FreshLight , avatar

Let's not repeat the mistakes of (some!) old Unix-Heads and just welcome all newbies, please <3

cerement , avatar

the correct greeting is “I use Nix BTW”, Arch is so yesterday

lugal ,

I use ubuntu by the way 🤓

jpablo68 ,

I use Debian BTW 👴

milicent_bystandr ,

Oh, snap!

AVincentInSpace ,

I recently tried switching from Arch to NixOS and the experience I had can best be described as apalling. I have not had a new user experience this bad since my first dip into Ubuntu dependency hell back in 2016. I'd like to preface this by saying I've been a Linux user in one form or another for almost half my life at this point, and in that time this may well be the most I've struggled to get things to work.

Apparently they have this thing called home-manager which looks pretty cool. I'd like to give that a shot. Apparently I have to enable a new Nix channel before I can install it. I'm guessing that's the equivalent of a PPA? Well, alright. nix-channel --add ..., nix-channel --update (oh, so it waits until now to tell me I typo'd the URL. Alright), and now to run the installation command and... couldn't find home-manager? Huh?? I just installed it. I google the error message and apparently you have to reboot after adding a new nix-channel and doing nix-channel --update before it will actually take effect, and the home-manager guide didn't tell me that. Ah well, at least it works now.

I didn't want to wait for KDE and its 6 morbillion dependencies to download, so I opted for Weston. It wasn't a thing in configuration.nix (programs.weston.enable=true; threw an error and there was no page for it on the NixOS wiki), but it was available in nix-env (side note: why does nix-env -i take upwards of 30 seconds just to locate a package?), so I installed it, tried to run it, and promptly got an inscrutable "Permission denied" error with one Google result that had gone unresolved. Oh well, that's alright, I guess that's not supported just yet -- I'll install Sway instead. Great, now I have a GUI and all I need is a browser. nix-env -i firefox gave me the firefox-beta binary which displayed the crash reporter before even opening a browser window. Okay, note to self: always use configuration.nix. One programs.firefox.enable=true; and one nixos-rebuild switch later, I'm off to the races. Browser is up and running. Success! Now I'd like to install a Rust development environment so I can get back to work. According to NixOS wiki, I can copy paste this incantation into a shell.nix file and have rustup in there. Cool. After resolving a few minor hangups regarding compiler version, manually telling rustc where the linker is, and telling nix-shell that I also need cmake (which was thankfully pretty easy), I'm met with a "missing pkg-config file for openssl" error that I have absolutely no idea how to begin to resolve.

I'm trying to stick with it, I really am -- I love the idea that I can just copy my entire configuration to a brand new install by copying one file and the contents of my home directory and have it be effectively the same machine -- but I'm really struggling here. Surely people wouldn't rave about NixOS as much as they do if it was really this bad? What am I doing wrong?

Also unrelated but am I correct in assuming that I cannot install KDE without also installing the X server?

krzyz , avatar

I made a similar switch half a year ago and thankfully for me it was relatively painless. Some stuff got significantly harder to set up (e.g. getting a nice rust development environment, getting ROCm to work with some torch-based project), but once all that is done I have complete or near-complete setup instructions on how to do it again, so I am hoping the trade-off here will be worth it in the future (or I will drop nixos and move to something else if I get bored, time will tell).

For the beginners, I recommend to go with the flakes setup right from the start, here is a nice guide that you can use as a reference: I followed it through for the initial setup and I don't remember having to think about channels, at least initially: I picked the most recent stable one right at the start and only updated it to another - the unstable one - later on when I wanted to get some fresh kernel version. The upgrade was pretty painless, as the channel is just the root input of the flake: change that one line, nixos-rebuild switch and it's done. With flakes I occasionally run nix flake update (+ rebuild) to get newer versions of packages (as the flake will be locked to the state of the channel at the time you install/update). If anything (well, most) of the things go wrong, just go back to the previous build while you figure out what's causing issues (much better than the Arch experience of something going wrong after the update - better read Arch news regularly 🙃).

Besides updating my configuration to add/remove packages and doing the same for development environments (btw, for getting compile time dependencies into nix-shell, you need to add them to buildInputs of the shell: ), I only ever use nix profile install nixpkgs#<package> if I want to just run some app without adding it permanently. After these 6 months of use, I have found out I am getting much less software/package cruft building up in my system. If I stop using something (especially a big think like a DE), I can just remove it from the configuration, rebuild and that's it. With Arch, I probably even forgot about half of the things I installed there over the years.

milicent_bystandr ,

Nix just had internal politics. Reject Nix; embrace Guix!

"I use FOSS btw"

gwen ,

nixos is the greatest .config file

Suavevillain , avatar

Hey long as you get here on Linux it is all good lol.

the16bitgamer , avatar

I use Linux because of the 3D desktop cube. Who doesn’t love the cube!

TheFish ,


explodicle ,

Wtf is her problem with the cube?

mexicancartel ,

And wobbly windows

rtxn ,

Sisko and Picard.

schnurrito ,

ahhh i remember being a bored teenager spending his life customizing his desktop too...

