foone , Englisch avatar

The problem with being a weird geek like me is that I've seen the coolest thing I've seen in years and it's a DIY pie launcher

griibor , avatar

@foone How did you even find this in the first place? If you don't mind me asking.

foone OP , avatar

@griibor great question! I think someone linked me to it on tumblr? but god I have no idea why they did that

Fruitkitty , avatar

@foone Thank-you!

The catapult was indeed a passion project that I just kept iterating and improving on.

I have no formal engineering training (I’m a bioscience PhD who made a career pivot into software because jobs). I just kept learning how to do things I’d never done before to make it happen. It was the first project I’ve really ever needed to wire up, I had to learn the basics of interacting with IoT devices via MQTT, etc.

Fruitkitty , avatar

One aspect I’m proud of that’s not particularly obvious just looking at it is how many failsafes it has - if it breaks, it’s got redundant ways not to throw a chunk of itself.

Similarly for the IoT aspect, (so it can be live-streamed to people who could “press the button” through the web), well, someone physically has to be there loading the pies, so it would be bad if it fired prematurely. I used 2 relays in series; 1 is only triggered by the local operator’s RF remote.

Fruitkitty , avatar

@foone I have some other devices I’ve put a similar scale of effort into since - dual slime tank, huge pneumatic pie tubes (think potato cannon, but at low PSI). I post a lot of this content / current projects to my (NSFW - very kinky but not X-rated explicit) Twitter, if people are curious.

I’ll plug myself briefly & say I wish I knew how to translate that I’ve built unique stuff like this into job opportunities (I’m a bioscience PhD who pivoted into software 2 years ago).

foone OP , avatar

@Fruitkitty I've seen some of the other machines, yeah! I checked your twitter and the UMD profiles. Very amazing work, godspeed to you building more amazing things.

And good luck. I don't know how you could translate this into a job, but I sure hope you can somehow!

foone OP , avatar

@Fruitkitty that's good to hear. I've seen WAY too many DIY kink devices that were made without much care for "what might go wrong?" and I'm sure it's gonna hurt the creators someday

SkylerRingtail , avatar

@foone @Fruitkitty Between this and Fruitkitty's talking about spinning their experience into a job...

I want Kink QA to be a thing.

Ooh, that could be a blog...

foone OP , avatar

@SkylerRingtail @Fruitkitty yeah I'd sign up for that job right away.

Maybe we need to set it up as a contracting thing. "Hey, do you build kinky machines? are you afraid they're gonna hurt somebody? Hire KinkQACo to do a safety assessment!"

I bet @qdot would have some input

SkylerRingtail , avatar

@foone @Fruitkitty @qdot

As former software QA myself, I would also sign up right away.

I can see the application now... "As a former QA person and current kinky asexual, the one thing that excites me more than anything else is working out the kinks in your kink devices!"

Or the company advertisement...
"Kinky AF and ready to help you debug your teledildonic devices. BugChasers LLC - we catch 'em all, so you don't have to."

...The name might need some workshopping.

foone OP , avatar

@Fruitkitty Hi, glad to hear from you!
Very cool, and I never would have guessed that you have no engineering training. This thing is amazing.

foone OP , avatar

It's by Fruitkitty. This image is SFW but the forum link is very not.

But look at this beautiful thing. All the engineering and experimentation that had to go into this IoT enabled pie-launcher. I'm in love.

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  • foone OP , avatar

    like, yeah it's a fetish thing. this is a sex toy, even if you might not necessarily see that immediately.
    But I don't care? This is beautiful. I love the idea of making something this intricate and specific "just" for a kink.

    I can't help but admire this object and how much devotion went into it.

    foone OP , avatar

    this thing is a church.

    it's a church for getting pied in the face, but that's still a church and should be treated with reverence.

    foone OP , avatar

    I'm a pope. I know a cathedral when I see one.

    chipperdoodles , avatar

    @foone i don't know foone do u have a really big fancy hat

    foone OP , avatar

    @chipperdoodles of course. you gotta have one if you're a pope

    SvenGeier , avatar

    Do they give you one or do you have to buy one when you become pope?

    foone OP , avatar

    @SvenGeier @chipperdoodles you gotta buy it yourself. it's really a shame

    Infoseepage , avatar

    @foone Cathedral comes from Cathedra, which is a Bishop's chair or throne. So, if a Bishop sits down, is the building they're in a cathedral? I rank this right up there with becoming an anti-pope simply by declaring one's self to be pope.

