
Some IT guy, IDK.

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MystikIncarnate ,

Like a community about arch?

I guess it's not really niche at this point.

Btw, I don't run arch.

MystikIncarnate ,

This is probably a big reason I don't buy/play newer multiplayer games, especially ones that are mp only, and a big reason why I buy everything on steam and avoid other platforms.

I've heard of games being dropped by steam, but those that already own it, still own it and can access it on steam as normal. In the situations I'm aware of, those games eventually returned to steam later, but still.

I prefer games that are either peer to peer mp, or you can self host a server for mp. I'm not saying that I'll always self host, but if the option is there, then I'll never lose the ability to play the game with friends, since I only need to set up a server to play on. Since I have a homelab, setting something like that up is trivial for me, and I can shut down and delete the server afterwards when it's no longer wanted or needed.

Everyone going crazy for the latest version of whatever battle Royale type game, laying down premium money to play on day one, and spending a lot to get buffs and cosmetics.... It just seems stupid to me. No thanks.

Free to play multiplayer with the option to buy cosmetics is less bad, but still not great. You can play, enjoy some time with friends while playing the game and if it goes offline tomorrow, who cares? You didn't pay anything for it and I'm certain there's other options in the same vein. As long as you're having fun, enjoy.

If I'm paying for a game, it's probably because of the single player experience. Anything multiplayer is icing on the cake, but not motivation to buy it.

MystikIncarnate ,

Very yes. Thanks.

MystikIncarnate ,

I've seen busybox in a lot of software that's not free. One notable example is VMware. It runs on top of esxi as a package to provide command line functions to VMware hosts.

I'm pretty sure (IDK, I don't do development for vmw) that it's running on top of VMware's kernel, and they have binaries that you execute from busybox that interface with the vmkernel to accomplish things.

I don't have all the details and I'm far from an operating system guru/developer/whatever. I think that's permissible under copyleft, since they're not running things that you paid for on top of busybox, but I have no idea. I'm also not a lawyer, but they've been doing it forever, as far as I know.

Does anyone know more about it? I'm just surprised that smaller fish have fried for infringement, but someone like VMware is shipping busybox without reprocussions.

Maybe it's not busybox? Maybe it's something that just looks and acts like busybox? Idk.

MystikIncarnate ,

I'm a big fps/3d spaces person. I gravitated to satisfactory. As far as I'm concerned, it's the same thing but 3D.

MystikIncarnate ,

Foundry is on my radar. I might wait for satisfactory to hit 1.0, play that for a few months, then switch over to foundry.

It looks good though. IIRC it's early access and what I've seen of it, I kinda want to give it a bit to get closer to complete before I jump in.

MystikIncarnate ,

That's a fair assessment IMO. They're all related games.

I personally haven't played factorio, but I know enough about it to prefer satisfactory.

A few friends of mine are getting into Palworld and getting away from satisfactory. IDK, it seems a bit too different to me.

MystikIncarnate ,

Satisfactory has added blueprints. They've been part of the game for a while. You can design, build and disassemble blueprints wholesale. They're not super large, which is part of the challenge. For something like a rail line, the placement of blueprints won't connect the rail line together even if you put a rail from end to end; so those blueprints usually are all the infrastructure surrounding a rail line, and the rail line is run down the infra after the blueprint is built.

There's plenty of quirks with it, as I'm sure there are in factorio, and there's no "perfect way" to do anything. A core mechanic in satisfactory is alternate recipes. I'll give you an example. Screws are an early item that's usually a pain point for new players early game. To get them, you have to mine iron, smelt it into iron ingots, then construct rods from those ingots, and finally, convert the rods into screws. It's a pretty involved recipe for the early game. Most other recipes are more simple, concrete is raw limestone, constructed to concrete directly, it's a two machine setup to get it rolling. Rods are another, and plates are similar to rods (both three machine setups, miner, smelter, constructor). Screws require at least four.

There's a popular alternative recipe called cast screws, which creates screws from iron ingots directly. Not only that, but you get more screws per ingot than the vanilla recipe.

To take that example further, there's an alternate for ingots, which is a "pure" ingot, which uses a mid-game machine, the refinery, to combine raw iron and water, and produce iron ingots, which has a higher yield than simply smelting the raw material.

