SitD ,

ok now listen 😂 the path to maximum joy is twofold:

  1. make sure you're very happy
  2. make sure to be informed about others unhappiness and ridicule it this is another offset that must be maximized
anas ,

Is it me, or does this format not make sense for this meme?

Moorshou , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Now I use linux and I'm still mad at what microsoft is doing!

rickyrigatoni , avatar

Now that I use Linux I'm often angry about what I'm doing to my own system.

EvolvedTurtle ,

But if it's gonna get messed up I wanna at least do it myself lol

rickyrigatoni , avatar



So what's the statement here? As long as it doesn't affect you, you shouldn't care about how it affects others? That's kind of a shitty way of thinking.

nexussapphire ,

In a sense I wouldn't berate coworkers and family for smoking and drinking stating facts about the detriment to their health every chance I get. I'd lend a hand when they need me the most, when they've looked in the mirror long enough, when they are looking for change.

It's a fact I've come to realize some people don't want to change others have a limit they reach before they can change. If your always there to help when they need it, the outcome will almost always be better.

I don't like being told what's best for me or what I should be doing as much as the next guy so I don't really bring it up unless they ask.

fidodo ,

I don't think that's the statement. I think it's that they were hoping that they could ignore it but weren't about to.

Steak ,

It's a joke dude

blackjam_alex ,

I used to be angry at Microsoft. Now I'm angry at Microsoft, Red Hat and Canonical.

PropaGandalf , avatar

And amazon, apple, meta, nvidia, half the gaming industry, ...

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,

Red Hat

No, you're angry at IBM. When news of the IBM acquisition broke, sector veteran colleagues I'm close with moaned and groaned that IBM was sure to do something to piss everyone off again, which was apparently their habit a couple decades back. Sure enough, they could not have been more accurate in their assessment.

Turns out IBM is three hot messes in a trenchcoat and always has been. Hence why they have already lost the Quantum wars and likely the GenAI wars as well. One AI vet I know says they're posed to even lose the AI war altogether, which is pathetic given the groundwork provided by Watson alone.

QuaternionsRock ,

Turns out IBM is three hot messes in a trenchcoat and always has been.

International, business, and machines?

amongstthetrees ,

I don’t use Windows at home but I still have to deal with it and their ‘features’ when I work with my spouse’s desktop and at my workplace. God I hate it.

Valmond ,

I have it at work, it makesme feel young again, feeling the OS speed like in the year 2000.

Half the time I have the circle of waiting, and right clicks can take up to 40 seconds before it shows the contextual menu, like wtf.

rwhitisissle ,

Linux is really just the kernel the OS runs on. What people dislike are some of the stupid choices a distribution's maintainers make. Like, Ubuntu used to be a great entry-level operating system for people who wanted to get into Linux but didn't want to ditch all the things they understood from Windows or MacOS. It provided a level of comfort and ease of use. Which is great, and something the Linux community needs. But then Canonical started injecting snap package bloatware with everything and it's just a mess. You have as little control over snap updates as you do Windows updates unless you completely disable the service, which is hardly trivial for a new user.

RustyShackleford , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

I've been running Kubuntu for years now; it's convenient to use for me for professional reasons, but I've never used to snap to get new software. I've never disabled the the service. Are there flavors of 'Buntu that are "unsnapped", if you will? I know I should just search for it, but I thought I'd just ask.

3w0 ,

It's called Debian :)

QuaternionsRock ,

unless you completely disable [snap updates], which is hardly trivial for a new user

Tbh it probably shouldn’t be trivial for new users to disable updates. I’ve seen way too many Windows/macOS users running a years out-of-date version of Chrome.

rwhitisissle ,

In Linux you have to do sudo systemctl disable snapd, which produces a warning about snapd.socket. New users sometimes get a little freaked out about disabling stuff in systemd, especially after they find out what systemd is and does and how important it is. They're afraid of bricking their installation and you have to be like "no, that won't happen. Yes, I'm sure it won't happen. No, you don't need to reboot. Just replace disable with stop in those commands again and it won't run anymore. Yes, I'm sure it'll be fine." So the commands are trivial, but the psychological toll of doing stuff via the command line that you perceive as dangerous, for truly novice Linux users, isn't to be underestimated.

QuaternionsRock ,

Did you respond to the right comment? I was trying to say that instructing new/novice users to disable snap updates is probably a bad idea.

rwhitisissle ,

I read that as "should be trivial," not "shouldn't." In my defense, I don't have my glasses on right now. 🤓

secret300 ,

I don't care what Microsoft does any more it's their OS. What really grinds my gears is the fact that people are so complacent and just down right fuckin submissive to a corporate entity

Simon ,

I'm a sub

captainlezbian ,

So am I but windows isn’t a good domme

RustyShackleford , avatar

Safety words are ignored as a matter of policy.

jkrtn ,

I used to be cynical about the findom stuff, but I guess some people really get off on being forced to subscribe to their own machine.

RGB3x3 ,

It's the support angle, for me. I seriously don't have to worry at all whether a piece of software supports Windows or not. And in my special case, my school doesn't help with troubleshooting unless you're using Windows or Mac because "of the many variations of Linux," they said.

But that's kinda typical of everything, how's tech support going to help you troubleshoot something that has a million variables? I can fix things, but can the typical user? Definitely not.

nytrixus ,

Yeah because I'm angry at Windows for some of the dumbest shit it's done for a while now.

