autotldr Bot , an Europe in Labour to seek joint declaration with EU on wide-ranging security pact

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Labour is seeking a sweeping joint declaration with the EU to usher in a wide-ranging security pact covering defence, energy, the climate crisis, pandemics and even illegal migration, the foreign secretary, David Lammy, has said.

Under Labour plans, the pact would see the UK work more closely with the bloc on a slew of areas related to security, ideally without the need for a legally binding deal, which could take years to agree.

It is rare for non-EU states to attend the foreign affairs council, and Labour thinks it may be possible to go on an irregular basis if the planned security pact develops.

Labour thinking in relation to a security pact is to see if it can establish something similar to the EU-US technology council that has a number of subcommittees, and holds an annual summit.

Asked whether the security cooperation could extend to issues such as cybersecurity, illegal migration, pandemics, decarbonisation and access to critical minerals, Lammy said: “Yes, it could.”

The broad issue was raised by Lammy with the Polish foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski, who said they had discussed “some creative ideas” on future cooperation.

The original article contains 910 words, the summary contains 188 words. Saved 79%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

HowRu68 OP ,

For those who have missed it, UK had elections and the Labour Party won.

" So far Labour has won 412 seats, while the Conservatives have slumped to just 121 and centrist Liberal Democrats have taken 71. Reform UK, a successor to the Brexit Party, is set to pick up four seats, as is the left-wing Green Party " (link BBC)

weeahnn , an Europe in Viktor Orbán’s rightwing group hits quota for recognition by EU parliament avatar

A sorry collection of worthless scum. Let's hope they follow the age-old fascist tradition and fight among themselves.

AllNewTypeFace , an Europe in Viktor Orbán’s rightwing group hits quota for recognition by EU parliament avatar

Putinists for Europe

HowRu68 OP , an Europe in Viktor Orbán’s rightwing group hits quota for recognition by EU parliament

The Danish People’s party and the Flemish nationalist pro-independence Vlaams Belang announced on Saturday that they would join, giving Patriots for Europe 23 MEPs – enough to meet the EU parliament’s threshold for formal recognition.

Other parties involved are the Austrian far-right Freedom Party (FPOe), the centrist ANO of former Czech prime minister Andrej Babis, the Party for Freedom (PVV) of Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders, Portugal’s far-right Chega party and Spain’s Vox.

Disturbing trends..

autotldr Bot , an Europe in Far-right win in French election could deal blow to climate policy, say experts

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A victory for the far right in the French elections could deal a serious blow to climate policy in France, experts have warned, with consequences that could ripple through the European Union and beyond.

The second round of snap polls, whichEmmanuel Macron called after the National Rally (RN) scored big gains in European elections last month, could result in Marine Le Pen’s party securing a majority in the French parliament on Sunday, although nationwide efforts to form a “republican front” may prevent that.

It has has indicated it wants to overturn a 2035 ban on combustion engine cars, block new wind turbines, scrap low-emissions zones and rip up rules on energy efficiency.

But even as RN politicians have relegated the topic of climate action to the sidelines, observers say they will have to reconcile conflicting desires, such as attacking renewables while trying to keep industries competitive, or promoting sovereignty while cutting taxes on fossil fuels, for which France relies on imports.

France has been a vocal champion of EU-wide industrial policies to support clean technologies and Macron has pushed for Europe to build up a green manufacturing base that can hold its own against subsidised competition in the US and China.

If the far right wins, scientists fear it could hurt global climate diplomacy and usher in attacks on science similar to what happened in the US under the former president Donald Trump.

The original article contains 690 words, the summary contains 233 words. Saved 66%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Muscle_Meteor , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Its not up to the UK. Its unlikely the EU would let them back in so soon, and if they did the UK would be in a weak bargaining position so they wouldnt get all the opt outs and exemptions they had before. Also EU progressives seek greater integration and the UK was the loudest voice against it. Its a lose lose.

As its been 8 years from the vote and the paperwork still hasnt been figure out, its probably going to be another 20-30 years until things have simmered down enough that people can objectively look back and say it was the worst decision in modern history without people getting all pissy and defensive (most of them will have died of old age). Then they can apply to join again.

poVoq Mod , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Northern Ireland might get back in sooner though. Maybe Scottland as well, but less likely.

Muscle_Meteor , (Bearbeitet )

Yeah Northern Ireland could basically just vote to join Ireland.

Scottland would have a harder time. As much as i support the idea they would have to leave the UK, develop an economy good enough to meet the joining criteria (might need to create their own currency), then get permission to join from all member states, including the ones with seperatist movements which dont want to be seen as lenient towards seperatist causes.

It is possible as they could likely use the Euro in the mid term (but this would cause their borrowing rates to be higher than if they had their own currency, as they have no control over monetary policy) and maybe the countries with seperatist movements wouldnt care as they're leaving the UK. But its a bit of a gamble..

Edit: added clarification about currencies

DarkThoughts ,

Wouldn't they now also have to adopt the Euro?

Muscle_Meteor ,

Yes thats one of the opt outs they would have had before. That being said there is no timeline on it, there are still 6 EU states which dont use the Euro and are supposed to change to it in the future. Only denmark has a permanent opt out.

hellothere , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

People who cannot see the clear and obvious reason why he's said this, the day before an election, are being willing blind and/or obtuse.

