@dan@upvote.au avatar



Aussie living in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Coding since 1998.
.NET Foundation member. C# fan
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dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

They changed systemd-tmpfiles to create stuff other than tempfiles a while back, but for whatever reason they never renamed it to better describe what it does.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I think people just don't care about startup times. They do it maybe once per day (if they don't sleep and resume), and they probably get a coffee or something while it's starting up.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Years ago there was a screensaver that showed a fake "upgrading to Vista, please wait" screen. Just wait for someone to leave their computer unattended, download and set it as the screensaver, and wait for their reaction :)

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

executable as a filesystem attribute

This already exists. It's labeled as "Traverse folder / execute file" in the UI.

NTFS permissions are also more powerful than the default Linux permission system. Instead of just being able to define permissions for a single user and single group, you can define them for an arbitrary number of users and groups.

I say "default Linux permission system" because you can actually use ACLs on Linux (getfacl and setfacl commands), they're just not used by default. They used to be common in businesses and schools, but these days everyone seems to store their files "in the cloud" and the permissions are managed there instead.

curated app repos

This is what the Windows store is supposed to be. There's also WinGet, but I'm not sure if it's curated.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

The Windows store is also a sandboxed, heavily restricted pile of trash you can't even get at for most of its apps.

They changed that around the tine Windows 11 was released. Regular Win32 apps can be listed in there.

NTFS permissions are just needlessly complicated and convoluted and create more problems than they solve for desktop use.

What's an example of a problem they create?

If Windows would just use simple permissions like Linux does

I don't think using an antiquated permission system from the 1970s is the solution to anything. Being able to set permissions for only a single user and single group is very limiting, especially when there's background processes that run as other users. There's a reason later revisions of POSIX added ACLs.

The excuses for using obsolete Windows continues by its paid shills and brainwashed users.

lol I'm not a paid shill nor a brainwashed user; I just see pros and cons for all operating systems. Linux-based OSes do some things better, and Windows-based OSes do other things better. Even MacOS has its pros.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

and Amarok is back

Was Amarok gone?

I used to use it maybe 16-17 years ago even though I used GNOME rather than KDE. It was the best music player I'd found on Linux.

I'm finally switching back to Linux so I'll have to try it out again! These days I usually use Plexamp though.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

The uxtheme thing was great because it was pretty powerful, and since it was just the standard theming system built-in to Windows, it was more reliable than theming systems that required third-party apps (WindowBlinds being the most common one).

Apparently uxtheme patching still works on Windows 11, but I haven't tried it.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

In my opinion, it peaked in Windows XP. XP's themes were way more customizable than 98's. You could patch the uxtheme DLL (disable the signature check) to allow third-party themes.

dan , (Bearbeitet )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I love netboot.xyz. I use it all the time when setting up VPS systems. A lot of KVM-based VPSes have iPXE as a boot option so you can chainload directly into netboot without having to use an ISO.

I prefer installing the OS myself over using any images provided by the provider, so that I know exactly how it was set up.

Netboot.xyz has tools to build your own custom version of it too, with your own options. Useful if you want to host it on an internal server. It's essentially just a set of iPXE scripts.

dan , (Bearbeitet )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

VS Code wasn't based on Atom. It was written from scratch. The system architecture is very different.

VS Code uses Electron, but all the heavy stuff is running in separate threads or processes, which is why it feels faster than some other Electron apps.

Unfortunately, many Electron apps break the #1 rule of desktop app development: Never do any heavy processing on the UI thread. Any Electron app that does heavy-ish processing really needs to use node:worker_threads or something similar, plus a UI library like React that can prioritise handling of user actions over rendering other parts of the UI.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

setuid binaries are scary, so I could see myself getting behind this.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

And sudo apt full-upgrade when a new OS version is available.

full-upgrade is the same as upgrade except it'll remove old packages if required. (e.g. programs that don't support the new version and hold back the upgrade due to old dependencies). When upgrading Debian to a new release, I usually first run upgrade, then run full-upgrade and read the output very carefully before continuing.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

is a .deb downloaded from a webpage

deb-get is useful for these.

