doing that, but considering the shitload of extreme and irrational capitalism, have to highlight at least this.

randint , avatar

I have a disdain for Elon but I want to thank you for saying that you do like him. Makes this place less of an echo chamber.

madcaesar ,

All the childish stuff he does aside, if that wasn't enough, my problem with him is that he's actively promoting fascist and undermining the working class.

This mother fucker has all the money in the world and he's not content to do the kid dream stuff you describe, he's actively helping fascist spread misinformation and is actively fighting against good wages and conditions for the working class.

So yea, fuck Elon and pretty much all of the rest of the billionaires.

Humorless4483 ,

Being on the right side of the political spectrum doesn’t mean you’re fascist just like being on the left side doesn’t mean you’re communist.

cows_are_underrated ,

This is true, but Elon is actively helping facism. He actively supports fascism. Why did he compared a Jewish Billionaire to some Jewish comic villain? Why does he Actively support the AfD(German extreme Right wing party(that wants to deportate "foreigners" to some African state))? There are more examples, but this are the two I immediately thougjt of.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Big example- the "free speech absolutist" does any sort of censorship and banning Modi's fascist Indian government requests.

sinedpick ,

I guess good on you for not having the will to analyze anything beyond the surface level?

cows_are_underrated ,

Even tho I hate Elon I have to agree with you. He literally doesn't care about anything. Ia that good for him? No.

FlyingSquid , avatar

He may be billionaire or drag queen or whatever

You left out bigot and fascist.

Is it because there's no "may" about it?

captainlezbian ,

Yeah if he was a cartoon character I’d be down with him, but he’s a cartoon villain

Matombo ,

Elon musk anonces X OS, wait ...

milicent_bystandr ,

Based on BS Distro

MataVatnik , avatar

Wait, he may actually try this

pantyhosewimp ,

The founder of Amazon is buying the discontinued OS made by Jean-Louis Gassée and porting it to IBM mainframe platform. He’s going to name it BezOS.

Required reading to get this joke:

Phegan ,

Broken clock.

LaterRedditor ,

Careful Linus. This guy may start claiming he is a confounder of Linux any moment now.

Starayo ,

Musk certainly is confounding.

0x4E4F OP , avatar

What? You didn't know he was Linus's right hand man back the?

ColdWater , avatar

Time to switch to BSD /s

0x4E4F OP , avatar

Actually, I have been leaning towards BSD for the past year or so, so it might not be such a bad idea.

DriftinGrifter ,

which bsd?

0x4E4F OP , avatar

NetBSD most likely, it supports the arches I'm after.

reddit_sux , (Bearbeitet )

Just because a fool tells it, doesn't make it a foolish statement.

Edit: Corrected a typo

0x4E4F OP , avatar

It's not foolish, but the fool is filthy rich and with a big fanbase, that is where the problem lays.

reddit_sux ,

Even if 0.1 percent of his fanbase shift to linux maybe we can demand good software and hardware support.

More likely we will have bunch of whinny fools just like him but hope springs eternal.

0x4E4F OP , avatar

Yeah, I can go with that - always look on the positive side 👍.

model_tar_gz ,

X was already a thing in Linux before Elon had a dream.

Fucking go ahead and take it though Elon. Wayland for the win.

CaptDust ,

Sorry Elon you, specifically, have to go to space before getting involved in Linux. It's the Shuttleworth law.

FlyingSquid , avatar

The Space Shuttleworth law?

secretlyaddictedtolinux ,

I don't know if I like linux now :-(

OwlPaste ,

No musk, go away, leave linix alone <insert that meme of leave britney alone, but with linux>

octesian ,

You don't have to like everyone that likes what you like.

AFC1886VCC ,

Is it purely because Linux has the letter "X" in it?

Randelung ,

First thing he'll do is write Torvalds and suggest a minor change to the naming.

pivot_root ,

LinuX: in honor of the LinuX Foundation's new sponsor, X.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

given Linus' flair for writing replies, I would love to see him rip into Elon.

Jayjader ,

I really appreciate Linus trying to tone down the nastiness in his replies over the years, but I'd be willing to let almost anything slide if it means getting a proper, old-school Torvalds tear-down of Musk.

loaExMachina ,

He'll get very virulent in the X vs Wayland debate before he even learns what these mean.