Nowadays I just want a working system where I can get things done, haven't touched my desktop environment settings in a while and certainly don't use things like cubes or wobbly windows anymore.

pyre ,

wow, bravo.... BRAVO!

Meron35 ,

You use Linux because of your superiority complex and need to be seen as cool.

I use Linux because I'm broke.

We are not the same.

linearchaos , avatar

I use Linux because I don't trust windows, I don't like the direction Microsoft is headed, and I'm bored.

We're not the same either, but that's ok. We can still all have each other's backs.

BeigeAgenda , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Plot twist Windows has always been bad.

s_s ,

Windows has always been good at making the non-experienced feel comfortable and taking advantage of them.

Swarfega ,

I disagree. In a business environment it is actually really good, or at least was pre-Azure. I dislike that they are trying to push people to Azure instead of on-prem.

For home use it's been pretty poor since Windows 8 and seems to be turning to shit since Windows 11.

Windows 11 did one good for me though. It's been enough to push me to properly give Linux a try again. Proton has been a major step forward as gaming has been the main reason I never stuck. I'm currently spending more time in Arch (btw) than Windows.

BeigeAgenda , avatar

Microsoft has always been good at catering to businesses and hooking them on windows+office+etc.

But there has always been better alternatives around, OS/2 was so much better than windows 3.x, and WordPerfect was better than word. I'm sure there are countless other examples.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

It has always been

ordellrb ,

yes, but now it gets more obvious to more people

RattlerSix ,

I switched in the late 90s to attract women. I still think it's going to work someday.

LSlowmotion ,

Any time now surely

PlasticExistence ,

If you're also a woman, this may work!

lightnegative ,

Well, theres been a push to get more women into Tech so that works in your favour.

Your job is now to lure them away from the Microsoft bros

jollyrogue ,

That’s not a bad strategy. Just gotta add some leftist politics to the mix.

cerement , avatar
milicent_bystandr ,

"Come back to my house! There's no windows! No wait- not like that- don't go!"

SeattleRain ,

How do you get to the level where you think Linux is good.

lauha ,

By not being a depressed cynic who only sees shite in everything

reddit_sux ,

By remembering that Linux is not Windows is not MacOS. It is a different operating system and different way to do thing.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

By using it

As it turns out its all subjective

milicent_bystandr ,

By abandoning the transcendent dream of the Hurd in favour of earthly solutions.

Marduk73 , avatar

I liked that one band before they became popular. That's what you sound like.

milicent_bystandr ,

I listen to band's music because I like their music.

You listen to band because you hate music.

We are not the same?

laurelraven ,

I mean, can't it be both?

SquirtleHermit ,

Not if you want to apply the "we are not the same meme" format. That... Like a sith... Only deals in absolutes.

laurelraven ,

So, this meme is a sith?

soggy_kitty ,

Move the h in "sith" two characters to the left. Then I'll agree with your statement

umbrella , avatar

linux is not mainstream 😂

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

You're clearly not running servers.

umbrella , avatar

if we are counting servers linux was never not mainstream

trxxruraxvr ,

The internet existed before Linux

umbrella , avatar

but it just wasnt the same 😉

possiblylinux127 , avatar

What does that even mean?

NorthWestWind , avatar

I use Linux cuz I was bored one summer

MentorKitten ,

That'll probably be me this summer once I organize and backup my files

NorthWestWind , avatar

I didn't even backup. I just went for it

explodicle ,

It's interesting how the open source model and enshittification have pulled both OSes in opposite directions. I used to look forward to the newest version of Windows because it had cool useful stuff.

Hobbes_Dent ,

I use BSD ‘cause it’s not Linux.

ILikeBoobies ,

Sorry about Wayland users

zcd ,

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as BSD, is in fact, FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD, or as I've recently taken to calling it, BSD-based operating systems. BSD is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning BSD-based system made useful by the BSD kernel, libc, and other essential components of a complete OS.

Many computer users run a modified version of the BSD system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of BSD which is widely used today is often called "FreeBSD," and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the BSD system, developed by the FreeBSD Project.

There really is a BSD, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. BSD is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. BSD is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with BSD added, or GNU/BSD. All the so-called "BSD" distributions are really distributions of GNU/BSD!

Hobbes_Dent ,

This is a spicy retelling of the lore. I hope it catches on.

dohpaz42 , avatar

That was great, up until the part about GNU. GNU hasn’t had anything to do with BSD for over a decade. Maybe use POSIX instead. 😊

SeekPie ,

New copypasta just dropped

possiblylinux127 , avatar

To each there own

ILikeBoobies ,

People used Linux because Windows bad in the 2000s

abbadon420 ,

Have you seen windows 11?

ILikeBoobies ,

Not really any different than 10

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Is it so bad? You can turn off junk like every other Windows. As for the anticompetitive behavior Microsoft has been doing that since DOS

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