silvercove ,

I experience the opposite. Whenever I criticise US government, I get attacked by hordes of cringy Americans.

Disgusted_Tadpole , avatar

I must say I had a pleasant conversation on workers’ rights in the US recently on c/technology ( By pleasant I mean "not being insulted because I live in France and workers do have rights so I’m a red commie" pleasant.

DillonBrooksEnjoyer ,

For the majority of Americans, as long as you are a pleasant person, you will have pleasant conversations, even if it’s about a disagreement.

LinkOpensChest_wav ,

A. This leads to politeness fetishists and tone policing. If someone says something offensive like "we should remove LGBT+ books from schools," I'd rather shoot myself than speak nicely to that person.

B. This has not been my experience with my fellow Americans at all. I even saw a mod from post mod-flaired horseshit in their politics community about how "The US is not a racist country." Fuck that.

Nakoichi , avatar

You mean your bullshit screed hating on public rail and showing your anti-homeless brainworms where you literally implied that "people don't hate them enough"?

Also "boo hoo the 'tankies' (whatever that even means to you libs anymore) bullied me for supporting violence against some of the most vulnerable people in the imperial core"

lmao You have been complaining about this for FIVE DAYS holy shit.

Someonelol OP ,

I love public rail and took it all over the place when I visited Japan, I even still have the JR Pass ticket in my wallet. If I had one public transportation wish for LA it's that every freeway have a light rail line like in the 105. As for the homeless situation I am all in for fully funded housing first initiatives and think we haven't done anywhere near enough for them. That said, the unfortunate state of events between the LA Metro and the city's homeless allows for some very problematic things to happen in light rail train cars especially during transit. I've seen quite a bit of drug use, littering, and even an instance when I had a taser brandished at my face only to find out a second later the guy was trying to sell it to me. I really wish people wouldn't react so quickly to a post and start accusing them of being some kind of monster.

Nakoichi , avatar

"they certainly don't hate them enough to chase them away when they are smoking meth on the train" sounds kinda like you think that should be done and that the issue is people not hating the unhoused enough.

Especially when you come into a space that explicitly advocates for abolishing landlords and start saying that stuff, you should expect ridicule. Instead of complaining about it in other spaces for 5 days and repeatedly doubling down you could just do some very basic self-crit.

M0oP0o , avatar

Now I am not going to take the anti homeless side here but you did claim they were lying about living in LA for not using a local term for train.

Nakoichi , avatar

I'm not the one that made this post but it would track with the general reddit-like nature of their other comments. It sounds like a very common thing I hear from reactionaries IRL that are clearly made-up or are hyperfixating on a hypothetical or outlier incident instead of just understanding that is not a failure of trains. Like the whole context was "sometimes trains aren't good actually because I saw a mentally unwell person I have no proof is actually homeless." Not all unhoused people look like the caricature most people have in their head, and not everyone that does drugs in public on a train is actually unhoused, though the latter is certainly a more reasonable assumption to make. The combinations of all these characteristics of this person it was clear they were engaging in bad faith at best, and outright lying at worst. I am not making a judgement either way but it is a specific sort of reactionary thinking that is encountered all too often in online communist spaces, and so it's no surprise when people have short patience with this sort of thing.

If you've seen it enough you tend to get a sense for this time of debatebro and it's rare that it's a simple well-meaning misunderstanding because if it were it is very easy to have some humility. It's the getting all offended by people laughing at something that is a textbook reactionary response, in a place where bullying libs and reactionaries is a pillar of its community culture. Furthermore going around other instances and complaining about said community sort of makes you fair game and I would not call it brigading, especially in a "what are instances you hate" thread, wherein the User compared us to right wingers. Which is itself a very tired very old trope known as "horseshoe theory". And last but not least there is the term Tankie which is most often used to imply people on the imperial periphery or global south seeking national liberation are following a problematic ideology (because often the word gets used to refer to anyone left of Bernie Sanders on foreign policy a "tankie), which has deeply white supremacist or western chauvinist connotations.

So in short, does it really matter whether they live in LA or not? They certainly have a colonizer's mindset with regard to their local community even if they claim to be for "paying for more social services." That is like the core reason why social democracy and liberalism are derided as fascism lite by most communists.

Thedogspaw , avatar

So whats your plan other then just let them smoke meth and steal from people obviously something needs to be done but putting your head in the sand and pretending there isn't actually a problem won't fix anything

ThereRisesARedStar ,

A socialist state where housing is a guarantee and where poverty doesn't lead to widespread drug use because it doesn't exist. Also addiction recovery programs in the transitional state.

Why. What is yours, push them into a comically large blender? Or a prison, how about a prison?

Thedogspaw , avatar

Sure where people have wings and cancer doesn't exist yes the communist state is so great you choose to live in the west

ThereRisesARedStar ,

You know that real world socialist states don't have a homelessness problem anywhere approaching the west, especially the US, right?

The only fantasy here is in your capitalist realism soaked brain.

Thedogspaw , avatar

Right the millions of poor rural Chinese living below the poverty line don't exist sure if you pretend that the problem doesn't exist it makes it easier to believe the ccp propaganda

Clever_Clover ,

the poverty line is very made up bullshit based on nothing but vibes some economists had, not even any statistics, it should be higher in a lot of places, lower in others where the price of things is lower, but in any case, no one claimed poor rural Chinese people don't exist, ThereRisesARedStar said they don't have a homelessness problem anywhere approaching the west, which is true, all of those poor rural Chinese people have homes, hell most of them even own their own homes, they don't even rent, so, what exactly is your point? China has been the largest alleviator of poverty in modern history, yet, they do still have poverty, it has not been eradicated yet, but, they do not have a homelessness issue due to government initiatives that have worked very hard to make sure there is enough housing for their population (see western propaganda about ghost cities and the reality of how they're all filled with people now)

Thedogspaw , avatar

Yep figured just ignore facts who needs facts when you can just dogpile and gaslight anyone who doesn't think xi is gods gift to humanity

Clever_Clover ,

what facts did I deny? do you want me to get you the homelessness and home ownership statistics for China? I assure you that they support my point, which is that the majority of people in China (even the poor rural people) are not homeless and even own their own homes.

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

You are ignoring entire cities.

Westoid cope is going to reach Lovecraftian madness-levels in the next few years

GarbageShoot ,

For as much as the news talks about a declining birth rate, you are aware that people are still born in the west, right?


You knowing moving isn't free and it isn't easy for most people to get a job in a country whose language they don't speak, right?

Furthermore, even if someone does move, then you don't take it as proof they are a hypocrite but rather proof they are delusional, so your original claims is just bad faith bullshit.

Thedogspaw , avatar

Well apparently everything is free in the communist utopia of china I'm sure you will do ok as a white dude with no money in china

GarbageShoot ,

Whoever said any of that?

On the bright side, since you seemed to imagine that I was going there, you proved my point that the first claim ("why don't you move there?") is bad faith bullshit

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

You joke but if you're a photgenic white dude, you can get hired just to stand around in a suit.

Kind of my dream job tbh

btbt , avatar

Bruh do you have any idea how quickly I and so many other people here would pack our bags and move to China if we had the chance

BelieveRevolt ,

Oh no, not littering.

AOCapitulator , avatar

Oh it’s YOU!


Holy shit lmao, you’re still on this?

It’s like driving past someone waving around an end of days convert or die sign, and then hours later passing by the same spot and they’re still there

Go eat some grass nerd

LinkOpensChest_wav ,

"I'm not anti-homeless, I just [anti-homeless horseshit]"

Is this a novelty account? lmao

yogthos , avatar

LMAO what a loser

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