So you can do the og recipes, and build a field of miners, smelters, and constructors (to make rods, then screws), so that you get enough screws in sufficient quantities, or, with a little legwork and some alternative recipes, you can use the pure iron ingot alternate, and cast screw alternate, and get a lot more with a lot fewer machines, and fewer iron nodes (less raw iron).

There's Infinity variant building methodologies, from building right on the ground, to large towers filled with many floors of machines to do the work. The layout can be chaotic and spaghetti, inefficient and a mess, to varying levels of perfect input to perfect output, building a variety of things continually.

You can focus on design, or efficiency, or simply the speed at which you can throw things together. The options are endless.

You can rush towards coal, fuel, or nuclear power, or flatten all of the biodiversity of the map into biofuel and run everything on plant and animal matter.

Personally, I focus on alternative recipes early on, as well as logistics (faster conveyor belts, etc), and power (mainly coal/fuel)... Collecting biomass generally sucks IMO, plus the nature in the game is quite lovely and I don't like to destroy more than I have to.

With the verticality, you can have production floors of machines where the inputs and outputs go into the floor, out of sight, into logistics floors below, to be carted around between machines, and to storage crates, or whatever you need.
If you run out of space, you can expand, or build more floors above your current build and expand that way.

Trying to solve logistical issues in three dimensions can be a challenge.

There's caves to explore, a variety of wild animals of varying strengths and abilities in the game, even some that are radioactive, or spew toxic gas. There's even flower looking plants that kind of stand up when you come nearby, and if you hang out near them, they emit toxic gases too... Or you can play on passive mode where the fauna generally ignore that you exist unless you attack them.

I could keep going, there's a lot of interesting stuff in the game, including a lot of things we don't have the story about (they've had placeholders in the game that won't be explained until 1.0 gets released, hopefully later this year). I have over 970 hours in the game and I will be starting a brand new save once 1.0 is available. I'm certain I will be playing that for many more hours to come.

If you want to know anything specific, please ask. I can point you at beginner friendly YouTubers, or streamers that push the game to its absolute (and ridiculous) limits with mods, or anything in-between. I can also just discuss the mechanics or what we know of the story so far.

For me, satisfactory is an extension of the same concepts I enjoy and employ for my profession. I'm in IT, and getting everything working just right, then seeing everything working perfectly is the take away I like to get from doing a thing. Troubleshooting it when it's not operating correctly, and ensuring everything stays running 24/7, is huge.

MystikIncarnate ,

So, to address your question, raw materials only come from nodes, which require miners. Obviously miners require power, but produce raw materials (output via a belt) indefinitely. The rate of extraction depends on the quality/purity of the node (poor/normal/pure) and the level of the miner. Miners can be placed anywhere there is a node. So building smaller modular factories is definitely possible and one of many legitimate strategies.

I think that answers the question, let me know if I misunderstood. I'm not 100% familiar with all the factorio mechanics so I'm not totally sure if I fully understood the question.

Between locations, you can move materials by truck, train, or drone. You can run trucks across the ground or build roads.

When it comes to generation, coal plants can burn just about anything solid, from raw coal to more complex materials derived from by-products of oil production. Fuel generators take any liquid fuel, from regular fuel, turbo fuel, and even liquid biofuel. Additionally there's a bunch of different ways to arrive at each type of fuel, for solids, you can use refineries to refine coal or petroleum waste into compacted coal or similar, and with liquid fuel, there's blenders and refineries, recipes for turbo blend fuel, heavy fuel, even turbo heavy fuel, diluted fuel, and packaged fuel too (used for jetpacks and vehicles). It gets.... Complicated.

With satisfactory, you can build small and just wait, or build big and use a lot of power, and things get finished much faster.

With progression, there's two main sections, milestones and phases. Each phase unlocks more tiers of milestones, and each milestone unlocks more buildables which will allow you to complete future milestones and phases. You can complete them in whatever order you want, but some of the progression requires that certain milestones get completed before progress can be made. In that way, there's some linearity with the progression.

The first person perspective of the game and the three dimensional design is what draws me towards satisfactory more than factorio. I'd happily give you a personal tour of one of the multiplayer servers I play on and host. No pressure, I just thought I'd offer in case you wanted to ask questions and get shown around the game by someone.

