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@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar



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Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

I know you probably mean newer Xbox games, but check out xemu if you like retro titles.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

XDG Base Directory & XDG User Directories will help you immensely. At least, for the programs that follow the XDG specs. Also, check out XDG Ninja.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Men are welcome to do the same whenever they're ready, but for now a lot of men are just coping by crab bucketing this shit and bringing women back down.

Stop pretending like you know jack shit about men's issues.
It's only to/about men do you mfs say this type of shit.
"Oh, men are depressed and have insanely high suicide rate? Have they tried smiling more?"

Men are welcome to do the same whenever they're ready

We've been ready for a very long fucking time.
When will society be ready to actually fucking listen for once?
It's fuckin sad that the only people able to talk about men's issues are either fucking grifters (Andrew you know who) or aren't even men.
Just STFU with your copout bullshit.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar
Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Hey, what's up with the tone my guy?

How else am I supposed to react to a hyper simplification of the multifaceted problem that is men's issues?

Evidently women still have many issues coming from male dominant culture formed before the industrial revolution, there has been good progress but there's still a long path ahead.

Yes, that's true.

Men have issues coming from cultural norms too. imo the biggest hindrance for men at the moment is not nearly enough people talk about men's mental health.


Promoting solutions for women doesn't mean ignoring men's issues.
Promoting awareness to men's issues is not against women's interests.

Yes. That's why the most prominent men's rights activists are also women rights activists.

When someone is promoting progress, let's not jump to "there are bigger problems elsewhere"

That's not what's happening here.

If you want to promote change via debate, being aggressive is the worst strategy. Why not say "hey, I hear your argument for women, and on this note I'd also like to raise this other related subject about men's issues."

The problem is that they brought up men's rights issues in the most passive aggressive snarky way possible while hyper-generalizing and hypersimplifying it.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

did you really need to come say "not all men" to a comment that didn't even say "most?" Are you THAT insecure about the possibility that other men are unpleasant to women sometimes that you need to come and do this and keep replying and even draw pictures about it?

You didn't even read the argument. It's not about "not all men" , it's about your hyper-generalization and hypersimplification of men's issues and acting like there's a silver bullet solution that men are (implied) to lazy to do. Hence the "have they thought about smiling more" example, emphasizing the ridiculous copout response that solves nothing and actively hurts men. Which btw, is an actual IRL example.

We can ignore the fact that you are currently being the man being unpleasant to women for the moment if it makes your continued trolling easier.

You're literally a woman hyper generalizing and oversimplifying men's issues while being unpleasant to a man. Hypocrite.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Okay troll

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

She's not worth interacting with, she's literally by definition a troll and a hypocrite.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

You've miss interpreted my words.
Nobody is crying victim.
This is not about weather or not men's issues are self imposed. It's about the consistent oversimplification of the multifaceted problem that is men's issues.

Men set these rules for other men

That's not entirely true. There's plenty of other factors you're not taking into account. Fatherlessness, poverty, the lack of men's mental health infrastructure and funding, the chosen ignorance of domestic violence against men & boys, the hashtag #killallmen trending on Twitter back in May 2014, the sexualization of boys getting molested by women like some how that's supposed to normal, female SO's getting categorically lighter sentencing for the same crime, entrenched societal biases, the dismissal or trivialization of issues affecting men and so so much more.
Then there's the intersection of men's issues with other marginalized identities, such as race, sexuality, and disability, creating additional complexities.
Men's issues are multifaceted and go beyond simplistic narratives like "men hurt men" copout bs.

and I can't really wrap my head around the concept of men asking men to stop taking away the rights of men.

It's easy once you realize that the problem with the "gender war" is not women vs men, it's the poor vs the government + the rich.

Please consider watching :
Pt.1 &
Pt.2 , I know they're long, but you'll have a much deeper understanding of my perspective.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

If it's poor vs rich, why even mention gender?

Because the gender war is a symptom of poor vs rich + government and is the entire topic of this thread.

