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  • irmoz ,

    It's not very enlightened to call entire movements like libertarian socialism (AKA anarchism) just idealist, ineffectual, and to imply they're essentially brainwashed by the US government.

    Anti-state movements have a history as long and storied as socialism, and theoretical frameworks for their beliefs far more complex than you give them credit for.

    irmoz ,

    Capitalism first

    irmoz ,

    Ancoms have definitely gotten shit done, you just sound salty tbh

    irmoz ,

    A detailed summary of successful anarchist organisation throughout history.

    irmoz ,

    An actually ideologically socialist government wouldn't have made them feel the need to flee, and would have done better picking up the pieces

    irmoz ,

    You're conflating the terms "socialism" and "democratic socialism".

    irmoz ,

    Uh, your ideas about where you'd find socialism are a bit backwards

    irmoz ,

    Apparently so!

    irmoz ,

    I straight up don't believe you.

    irmoz ,

    And, as I've heard someone else point out - isn't it literally anti-Semitic to assume that Jews and Israelis are, like, the same thing? And/or that Israel is, like, the global mouthpiece for Jews everywhere? Seems a bit reductive, to me... Seems on the same level as thinking the leader of Kenya, or Nigeria, or any African nation speaks for Black people everywhere.

    Netanyahu isn't the Emperor of Jews!

    irmoz ,

    I ask this with full sincerity - are you unaware of the package manager?

    irmoz ,

    80% of the reason to move to Linux is hating Windows, so yeah

    irmoz ,

    In much the way I am aware of the Windows store: I avoid it and work to get the software directly from the source.

    That is not the way things work on Linux - the repos essentially are the source. It is intended for apps to be packaged and distributed through official repos precisely to avoid the issues you listed, which are more often issues of downloading from sites. Package managers take care of incompatible versions and conflicts. That's definitely a Windows bias my friend :P

    irmoz ,

    A person sees a piece of art and is inspired. They understand what they see, be it a rose bush to paint or a story beat to work on. This inspiration leads to actual decisions being made with a conscious aim to create art.

    An AI, on the other hand, sees a rose bush and adds it to its rose bush catalog, reads a story beat and adds to to its story database. These databases are then shuffled and things are picked out, with no mind involved whatsoever.

    A person knows why a rose bush is beautiful, and internalises that thought to create art. They know why a story beat is moving, and can draw out emotional connections. An AI can't do either of these.

    irmoz ,

    If you wanna be pedantic, it's chiptune. You use trackers to make chiptune. And scene music is a niche within a niche.

    irmoz ,

    Only much later did “chiptune” become a catch-all for all old computer music

    It's much later now m8

    irmoz ,

    Chiptune only "specifically" means music produced the same way as retro games, which necessitates a tracker. If they're using a standard DAW, then it's basically "cheating" lmao.

    irmoz ,

    Trackers are direct replications of the software used to make retro game music; specifically NES and SNES.

    irmoz ,

    You're telling me shit I already know and trying to twist the facts. Whether the NES and SNES used synth or samples is immaterial to how the music was programmed. Trackers are literally made for programming MIDI instructions, just as those old games had their music programmed.

    The number of voices and voice type changes nothing. You're just trying to add in immaterial facts to add false weight to your assertion.

    irmoz ,

    I suppose you never discovered that MIDI can trigger samples, too.

    irmoz ,

    Mate you're not gonna convince me that "tracker music" is anything but a vague term. You might have a point in it describing music made wth a tracker, but with Renoise existing these days, that isn't exactly very specific is it? We call these pieces "scene music", or even "keygen music" if you're new to it. It's as useful as saying "DAW music". The music made in the style of old retro games is more specific than just "it was made with a tracker". That is exactly why the term "chiptune" exists; it's music that is made with those old sound chips, or emulations of them. That gets to the heart of the issue.

    irmoz ,

    If you want to fight a class war, you're a communist

    irmoz ,

    What ideology is it, again, that champions working class people to take their power back? It's certainly not right wing.

    If you think the world is fucked because of the greed of the 1%, and you want those people to pay for their crimes through class war, you're communist.

    irmoz ,

    How can a stateless, classless, moneyless society have a 1%?

    irmoz ,

    If you support capitalism, then yes, you defend billionaires.

    irmoz ,

    So, you support a system that inherently creates an upper class of obscenely rich people, yet are opposed to those people?

    A system set up to enrich the owner of a business, while its workers lose out, creates exactly the people you claim not to defend.

    irmoz ,

    You can't defend billionaires and justice at the same time

    irmoz ,

    everyone is free to do what they like WITHOUT invading anybody elses freedom

    But how am I gonna get someone to work for me without invading their freedom to choose to do what they want?

    Hell no, man. No one will work at my shop if they're allowed to do what they want.

    Basic needs should be covered (except if you refuse to contributr anything at all).

    Fuck yeah man! That's how we do it! That's what gets people working for me - the threat that not doing so will put 'em on the street! That's what I'm talkin' about!

    irmoz ,

    By offering them something in return…? Money for example, from which one can buy nice things.

    Who says I should do that? It's my prerogative to do what I can to make money. Don't try and regulate my ambition, you totalitarian communist.

    Not contributing anything at all wont work in any system or sosciety. Or in what system can I lay in bed all day and get everything I need for free?

    Absolutely nowhere, I say! Only people with gumption deserve to live!

    irmoz ,

    I have plenty arguments. They were all written down for me by Adam Smith and improved by Milton Friedman.

    irmoz ,

    I also agree it's fair. It fairly allows me to extract value from people as I sit back and do nothing. That's the pursuit of happiness in action, baby!

    irmoz ,

    you basically just described retirement

    Lmao no. I described ownership of private property. I described being able to own something, and get paid from people using it! The best scam in the world. Did you know you can just buy homes and get money from the people that wanted to buy it, yet not have to sell it to them? It's fucking marvellous - they live there, make it their home, and pay you for the privilege! And you get to be called a lord for doing this!

    irmoz ,

    Lol, "socialism is when capitalism" strikes again

    irmoz ,

    Christian propaganda approved by the state of Florida to teach in schools

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