It just seems like you would enjoy the game. If you ultimately decide to play, that's fine, if not, no worries.

MystikIncarnate ,

For grids, there is a "world grid" which players were given access to some time ago, if you build properly on the world grid, then when you meet up one section from a factory to another section from another factory, they'll meet properly.

I always use the world grid to get a starting point before laying anything down. I don't want to struggle later on trying to make things fit, and doing it this way it's a no brainer.

For rail lines, they're completely dynamic, if you want to build it into a pretzel, you can do that. I'm not sure the trains would love it, but you can easily do that. There's actually a problem most new players have that after going around a corner, their rail line goes all wavy because the rail curves a little bit depending on where you place it, and what it's attached to. The solution is, at the end of the curve, when you have your ending point, remove the last section of rail at the curve, then build a perfectly straight section of rail where it will continue, then rebuild the last bit of the curve. This ensures the next section will start perfectly straight and any curve in the rail will be isolated to where the rail is meant to be curved. Then continue building as normal and the rest of the line will be straight.

Of course the rail lines can go up/down as much as you want (within the bounds of the world), so it's not uncommon to see sky bridges with long rail lines that span most of the map. In that configuration, either very tall conveyor lifts being materials up/down from stations on the line, or there's long, looped spirals of track to bring trains down to stations. I've seen both, and both methods are valid.

There will be train and truck stations frequently above or below factories for transit. I've also seen long bridges of conveyor belts bringing materials from one place to another. The main benefits to conveyors over trains/trucks/drones is that they're very consistent and don't require any additional power or fuel to run (trucks need fuel, trains use power), but a lot of people think they're ugly, so trains or trucks are common. I'm more of a fan of consistency so I tend to do conveyors, but I don't fault anyone for making different choices. Trains always need infrastructure, at least a rail line, trucks usually need some kind of infrastructure, though, not always. Drones don't need any, so if you want to preserve nature in the game, you can go that way, but drones are very late-game and require batteries which are difficult to build in sufficient quantities. Not impossible, but not easy either.

I tend to build a road with conveyors hanging underneath. The road is for me to get there and to provide the necessary structure to place the conveyors.

One thing I've heard of that factorio has that satisfactory lacks is the idea of pollution. In satisfactory, you can spew all the toxic gases you want and the environment doesn't change at all. Plants still grow and the world keeps looking the same. IDK, it's a difference I know about.

The first-person style of satisfactory is more like building in Minecraft (I would assume) so getting things lined up is sometimes a challenge until you get to the hoverpack. But the hoverpack requires power, and to get it, you have to be within a certain proximity to a power post.

In any case. I was thinking the tour would be a "before you buy" kind of thing, maybe over discord or something, where I can stream my game and you can ask whatever questions you want, and I can show you the mechanics. If you're not interested, that's fine. There's plenty of that kind of tour content on YouTube too if you want to look around.

For transporting materials, you don't have to. If you build modular factories right next to where your nodes are you can produce your items and store them at that location. The only down side is that when you need that stuff you'll have to go to that location and pick up what you need.
A lot of players like to build a resource hub and dump all their finished products into bins there, so they have a single location to go to when building anything. Just pick up whatever mats you need, and head out.

I have a lot more I could say about the nuances of design and structure in such a place, but it's all up to the person playing for what they want to do to put it all together. I tend to keep cramming too much into too small of a space and I have to engineer my way around the limitations. I need to plan better.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy factorio, as I enjoy satisfactory. My offer stands if you change your mind. If you ever buy the game and want to play some mp, let me know, I usually have a server running.

MystikIncarnate ,

Let me put it to you this way.

Elon Musk fanboys, now running arch.

Just.... Let that simmer for a minute.

MystikIncarnate ,

My useless opinion:

I barely knew Donald Trump prior to his election campaign, pre-2020. Not as a business man nor media personality. I would probably recognize the name, but I wouldn't be familiar with anything he had done up until he ran for president the first time.

The only notable thing about him, for me, is that he was president (easily one of the worst), and he is a convicted felon. So, I think it's pretty stupid to argue whether "convicted felon" should be in his opening lede line for Wikipedia. To me, that answer is obvious. Yes, of course it should be.