I agree we are all getting fucked by the system. The results of that in my life are different than how it affects your life. The system screws men in a different way than it screws women. It screws black people different than white people. It screws this religion different than that religion.

Exactly the point. Continuing that line of thought. Do you think, a solution for one group is just going to magically work for another?

It just sounds selfish to me when you acknowledge that the problem is bigger than "Men's issues". And although it's not quite as bad, it reminds me of All Lives Matter.

How is this at all related?

Cancer has MANY symptoms. When someone is complaining about how they lost both their legs to cancer, and you're like "But MY cancer occasionally makes me feel dizzy", yeah, it sucks that you have cancer, and I wish you didn't, but trying to equate your dizziness with amputation just makes you sound ignorant and desperate for attention.
By all means, let's cure the cancer for everyone, but until we can do that, we should triage, and treat the most severe symptoms before we start worrying about the occasional dizziness.

Again you're misinterpreting, using your cancer analogy, this is like :
P1 : "I have cancer and made huge strides to beat it, I know you have cancer too, use this and this and do this and this and take theses supplements & drugs, eat this diet, smile more, do this exercise, blah blah blah"
P2 : "We don't even have the same type of cancer, you have Rhabdomyoma, I have Leukemia, what you're suggesting doesn't work or isn't nearly as effective, cancer is way more complex than that."
P1 : "Fuck you then."

Again, Please consider watching :
Pt.1 &
Pt.2 if you want a deeper understanding of my perspective.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

I did read. Read again.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

I'm dyslexic and have reading OCD, it takes me longer to write and development my argument.
I read your comment the first time, and as per my OCD, I'll be reading it again.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Without going through your experiences, I can't fully understand how you have personally been punished for being a man.

You want to know my personal experience?
There's so so much I could say. But I'm not comfortable with publicly trauma dumbing.
Without giving away too much, I will say that an event accord when I mearly 6, when I told, I was meet with scoffs of disgust, and called a lier, and the events continued for some time, years later, after I had already repressed it deep down and everyone forgot. My little sister comes out about a similar event that happened to her, and she was meet "omg!! That's horrible!! We need to take immediate action, you should've come to us about this sooner", note that we came out to the same people. More over, it likely wasn't even the first time it happened, it's just as far back as I can remember. That's all I'll disclose, if I think about it to much I'll trigger an episode.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

not reminding people that sometimes bad things happen to men.

That's not even what I'm trying to do, I'm just trying to make the point that it's NOT THAT SIMPLE , it wasn't simple for women, so why the fuck do people assume it's simple for men. It's not, it never will be, not for anyone who's not in a position of power or wealth. Ready or not, it doesn't matter. It took decades for women to build a movement capable of changing the system for them, it's no different for men, men's rights advocates have been fighting for men's mental health for a very long time already and we still see no chance in the system.
You'll hear a lot about "men made the system for men", and that's objectively and observably false, the Rich made the system for the Rich. Just because the 1% are men, doesn't mean that 70% of homeless individuals aren't also men. The Rich don't care who gets fucked, as long as it's not them.
I'd like to suggest once again, if you haven't already Pt.1 & Pt.2.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

May I remind you, I'm not the one who brought up men's issues in the first place.
If Apytele left out :

Men are welcome to do the same whenever they're ready, but for now a lot of men are just coping by crab bucketing this shit and bringing women back down.

We wouldn't be having this conversation at all.
I have no issue with the rest of the comment.
That particular part is clearly not in support of men, it's not positive at all, putting the blame square on men's shoulders and oversimplifying the problem. If she wanted to promote Women's rights, that fine. If she intended to encourage men to join and fight for themselves this is not the way. That particular part is clearly made to create division, not unity.

I understand what you are saying and why. I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm explaining why you aren't getting support from others.

I don't care if I have support from others or not. I'm already used to never having my voice heard or being rejected, it makes no difference.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Well yes. Unfortunately, the mens mental health industry is woefully underdeveloped and often not taken seriously. I'd go therapy if there was an option for me to do so, unfortunately there isn't any in my region, non trained to deal with my personal circumstance at least. For a time I was going to therapy by my own regard but then the therapist who I was seeing passed suddenly in a car accident and there's no one capable of replacing them.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for at least engaging. OP didn't even attempt that.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

I appreciate you.

Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet )
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

The focus was less on the suicide rates argument and more on the "have they tried smiling more?" response you'll often hear from certain parties in an attempt to get across the insensitivity of the way OP presented men's issues. I know I didn't present that very clearly. Other than that, I agree with you.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Linux users are just alcoholic's deeply in denial.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Because Valve put in a lot of work and convinced EAC to add support and collaborated with them to get it added, only for Epic & Tim Weenie himself to immediately do something bad, spread FUD and other such crap.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

haha I put cum in ^my butthole* cue laugh track 🤓☝️

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Don't you have some loot boxes and gambling targeted towards children from Valve to go to?

Nope, because I don't play those games.
Also, Epic literally does that 24/7 with fortnite and other such crap.

Your middle school level insult totally means that you have a well reasoned point instead of fanboying for Valve.

I'm not a fanboy for Valve, I don't even play Valve's games. I just recognize that when Tim Weenie fires 1000 employees and then goes "If only we had a few more programmers.
It's the Linux problem. ..."
that he's talking out his fuckin ass.
I also recognize that Valve has been putting in a shit load of work into bettering the Linux ecosystem via Proton, The Steamdeck, enticing EAC & Battleye into agreeing to collaborate, among their countless contributions to various Linux related open source projects, such as dxvk, vkd3d, wine, the Linux kernel, etc. even if it's a long term investment on their own part.
There's a reason why it's called proton_eac_runtime and not eac_proton_runtime.

You have to be incredibly out of touch or a blatant Epic games fanboy to disregard the facts like that.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Where's the Linux orgy's guys? Cult's are supposed to have orgy's.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar
[26383.139688] anx7688 0-0028: recv ocm message cmd=0xf2 01 f2 Ød
[26383.139732] anx7688 0-0028: received HARD_RST, idiot firmware is bored

This indicates that the PinePhone is encountering issues with the anx7688 modem driver and is receiving a Hard Reset (HARD_RST). The "idiot firmware is bored" is likely a humorous or sarcastic remark about the perceived quality or stability of the modem firmware causing this issue.
Based on the "bored" remake, I assume it probably has to do with some sort of wake state, where after some time of not receiving signals the modem hardware turns off then doesn't wake when signals are sent, requiring a hard reset to power on, but that's just speculation.
The PinePhone uses a power management processor called "CRUST" to achieve great standby numbers, but it can lead to issues with the modem waking up after deep sleep, so I believe my speculation is plausible.
Maybe a possible fix would to be to send the modem dummy "do nothing" packets or signals at repeating intervals to keep the hardware awake.

Edit : my speculation here seems incorrect, thus the solution is incorrect as well.
See below.

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

I actually did not... chatgpt isn't the only ai that exists (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Tbf, my writing style is already quite AI-like due to constantly reading documentation.
Unironically, that's not even the bit written by AI.
The only part that is,

the BC 1.2 result indicating the USB charging mode, and the change in the charge controller status.

As I had no clue what the hell "BC 1.2" was indicating and didn't want to go digging around in the docs for something that obscure. Other things, like "HARD_RST" being a hard reset signal is kinda obvious, imho. I will admit, some is pulled straight from the docs though.

The PinePhone uses a power management processor called "CRUST" to achieve great standby numbers.

Verbatim ripped from the PinePhone docs, that's why it reads more like an advertisement trying to hype up the power management, lol.

P.S. I use uncensored Llama.
P.P.S. I have reading OCD when it comes to my own messages, that's why 99% of them are edited.
P.P.P.S. I put my comment through Llama just now asking it to "AI-ify" it and it's less AI-like then my actual writing :
Or maybe it's more, because honestly who the hell says "tongue-in-cheek"?

Rustmilian ,
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

For me it went,
MacOS → Hard Drugs → Windows → Harder Drugs → Linux → Weed

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