"Circumstances have changed" would be what a Starmer talking doll would say if you pulled its string.

Wimopy ,

I think the main issue I have, and likely many others too, is how strongly it is phrased. If he thinks he'll die in the next 5 or 10 years... fine, I guess? But that's unlikely, and with how things have shifted just in the past 25 years, making a statement like this seems arrogant.

Is that overanalysing a one line answer to a question? Probably, but that's what a politician gets and the effect of modern media.

Not to mention how the population and especially Labour supporters have turned pro-EU so he'll likely alienate that part of his base. Strong stances are seen as better, but I really feel sometimes he should take a softer approach.

DonPiano , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer avatar
trollercoaster , (Bearbeitet )

Be careful what you vote for, that Labour party of yours looks like a bunch of conservatives in disguise. You might end up voting the Tories out of office only to get them back hidden under thin red veneer.

Foni , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer avatar

As a European, it seems reasonable to me. I think the UK should let one or two generations pass to assess its true power, influence, and wealth in the world before making any major decisions. Similarly, the EU needs to find its own way, see how far it can go without the UK (and possibly without the tutelage of the USA), and thus determine what concessions it might need to make to the UK in a negotiation and what aspects would be non-negotiable.

MrMakabar , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer avatar

I so hope the Tories loose so badly, that the Lib Dems become the largest opposition party. They at least are for rejoing the EU and would argue for it.

mettwurstkaninchen , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Well, he is 61. Even if Britain starts the process of rejoining right now, chances are high that he won't see it.

CaptObvious , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Bold of him. Does he plan to die in office?

ashok36 , (Bearbeitet )

I was gonna say... "That can be arranged, Mr. Starmer".

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Utterly insane take from him. Based on the strength of a single referendum that was likely influenced by a foreign power and carried out by some of the most determinedly incompetent leaders we've seen in a generation, we are to lose free trade, influence abroad, freedom to roam, consumer protections, and countless other benefits, to continue for the lifetime of an as yet unelected PM who has purged his party of anyone to the left of Barack Obama.

Kidplayer_666 ,

Ok, butttttt, bold of you to assume that we’d want the UK back

Eril ,

I'm fine with it in general. BUT under some conditions:

  • No cherry-picking. Full rules apply or bust
  • EU reform before adding any country. It's already horribly inefficient to have 27 countries having to agree on everything
Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It should be enough to know that Russia prefers the current situation. I'd happily ditch the pound on that basis - it's not exactly as if sir Isaac has been running the mint lately.

fartsparkles ,

Eh, why feed Reform or Conservatives any on-the-edge voters at this late an hour by making them fear a vote for Labour is a vote for more Brexit madness.

His statements are full of weasel words too, as have other party member’s statements. It’s not an insane take, just a “I don’t think we will” to avoid arming opponents with something to fearmonger with.

They need a term, and if they can change the perspective on EU membership and see polling supports rejoining (and they’ve the funds to pump into the obscene political advertising it’ll require to not get drowned out by Conservatives like before the referendum), they just might go for it in a second term.

mindbleach , an Europe in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer


Mopswasser , an Europe in Switching off: Sweden says back-to-basics schooling works on paper

I am 100% convinced that all the money in the world doesn’t matter when teachers don’t give a fuck and when students’ behaviour is beyond reproach. Took my kids out of a public school that was boasting about their certificates and digitalisation etc. and sent them to a private school (no, it wasn’t expensive and certainly more efficient than the bloated corpse of public administration) that made do with minuscule amounts of money, just offered old school care and attention.

Good on Swedish kids.

0x815 OP ,

This is from 2018, but still up-to-date content you may be interested in,
Did Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Other Tech Billionaire Parents Advocate Limiting Children's Technology Use?

The most sought-after private school in Silicon Valley, the Waldorf School of the Peninsula, bans technical devices for the under-11s and teaches the children of eBay, Apple, Uber and Google staff to make go-karts, knit and cook. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg wants his daughters to read Dr Seuss books and play outside rather than use Messenger Kids. Steve Jobs’s children had strict limits on how much technology they used at home.

gravitas_deficiency ,

TL;DR: long before all the studies and statistical analyses became vogue, our “captains of industry” were skeptical enough of the ubiquitous technology that their companies make, sell, enable, or otherwise profit from that they took steps to protect their own children from it.

DieguiTux8623 , an Europe in "We must put a stop to further degradation that is leading Poland towards authoritarianism:" Nobel laureate urges Polish opposition to commit to progressive causes avatar

To me, 30% of voters does not at all seem a "minority". This is democracy, the majority decides and elects their leaders, it does not matter if not everybody feels at ease with them. Traditional values represent a country's identity, historical legacy and in the case of Poland, it is what allowed them to survive across multiple foreign invasions and dominations.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Lmao listen to yourself. 30% of a population is by definition a minority of said population.

And you can preserve cultural tradition just fine without being a reactionary asshole with your governmental policies.

DieguiTux8623 , avatar

Unless the system has only 2 parties like US, with three or more parties involved having a consensus of 30% makes quite a relevant share.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Yeah uh, there’s a word for that: plurality. It’s a distinct concept from “majority”.

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