MystikIncarnate ,

Yeah, I can't be arsed to remember anything pre-COVID with that much detail. Unless it was something I was directly experiencing.

I'm not even a US citizen, nor do I live in the country, so I only have a passing interest in American politics. I know enough to know that I don't really want to visit the USA, especially right now.

I'm happy staying North of the border, in Canada. However, US politics tend to bleed over to Canada, so I keep an eye on it when I can. What's good for the US, is normally good for Canada, and the same for what's bad. I'm just happy we haven't gone to privatized healthcare, and in fact we're enhancing the existing healthcare system and extending what's covered. It's probably one of the most important political items for me. I don't need it, but I probably will eventually, and some of my family can directly benefit from the changes.

Wikipedia is fascinating with regards to how it handles these conflicts. I'm interested to see where it finally lands.

MystikIncarnate ,

I agree, the whole thing is interesting to say the least.

MystikIncarnate ,

Yeah, I feel like the OP picture is more of a commentary about the overlap, or lack of overlap, between people who use ts, and people that use the service formerly known as Twitter.

MystikIncarnate ,

I live in North America, I happen to have bought a Windows 10 license from Microsoft's website.

If I install the "N" version of Windows 10, my license key doesn't work.

That being said, give it a try, if it works, great, if not, just install the non-N version and debloat.

GL everyone.

MystikIncarnate , (Bearbeitet )

I'd be chilling at home. They can keep her.

Wait, is this too "boomer humor" in the line of "wife bad, hurr hurrr"? I need better material.

In reality, no, I wouldn't be listening to music. I'd be on the phone with every person I know who hunts, asking if I can borrow a rifle for a late night hunting trip, right the fuck now. Bonus points if they're a good enough friend that you can ask them to help you bury the bodies, then just invite him along for fun and entertainment.

MystikIncarnate ,

That's pretty much all I use it for. To keep my porn browsing off of my history.

Not to hide it from anyone, I don't live with my mother anymore and I don't think my SO would care. More so that when I google something, I don't get porn auto complete entries in my everyday browsing.

I'm fully aware that my traffic is able to be monitored by my ISP (at least to the extent that there's a connection that exists. HTTPS is still not capable of being easily decrypted), and my DNS is resolving the address for the porn sites, and that Google (or whatever search engine) is logging that the search happened.... Or that the sites see my connection, from my IP, and know what I watched.

My only objective is that they can't link that to my normal browsing or accounts.

You know all those "share on"... Twitter/Facebook/whatever links? When they load, from Facebook, it asks the referer URL, and checks the browser for any cookies that might associate that browsing to a person for ad customization. Incognito isolates that information, so while Facebook/X(Twitter)/whoever may know that someone went to that URL, they have no cookie data to link it to a person uniquely, so they have information that the site was visited, but no idea who visited the site since any session cookies I have for those services are in my non-incognito browser.

MystikIncarnate ,

Except by default, extensions are not enabled in Incognito mode unless you specifically tell your browser to allow it.

On top of that, if a browsers incognito has the same browser ID of the non-incognito version, that's probably not good. I would expect a browser to randomize any unique information like that when launching a private window.

So all you've got, as a savvy tracker, is the same aspect ratio, which, big deal, not like there's a huge selection of monitor sizes, and the same IP address, which, again, big deal, since any one client IP can have an almost unlimited number of users behind it.

You can presume it's the same person, but bluntly, that's a wild guess. It could be a visitor, or a different user logged into the same computer or another computer at the same location with the same (or at least a similar in resolution) screen. It's honestly a crapshoot. Assuming that's the person you know accesses your site from that IP is a bit of a stretch.

Any tracking cookies created in an Incognito or private window are going to get shredded when the window is closed, as long as the browser is doing what it's supposed to do.

MystikIncarnate ,

I don't think it's a secret that despite the overabundance of public messaging that "we" (the public) need to do x to "save the planet" or whatever, it's not working because it's entirely predicated on the idea that it's individuals doing the majority of the damage, which isn't the case.

