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Who needs Skynet Englisch

A meme in the "IQ bell curve" format. On the left, stupid wojak says "If we don't stop AI, it will destroy humanity", while thinking about rogue robots from Terminator. On the right, sage wojak also says "If we don't stop AI, it will destroy humanity", but he's thinking about massive energy requirements and carbon emissions associated with AI. In the middle, average intelligence wojak is in favour of AI: "Noooo AI will make our lives easier, we can automate so many tasks. Only a few more years and we'll achieve AGI, just wait and see. Surely this time a couple exajoules of energy spent on training will do the trick."
yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

The root problem is capitalism though, if it wasn't AI it would be some other idiotic scheme like cryptocurrency that would be wasting energy instead. The problem is with the system as opposed to technology.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Nah, human ideology is much broader than a single economic system. The fact that people who live under capitalism can't understand this just shows the power of indoctrination.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

What you're saying is that you're not self aware enough to realize that you have an ideology. Everyone has a world view that they develop to understand how the world works, and every world view necessarily represents a simplification of reality. Forming abstractions is how our minds deal with complexity.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Observations may be objective, but the values are always subjective. Two different people can look at the same set of facts and come to entirely different conclusions of what constitutes desirable actions based on their world view.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

You entirely missed the point of what I said. Two different people can agree on an objective fact that a table is a table, but disagree on whether it's a good looking table.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Sure, technology is a product of the culture and it in turn influences how the culture develops, there's a dialectical relationship there.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Because as I explained in my original comment, if it's not AI it's going to be some other bullshit.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

The reality is that real world is far too complex to be understood with perfect accuracy. Therefore, everyone necessarily makes assumptions and simplifications leading them to see different options as being more harmful. What you're describing is frankly an infantile understanding of how empirical observation works.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

You've just explained your simplistic ideology in this thread, and you're not even capable of understanding why its simplistic when it's explained to you.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

I've explained to you what an ideology is repeatedly, you seem incapable of understanding what you're being told. The human brain is not capable of holding the entire complexity of the material reality, and therefore it must rely on abstractions and simplifications to do reasoning. You, just like everyone else, have biases and make simplifications leading you to understand things in the specific way that you do. This signifies your particular ideology.

There are plenty of cases where people try to use empirical evidence with best intentions resulting in great harm being done as a result. Having good intentions is not an ideology, it's an aspiration. The world view that guides your actions that you put into practice to try to achieve the goals that you believe to be desirable are what your actual ideology is.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

that's an ideology of itself

yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

this is a great read on the subject https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3212479

yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Right, what we call low level is really just an emulation layer that's actually at odds with how the actual hardware works. Interestingly enough, it seems like functional style provides a programming model that can be optimized better because it doesn't rely on global shared state.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar
yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

We obviously will have to address the problem of capitalism sooner than later.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Except that you don't need uranium for nuclear reactors. The reason it's used traditionally because it's also used for nuclear weapons. Thorium is a much better fuel that's more abundant. China has already started operating these types of reactors. The other advantage of this design is that they use molten salt instead of water for cooling. Molten salt reactors don't need to be built next to large bodies of water, and they are safer because salt becomes solid when it cools limiting the size of contamination in case of an accident.


yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Indeed, I find that aside from there just being too much media to consumer, there's also a factor of available energy. What I notice often happens is that browsing stuff like social media requires less mental effort than reading or even playing a game. So, you kind of just do it mindlessly when you're bored, but then you end up regretting not having spent the time doing something you would've found more meaningful instead. It's an intellectual equivalent of eating fast food instead of having a proper meal.

yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar


yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

I do find I mostly read ebooks nowadays as well.

yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

It's typically the same people who couldn't define what Communism is even if their life depended on it.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

I do, that's why I don't spew nonsense the way you do.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

You're contradicting yourself little buddy, just earlier you were claiming that mass popular support is democracy. But apparently an uprising of the oppressed is just a coup. 🤡

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

lmfao took you half an hour to come up with this "comeback" 😂

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar
yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean you clearly have a compulsion to keep talking to me, so just can't get enough of that foul tankie opinion I guess. 😂

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

That's right, being a foul tankie, I'm completely incapable of independent thought and simply do what my betters tell me like an automaton that I am. Only enlightened dronies are capable of truly independent thinking.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

it's so materialist that the only thing it managed to produce in the past century is a lot of hot air

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Nah, I'm going by the actual tangible achievements, or lack of thereof as the case may be, of anarchists based on the teachings of their thinkers.