    foone OP , avatar

    The creator has shown up in the replies!

    photon , avatar

    @foone I read the word "fetish" and assumed that "pied" was a typo. But no, you really meant pied lol

    SkylerRingtail , avatar

    @foone Really like the way you've phrased this. You "Get It" when it comes to niche kink interests.

    brhfl , avatar

    @foone honestly it’s so cool to see that sort of passionate engineering go into a sex toy… and that there are seemingly opportunities for folks who are into that to experience it? yeah, it’s really damn admirable

    foone OP , avatar

    @brhfl exactly! the passion is clear from seeing it.

    allwelikeworms , avatar

    @foone OK - literally just saw this episode of Bojack the other night, speaking of bespoke mechanical sex toys

    foone OP , avatar

    @allwelikeworms A SPEAK AND SPELL?

    ugh now I'm imagining getting dominated by a robot and they sound like that

    allwelikeworms , avatar
    archenoth , avatar

    @foone oh yeah! this is a way that they can add happiness to their lives that isn't easily possible for others~ :blobcatoverlycute:

    things like this are made with a care and devotion that is beautiful not only on a technical level, but a very human one too!

    maybe a hot take, but dismissing the specific joys of others as "i didn't need to know that", or "ew, weird" because it adds joy to someone's life for the "wrong reasons" is an old and busted way to interact with those things

    moira , avatar

    @foone david willis has GOT to know about this

    i will take the responsibility of making sure he does

    emily , avatar

    @foone ... are there videos of this working? Like the thing itself, I have no interest in the associated fetish, I just want to watch the cool machine do its thing

    emily , avatar

    @foone here's another picture (SFW) of it in a bathroom, it's bigger than I thought:

    I so far have not found a video

    edit: I give up. I found several videos of people getting hit with pies, but it seems nobody caters to my catapult fetish.

    foone OP , avatar

    @emily I might have to email/tweet at him and ask for one.

    foone OP , avatar
    foone OP , avatar
    walnut , avatar

    @foone @emily
    I can't say I understand it, but I'm glad this a world where this exists

    foone OP , avatar

    @walnut @emily exactly! I wish the world was full of kinksters with the time, money, space, and skill to build the fetish machines of their dreams.

    emily , avatar

    @foone I just watched both of these loop entirely too many times, completely mesmerized

    indigoo_dragon , avatar

    @foone @emily haha I'm in this picture :P

    it's an impressive device. To answer a few questions I saw in the thread, it's a manual reload to pull back the catapult and is calibrated specifically for one pie type and tin set (in order to not cause actual injury). The creator is pretty friendly so just ping them with questions :)

    foone OP , avatar

    @indigoo_dragon @emily oh cool, hi! I hope you enjoyed your pie-ing.

    Good to know. Everything I've seen suggested that he was a cool guy, and I've been thinking of reaching out just to make sure he knows his work is appreciated, even outside the WAM community

    indigoo_dragon , avatar

    @foone @emily it was pretty fun haha. fun to have our efforts appreciated :P

    foone OP , avatar

    @emily There's videos on his profile, including ones of it working, but sadly they're focused on him getting hit with pies, not with the pie launcher itself going off:

    drwho , avatar

    @foone I'm sitting here with my jaw hanging open. This is some impressive engineering, and the passion that went into this is obvious.

    I don't get it - it's a paraphilia that I don't understand - but it's plain to see that a lot of time, attention, and inspiration went into the design and construction of the pie-a-pult. That's what's fascinating.

    foone OP , avatar

    @drwho yeah exactly! you don't need to have this particular kink to see this thing and realize how much work went into it.

    mjfgates ,

    @foone Is there a loading mechanism? This seems like it should be the sort of gizmo where you push the button and it whoomps out a pie every three seconds for a solid minute. Well, kind of a gooshy minute, anyway.

    Still, a marvelous object.

    foone OP , avatar

    @mjfgates No idea! I've not been able to see it in action. It might need to be manually reset, in which case the person resetting it might stick the pie in

    VeNT , avatar

    @foone Christ. made the mistake of clicking the link.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a man of the world but I have a real aversion to anything involving what I shall colloquially call "waste".

    cool contraption though, they clearly had a lot of rubber just laying around doing nothing.

    grumpasaurus , avatar

    @foone like. Shoulder mounted?

    foone OP , avatar

    @grumpasaurus bigger. this is more like a siege engine. but for pies.

    grumpasaurus , avatar

    @foone whoa!

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