And I'm still angry whenever I'm on Linux because it's progress is taking too long for it to be embraced more comfortably when it comes to compatibility. I'd like for more things and development to work with even the most known Linux OSes. Just pick 5 of the best Linux OSes out there and develop for them. It worked for Ubuntu for awhile until that randomly got dropped by some manufacturers.

Until then I'm just angry to be on Linux because I know I can't 100% run everything I want to on it as I did Windows.

Elocomanzo ,

Am I the only one that doesn't mind? It's an OS and we all have free will. I have both and enjoy using both OS. Maybe because I'm 38?

Johanno ,

I complained that Microsoft was doing that and this and made it difficult for me to change x.

Then in Linux I changed x and broke my system and complained about how I fucked up.

So well one has advantages over the other in some aspects and in others the other one is better.

I personally don't like windows because of the ads, weird settings, and the spying software. My whole experience is not that great on windows. And I love tinkering in Linux.

Omega_Jimes ,

The problem I have is normalization.
People complained about micro-monetization in video games, but that was normalized.
People complained about corporate interest in open source, but that's normalized.
Now people are complaining about your operating system advertising to you against your will, it will be normal soon.

bastion ,

Tbh, I'm fine with cosmetic-only microtransactions, so long as they're not pumped at you all the time.

Edit: in an otherwise free-to-play game. Fuck micros in paid games.

dogsoahC ,

I'd debate the free will part.

Elocomanzo ,

What's your angle? Let's argue.

dogsoahC ,

Well, first of all, determinism precludes any notion of free will. Second, even if we allow random chance, free will is still an incoherent idea. Behavior is either caused by certain factors, in which case it is deterministic, or it is at least in part random, in which case it is just that - random. There's just no conceptual mechanism - that I am aware of - that allows for free will to be anything more than an illusion.

Swarfega ,

This is the same with everything. Twitter, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, Apple etc. They all shit on their users, people complain but then they just accept it. As long as people just keep sucking it up they'll continue to do what they want.

bastion ,

Yep. Change requires actual change.

And it also generally requires more energy than working with the current system, unless and until it becomes the default.

You want free-range grass-fed beef that is slaughtered with reasonably low suffering? Pay more for that, until it becomes the system.

You want an operating system that isn't screwing you over at every opportunity? Use a Linux distro, and pay for ease or pay with learning how to make it do the things you think I should.

I'm happily using Linux as my daily driver, and have been for ages. I've gotten over the need to tinker as much - I just use it, report bugs when they matter to me, and live life.

glassware ,

Yeah it pisses me off the way people are like "tech bros ruined the internet". No, users ruined it! There was no reason to stop self-hosting webpages, forums and IRC servers. Users switched to Facebook instead because they preferred it and didn't care about the downsides. There's an alternative to every website and app which respects privacy, serves no ads, and has no algorithm to farm your outrage. Users refuse to use them because they aren't cool enough.

lemmyreader ,

Yeah it pisses me off the way people are like “tech bros ruined the internet”. No, users ruined it! There was no reason to stop self-hosting webpages, forums and IRC servers. Users switched to Facebook instead because they preferred it and didn’t care about the downsides. There’s an alternative to every website and app which respects privacy, serves no ads, and has no algorithm to farm your outrage. Users refuse to use them because they aren’t cool enough.

You got a point there, though I think it's users and corporations who both ruined it. And why ? Because users were not well informed and did choose for easy solutions without caring about privacy. At the last Tw(X)tter Exodus to Mastodon you could see several vocal new Mastodon users complain about not having a quote option. And probably several of them stopped using Mastodon for that. People have strong opinions and when they can choose to communicate with most of them friends with things like Facebook they go for that rather than having to spend time on exploring more privacy friendly options. And why ? Because there is so little time and because technology is scary for a lot of "normies". I believe that is the success of Apple : shiny looking white design and easy of use. No plug & pray but easy peasy communication. Never mind the high prizes and walled pay garden. Ease of use and design is top priority for some. Does it makes sense to re-educate people and inform them ? I believe yes, but only if they are interested and have some spare time.

ulterno , avatar

Users switched to Facebook instead

It's more like: those who couldn't be bothered to make and maintain their own site, went to normie platforms.

You still have stuff like

lemmyreader ,

Yes :( Self inclined vendor lock-in (tm). I hope for more new Linux users (unless it does not fit their use case very well) who are willing to learn and spread the word!

Moorshou , avatar

Linux mint and Fedora 40 user here!

I am still trying linux out, so far, everything is great!
I mostly just use my PC for web surfing and games though,

RandomVideos ,

I feel bad for the people who still use windows

bastion ,

Really. I've been watching the shitshow in windows and apple get worse and worse, and am glad for the availability of Linux.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

I feel bad for people that even spend one moment thinking about what operating system someone else prefers

QuaternionsRock ,

Does anyone genuinely prefer Windows for a reason that makes sense? Or are they just a captive audience?

Maddier1993 ,

This is same as feeling bad for people who think others shouldn't be getting caught in MLM schemes.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

These things are not the same

kusivittula ,

the worse windows gets, the funnier it is to me

southsamurai , avatar

This made me laugh so hard I down voted five times before I could hit the up vote button

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