This was true of the Russian revolution when “all power to the Soviets” became hollow words and “war communism” became the new oppressor of the people.

Having actually grown up in USSR, I can tell you that listening to anarchists regurgitate this nonsense is incredibly offensive. It completely discredits your argument and shows that it is you who's opining on a subject you have no understanding of. All people like you accomplish is enable capitalist oppression by rejecting real world solutions.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

This clearly illustrates that anarchists are not capable of organizing in effective ways that can protect their ideology. The same way anarchists ended up losing to Bolsheviks, they end up losing to capitalists, and fascists. What Bolsheviks achieved was to build a socialist state that was able to defend itself and greatly improve the lives of the working majority. Anarchists simply aren't capable of doing that as the past century has shown beyond all doubt.

USSR was the first ever attempt at building socialism at scale, and while it may have collapsed, other socialist projects live on today and continue to improve lives of over a billion people on this planet.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

What I'm pointing out is that all ideologies compete with others. That's the reality of the world. If Anarchists are not able to defend the way they want to organize society then their ideology ends up being trampled by others. That's the world we live in. Calling this victim blaming doesn't change the material reality of the world.

The difference between anarchists and communists is that the latter actually managed to build functional societies, and to effectively resist capitalism. Anarchists failed to do that, and the reasons for why anarchist approach fails time and again are well understood now.

What Bolsheviks achieved was the betrayal of all who fought for the liberation of the proletariat.

Repeating nonsense over and over will not make it true.

You speak as if the USSR only repressed the forces of reaction, but it also repressed the very same workers it claimed to support when they tried to claim the worker control of the means of production they were promised.

This is an idealist position that's divorced from realities of the world. USSR existed under siege from global capitalism throughout its whole existence, and that was the reason it was organized the way it was.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

The Bolsheviks’ had the ill-gotten might to push their agenda, but might does not make right. The Bolsheviks lied to and used the anarchists to achieve what they did, but anarchists have learned from their past mistakes and will prove you wrong.

No amount of moralizing will change the fact that anarchists fail to organize effectively time and again. If anarchists actually learned anything then we'd see that put into practice. The lack of any actual achievements is the elephant in the room here.

Capitalist aggression did not make necessary the regressive views on social issues and science the USSR had (which resulted in famine), nor the widespread corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency of state officials. You cannot simply excuse all flaws of the USSR by blaming global capitalism.

Yes, it absolutely did as anybody with even minimal historical knowledge would know.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Revolutions require a critical mass of people to come together, and sometimes people who have different vision for the end goal find opportunities to work together as Bolsheviks and anarchists did. Lenin wrote extensively on the subject of when alliances should be formed. MLs don't have a problem working with anarchists, recognizing that there are common interests and that a time may come where such alliances may need to be rethought. The hate largely comes from the side of anarchists who refuse to work with MLs and spend their time trying to discredit the accomplishments of existing socialist states.

It's also worth noting that the reality in the west today is that both MLs and anarchists are an insignificant political minority. If the current system does end up collapsing in the near future, then fascism is the most likely outcome. While the left bickers, the right is rapidly growing in power in vast majority of western countries.

yogthos ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

You have been discrediting the accomplishments of anarchists while I have been acknowledging the accomplishments of marxists.

I've been pointing out that anarchists have not managed to put their ideas into practice on any appreciable scale while Marxists have done this. Ultimately, what I'm telling you is that anarchists need to show how they can actually make their ideas work and withstand the challenges that they face in the real world. This is a problem that anarchists have not been able to solve in my view.

You say that it's the fault of Bolsheviks that anarchists didn't get their way in USSR, but there's no reason to believe that anarchists would've fared any better against the capitalist invasion that followed in 1918, or against the nazis a couple of decades later. In fact, the centralization of power that you decried was ultimately what allowed USSR to rapidly industrialize and come out victorious in WW2.

Meanwhile, I completely agree that the socialist projects that Marxists managed to build are not without their own problems. Yet, I think they are a strict improvement over capitalism as imperfect as they may be. My view is that the threat of fascism is very real and that it grows by the day, and in face of that the left should focus on using tools that have been proven to defeat fascism in the past.

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