NABDad ,

The nice thing about Linux is, he can't buy it and fuck it up.

0x4E4F OP , avatar

He can still fuck up the community.

NABDad ,


Djtecha ,

He'll claim he invented it

0x4E4F OP , avatar

Well, he at least invented X11...

bdonvr ,

Popularize among his follower base and make it cringe to use Linux

MystikIncarnate ,

Let me put it to you this way.

Elon Musk fanboys, now running arch.

Just.... Let that simmer for a minute.

barsquid ,

Anyone smart enough to run Arch is smart enough to recognize Elon is an imbecile.

cori ,

As a complete idiot who uses arch on her main PC, I can attest that you don't have to be particularly smart to use it.

GoodEye8 ,

But do you recognize Musk as an imbecile? If you do you're smarter than you think.

0x4E4F OP , avatar

Take it from me, people who openly say they're idiots usually aren't. Socrates: I now know I know nothing.

olutukko ,

you literally have to run installation script or follow instructions from arch wiki. slap some de to it and you're good. doesn't take a smart person to do.

to properly maintain it for longer periods forever though, takes some more skill.

Jayjader ,

Maybe nowadays, with Elon's imbecility so publicly visible.

I've run Arch for close to 10 years, and was pretty jazzed by Musk in the early days of his presiding over Tesla and Space X. Then again, I was barely an adult at the time, and I hadn't yet come across the first reports of terrible working conditions and his overall shittyness as a manager/exec.

rwhitisissle ,

A lot of people forget how overwhelmingly, insanely popular Musk was with way too online nerds. He was reddit's golden child for years. Part of this is that whenever Disney started releasing the Marvel movies, beginning with Iron Man, Musk was front and center as the core inspiration for Tony Stark (yes, I'm serious, the director and Robert Downey Jr. basically went on record as saying as much) and he fucking milked that shit. It's also important to understand that for a time he was seen as a forward looking entrepreneur whose business was "going to help save the planet by making electric cars so popular that every car manufacturer would switch to electric vehicle production to keep up." If Musk was a genius at one thing, it was manipulating public perception of himself and his enterprises. It took years of him being a thin-skinned weirdo and massive corporate tool to undo the amount of positive sentiment he'd built for himself and Tesla.

zbyte64 ,

NixOs has entered the chat

moon ,

You say that, but I'll be more than willing to try and sell him a copy of the source code.

AeonFelis ,

For extra irony, sell him an NFT to the source code.

macrocephalic ,

Just like chromium is safe from Google?

accideath ,

Chromium was, however, a Google product from the very beginning that Google open-sourced themselves. Linux is too big with too many non-profit and for-profit companies and tons of independent individuals participating in its development for one person or company to control it outright.

I mean, sure, for profit companies like Red Hat, SUSE, Canonical do have some influence but not so much that you can’t ignore their contributions if you don’t like them.

For example, some ubuntu based distros (i.e Mint) circumvent snap from being installed the ubuntu way (without asking) because it goes against their philosophy. And if that’s still too much Ubuntu for you, there’s a Debian Edition of mint. And if that’s still too same-y for you, there are dozens of other distros based on slackware, rhel/fedora, arch, Gentoo, etc. There even are Linux distros without GNU.

So, unless Muskiboy buys Linus Torvalds, I think the Linux community could easily ignore him building his own xOS.

HexesofVexes ,

Quick, someone pretend to be "the Linux company" and convince him to buy it!

kionite231 ,

Noo, I don't want Linux to be sold to Elon...

LordAmplifier , (Bearbeitet )

As the CEO of Linux, I've had long and intense discussions with Mr Musk about the future of the company if he were to buy it, and I have come to the conclusion that he is a very good and smart businessman. There is no doubt on my mind that our company will thrive under his competent leadership. The Linux Corporation(TM) is therefore proud to announce that we have decided to accept his gracious offer of 69 billion US dollars, payable in $100 Google Play gift cards.

HexesofVexes ,

You forgot to tell them that our head office is...

300 Funston Ave, San Francisco, CA 94118

...and all the play cards should be sent there!

MenacingPerson ,

But they're playing pretend

trainwreck ,

Letting this dude put you off something is just as pathetic as letting him put you onto something.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,
TachyonTele ,

That makes Twitter Superman64

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