deft ,

Coke and Pepsi game. Everyone does this.

China's intelligence community is closer friends with America's intelligence community than either of their own population.

yogthos OP , avatar
deft ,

Intelligence communities are closer friends with each other than their own people.

Since you have so much free time go find the list of people imprisoned by either country, executed by either country and killed either directly or indirectly by these countries. You'll see what I'm saying.

They have a better chance of making money one way than another, that's always what all of this is about. Money.

Intelligence communities are better friends with each other than their own people.

yogthos OP , avatar

This is one of those I'm 13 and this is deep takes.

PatMustard ,

If you have two potential opponents, a slightly crazy one and a really crazy one, and you think you're more likely to be able to beat the really crazy one then it's a calculated risk to try and help the really crazy one beat the slightly crazy one for you. Your gamble doesn't pay off if suddenly the really crazy one beats you though.

yogthos OP , avatar

Which one is the slightly crazy one, would that be the one that's conducting a literal genocide right now?

AVincentInSpace ,

First of all, define "conducting", second of all, you cannot seriously tell me you believe that Trump, if elected, will stop funneling arms to Gaza

yogthos OP , avatar

Conducting as in actively engaged in supplying Israel with weapons used to commit the genocide, running political cover for Israel at the UN by doing vetoes of ceasefire resolutions, and attacking Yemen for interdicting shipping with Israel. I imagine that Trump will continue largely the same policies, but that just shows that both parties are genocidal fascists.

AVincentInSpace ,

If it's all the same to you, then, I'll vote for the candidate that isn't saying he wants to bring the fascism to our side of the pond. I'm not remotely condoning the genocide in Israel, dgmw, but given the choice between mass death over there, and mass death over there and mass deportations and anti-human rights laws back home, I'll go with the first option.

I hate Joe Biden as much as the next leftist, and I am sincerely begging everyone reading this to vote for someone else in the Democratic primary, but if it comes down to Biden or Trump, please, please tell me that you will vote for Biden instead of staying home

yogthos OP , avatar

Vote for whatever flavor of fascism that you feel fits you best. I'm not stopping you. Meanwhile, I'm not an American and I'm just watching your shithole country tear itself apart from the outside.

AVincentInSpace ,

I'm not sure there's anything I can do in this situation that would cause you not to call me a fascist. If that's your position, find a different position.

yogthos OP , avatar

If you think that voting for one fascist over the other makes you a good person then maybe take a bit time to think about your morals. Unlike you, I don't need to do mental gymnastics to justify supporting fascists.

AVincentInSpace ,

You're right. Instead of voting for either candidate I should just... what? Move to whatever country you live in? Worse, stay home and stick it to both candidates by showing them I'd be okay with either one?

There are some really stupid liberal takes out there, but "voting for either one makes you complicit in fascism" is by far the stupidest.

yogthos OP , avatar

Maybe what you should do is consider how your country got where it is today. People like you voted for Biden last election, what has that achieved? Trump is more popular than ever, and Biden is conducting a genocide, while being involved in wars around the globe. If you think voting for Biden again is going to change the trajectory of things then I got a bridge to sell you. You have a fascist state, and both parties represent the ruling class that makes decisions. That's what it means to live in a fascist state, it's not a democracy. Your voting does not matter, it's just a circus to make the feeble minded feel like they have participation. Don't take it from me though, here's what a study analyzing decades of US policy under both parties has to say:

What do our findings say about democracy in America? They certainly constitute troubling news for advocates of “populistic” democracy, who want governments to respond primarily or exclusively to the policy preferences of their citizens. In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule—at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcomes. When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the U.S. political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it.

AVincentInSpace ,

What voting for Biden will accomplish is preventing Trump from entering office and all of my rights from being stripped away, and that is very important to me.

Your take seems to be "I'm so leftist I refuse to vote because voting is pointless." If that's correct, then I'm going to choose to believe you're a right wing troll who's trying to convince me not to vote so your candidate will win, because that's easier than believing that anyone on Earth is so far up their own ass that they've convinced themselves that doing nothing and letting the world get worse on its own is the best political statement they can make.

yogthos OP , avatar

Ah yes, just like voting Biden prevented abortion rights from being stripped away, or stopped the concentration camps on the border, or stopped endless wars. Yeah, I totally see why it's so important to vote Biden.

Again, I'll try spell it out for you. I absolutely don't care whether you vote or not. If it makes you feel like you're participating politically, go ahead vote for Biden and feel like you've accomplished something. Your country is still going to be fascist and your right will still be stripped away, but you'll get to feel really smug by having voted. The fact that Americans see voting as peak political participation is absolutely hilarious.

AVincentInSpace ,


yogthos OP , avatar

Educate yourself on effective methods of building grassroots power. You can read up on how the labour movement organized in US back in the 30s which lead to the New Deal. Organize with people in your local community and help educate them. Join a principled organization that's trying to effect meaningful change.

Again, I'm not telling you not to vote. That's just a straw man you keep erecting here. What I'm actually telling you is that voting on its own doesn't accomplish much of anything.

BmeBenji ,

This is some next-level fucked up man-behind-the-man-behind-the-curtain conspiracy bullshit.

yogthos OP , avatar

It's literally a documented fact.

BmeBenji ,

Has anyone reported on it aside from a self-proclaimed conservative news outlet?

Edit: Just found NPR reporting on it

That doesn’t change that this planet can’t burn up soon enough.

BossDj ,

Yay context!

a number of Democrats tried to boost far-right Republican candidates whom they deemed easier to beat in November.

The strategy seems to have paid off: In high-profile races where Democratic candidates or groups successfully used the strategy during the primaries, all of the Republicans they helped have either lost or are trailing, two days after Election Day.

yogthos OP , avatar

A perfect example of short term thinking that plagues US politics. Democrats boosted popularity of the far right to win a primary. This directly contributed to the republicans party sliding further into MAGA territory. Now, dems are looking at a wipe out by Trump in the coming election. This continues the great tradition of liberals ushering in fascism.

pudcollar ,
HelixDab2 ,
yogthos OP , avatar

dismissing information based on mediabiasfactcheck is the height of idiocy, here's another source for you

HelixDab2 ,

dismissing information based on mediabiasfactcheck

Dismissing information based on it coming from a badly biased source is smart. If the information is solid, then there will be other, credible sources that cover it, without the bias. The problem with taking information from a deeply biased source is that you have to try and fact check every single claim that they make in an article, because they're inherently untrustworthy. If you want to waste your time tracking down sources to try and verify things, rather than just finding good sources to start, well, that's a you problem.

yogthos OP , avatar


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