Recycling is a particular scam. The idea of recycling basically gave everyone the green light to buy and use as many products that were "recyclable" as they wanted and could afford. The businesses making those products, in no small part started using "recyclable" plastics for nearly everything. People were satisfied that it was recyclable, with the three arrows in the package and that was it. All the while, recycling alone likely doubled the number of waste collection trucks on the road (increasing the amount of fuel needed) doubled the number of trucks needed to do collections of waste, and, as many have since pointed out, was largely not helpful, considering that plastics are basically impossible to recycle effectively at scale, into any product that anyone can use. Only a very small amount of plastic was ever able to be effectively recycled, and the vast majority was basically just landfill with extra steps.

So we polluted a fuckton more on an idea that it would save the planet, an instead, we just killed it more with trucks and oil.

This isn't a new story, and it's never been your fault. The last frame in this comic is what should have been done all along, but we were sold some bullshit lie so an asshole we've never met can buy another yacht.

And there's still legions of people engaging in wasteful practices and supporting companies that want you to throw out their products as soon as they release a "newer/better" version of the same. I'm looking at you, Apple. Sure, you've stepped back on this a little bit in the past few years, but remember when you intentionally slowed down millions of phones because they were 2+ years old, and for no other reason? I do.

Net Zero carbon emissions (or any other pollutant) shouldn't be the goal. It should be the minimum fucking standard.

MystikIncarnate ,

Everyone knows the real power of configuration on Windows is regedit.

MystikIncarnate ,

I'd probably try to keep a lottery win quiet. I don't want relatives I don't like crawling out of the woodwork clamoring for my money.

I mean, I wouldn't give them any regardless, but I just don't want that hassle.

MystikIncarnate ,

For me, I'd be paying off the mortgage and buying new IT gear for my home, and setting myself up with passive income so I don't need a job anymore.

If it was enough of a win, I may buy a new property and rebuild my house on it.... Making a few small additions and renovations along the way. Stuff we already want to do, but don't have the money for... The only big benefit would be that the house would be built on quite a bit more land than my current home. The lack of land was one of the things I wanted that I had to give up because of the other requirements we had, so being able to get what we have (which we need) and a bit more land would be perfect. Sell this old house and move into the new one.

Beyond that, any money I have left over would probably be spent to pay off friends debts and mortgages.... One friend is still renting. He's in a great place and his current rent is well below the average for his area, but the land owner is an older lady, and I would want to ensure he has the same security for a place to live as I have. I'd probably try to buy the place from the lady at market cost, and she can stay renting there as long as she likes, at very low rent, just as she has afforded to my friend for all this time.

When she decides to depart, instead of renting the place again, I'd renovate it, and gift the whole house to my friend. He would go from occupying a small basement apartment to owning the whole house. From there he can either take over the whole home, or rent out the upstairs and keep things as they are. It's up to him.

I have a few other ideas but I haven't even played the lottery in a long while.

MystikIncarnate ,

My biggest issue with discord is that I'll get pinged, and have no fucking clue what pinged me.

Even if I get to the notification, often I don't get it right away, and often I don't open it right away either. So when I click on it, which, in most chat like apps will take you to that post/mention/whatever, it just takes me to the channel where I was mentioned. I'm left with no earthly idea why I'm in this chat or what was said that prompted the notification.

When I'm actively in discord, this works okay, since the mention which prompted the notification is likely the most recent thing said, or at least, close to it. The problem is, I'm almost never actively in discord.

I find that if I use discord all the time, which is rare, but happens.... Then I don't mind it so much. However, if I don't use discord all the time, then it's less than useless. I get notifications all the time and I just end up dismissing them because by the time I get to it, there's no chance I'll be able to figure out why I got the notification in the first place.

DMs and very very small communities are an exception, since the volume of messages is so low that generally, even if I get to the notification hours later, the message that prompted the notification is still one of the most recent handful of messages.

To this end, my list of pros and cons for discord are:

  • convenient (when in active use)
  • good voice chat
  • a lot of people use it
  • slow notifications
  • bad notification handling

I feel like the people who run any given community, who are centered around discord, don't have problems with it, since they're pretty much always on it. For someone who isn't always plugged into discord, it's a horrendous nightmare of missed messages and notifications that take you somewhere unexpected. Any complaints about this generally falls on deaf ears because the people in charge, who picked that the community should be in discord, use it so much that they don't really have any issues with it.

Compare and contrast with a competing text-chat service like slack. In general slack doesn't do voice, so there's some differences there, but talking strictly about notifications and such: the notifications frequently arrive within seconds or minutes at most, when you select them, it takes you to the channel where the alert came from, scrolled to the post where the mention that prompted the notification is located, with the specific mention highlighted for clarity. From here, you can scroll back to get context, and scroll forward to see other replies. Contrasted with my experience in discord, you select the notification, you're taken to the channel where the notification originated, and scrolled to a random point in the recent history of the channel. Does this section contain the mention? Maybe, but probably not. Nothing is highlighted. Good luck.

MystikIncarnate ,

I've been using that, and bluntly, that's great, but why, when I click on a notification, does it not do the same thing?

MystikIncarnate ,

I'm always sad when I see this stuff. I know it's all jokes and whatnot, but the entire meme has been born out of a fundamental misunderstanding of the dilemma that the trolley problem is supposed to represent.

The question isn't, and has never been whether you throw the switch or not. The question is that if you throw the switch, are you responsible for killing the one, or conversely, if you do nothing, are you responsible for killing the others?

Whether you throw the switch or not is immaterial to the point. Kill one or kill four (or whatever) it doesn't matter. You didn't create that scenario, so by your inaction several people died, are you responsible for their deaths, considering you never put them in that position? Or are you exempt of blame since you basically chose to be an onlooker?

I don't really blame anyone for not getting it, I sure didn't for a really long time until my friend rephrased the same dilemma in a different way (and omitted the trolley): you go to lunch and have a delicious subway sandwich, but you were not very hungry so you only are half. On your travels from Subway to wherever, you pass by a homeless person begging for food. If you decide to ignore them and keep your food for yourself for later, and that person dies of starvation later that same day because of it, are you responsible for their death?

MystikIncarnate ,

The idea itself can be a rather interesting thing to explore as a thought experiment. Obviously the premise of the trolley problem is ridiculous, especially today since trains and especially trolleys are becoming much more rare for most people (with the exceptions for railroad tracks across roads, and passenger rail lines like subways and surface passenger services like we see in bullet trains). There are still railcars, like light rail transit in cities sometimes, but again, it's fairly rare overall for the general public as a whole.

The idea of trolleys is a fairly outdated one and most of the safety systems in modern allegories are so robust that dangers are generally minimized.

Nevertheless, the moral quandary of whether you are responsible for injury or death as a result of your action (or inaction) is a fascinating mental exercise and has resulted in more than one discussion of adjacent morality concerns with the friend I mentioned. It's fascinating to study overall, even in a casual context like we do.

I understand there's a lot more to the picture when dealing with it in a more formal study, and that this question is only one piece of the puzzle when performing such studies.

The part that frustrates me more than anything is that people stop at whether or not to pull the lever, and run with it in memes and alternative solutions, rather than grappling with the moralities that are the root of the original question as part of the study. This is supposed to invoke a deep consideration about your actions and the responsibilities you may or may not be accepting when getting involved in a situation, and how your specific world view and moral "code" (so to speak) factors in. All of the memes and reposts of it, to me, always feel like it cheapens the meaning behind the initial problem as stated. However I understand that highly involved analytical thinking that forces you to consider all of those deep underlying concepts, requires significant mental work; system 2 work, of you will. Where you have to engage with your analytical "slow" thinking mind to really grasp, and our default reaction, as a species is that such thinking is usually something that will put us in danger, since our fast thinking system 1, can easily just blurt out an answer without considering it any further, saving significant mental effort.

I understand why people reduce this dilemma to the mechanical components of throwing a switch, but I always feel like they're missing the entire point of the exercise.

MystikIncarnate ,

I remember reading about this. He was actually lost, in that he strayed from his trail and didn't immediately know how to return.

Rescuers were alerted because a family member had reported him missing after he didn't arrive home on time.

As the story goes, to the best of my recollection, the "lost" individual went for a hike and said they would be back before sundown. When they got lost, they obviously missed that deadline. They were biding their time in the forest until daybreak to try to find the trail to get back because it was too dark to look for it. So while he was "lost" it was mainly because the sun had gone down. He didn't feel like he was in any danger, and wasn't at any risk of immediately being harmed or killed; AFAIK they were reasonably familiar with that forest and they were more than capable of surviving in those conditions; so he had no motivation to seek help.

TL;DR: guy didn't feel like he needed help.

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