I hate directly installing Debian packages because I forget to update them (since apt won't update them). I usually either use deb-get or create my own repo for the app using Aptly.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I hadn't heard of Atlas... Looks like it's a debloating tool? Does it work well?

Debian FTW

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Is it actually malicious, though? Ads by themselves aren't malicious.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I solved this by getting an Xbox. I start a game, and it works (as long as there's no mandatory updates...). No worrying about system specs, graphics drivers, or anything like that.

I was all about PC gaming in my teens and 20s. These days, I work all day and have much less free time, and want a gaming system that just works with minimal effort. Consoles handle that nicely.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

What do people use Alpine for? Embedded systems?

I sometimes see it used for Docker containers, but usually a distroless or "chiseled" container is a better fit and can be even lighter weight.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Interesting - I didn't know it was complete enough to run on a laptop as I've only seen it on servers. Good to know!

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

How did you build this list? This is likely to break other things. Azureedge isn't just for ads, and msftconnecttest is literally only used to detect if your internet connection is working.

dan , (Bearbeitet )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

what they did to LXD

I still don't understand what LXD does that LXC doesn't do. LXC is significantly more popular. All the major control panels (like Proxmox, SolusVM, Virtualizor, etc) support OpenVZ or LXC but not LXD.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I'm not trying to argue? I legitimately don't know what advantages LXD has since I don't see it used widely in the industry, whereas LXC is everywhere.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I pre-ordered a Framework 16 laptop and will probably try Linux Mint Debian Edition on it when it arrives.

Debian Edition because I prefer Debian over Ubuntu.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I like Sweet Home 3D. I'm slowly building my house's floor plan and laying out furniture using it. Just using it sporadically once every few weeks. It'll be done eventually.

I'm hoping to use it in Home Assistant with ha-floorplan (https://experiencelovelace.github.io/ha-floorplan/) so that I can have a floor plan with things overlaid on it (lights, temperature, etc) that you can tap to toggle.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Would you consider Candy Crush an ad? It was preinstalled. Was the pinball game that used to come with Windows an ad for Maxis Full Tilt Pinball? Was the U2 album that Apple gave away for free an ad for U2? (that was even worse since it was very difficult to remove the album from iTunes).

To be clear, I don't like that Microsoft bundled Candy Crush. I even saw it on my work PC running the enterprise version of Windows! I'm just not sure I'd consider it an ad.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I've been using Debian on servers for over 20 years. Rock solid. I like it. I like that it doesn't have any corporate influence, and that the main repo consists only of free software. Changes are only made if there's a good reason, unlike Canonical which seem to change things in Ubuntu just because they can.

The last time I used Linux as a desktop OS was around 2007 so I'm excited to get back into it.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Discord? For Linux communities? Linux communities usually like to stick to non-proprietary solutions.

dan , (Bearbeitet )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Vista did a bunch of great things... It added BitLocker drive encryption. It added the Snipping Tool for screenshots. It added a newer driver model that end up making drivers far more reliable than on Windows 9x and XP. It required drivers to be signed, which helps a lot with security. It added UAC, which was initially painful but also really helped improve security (no more running every single process with admin permissions). It moved C:\Documents and Settings\ to C:\Users so we didn't have to type that long path any more. And probably a bunch of others I'm forgetting

It was kinda half-baked at the time, but these are all major defining features of Windows. It just took a while for them to become stable.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

will download and decompile the Powertools

PowerToys is open-source, so no need to decompile. https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys.

This is the code that determines which processes are holding on to the specified files (or any files in the specified folders):https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/a89f9f69768ace73de21dbf6020bd7fa2460bf4a/src/modules/FileLocksmith/FileLocksmithLibInterop/FileLocksmith.cpp#L18

Called from the UI code here: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/a89f9f69768ace73de21dbf6020bd7fa2460bf4a/src/modules/FileLocksmith/FileLocksmithUI/ViewModels/MainViewModel.cs#L112 which also has the code to kill the processes

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Most configs should be in the roaming directory, since you'd usually expect them to roam between computers on a domain. The local directory is only for stuff that doesn't make sense to sync to other computers - things like caches, configs specific to that individual PC, etc.

Not that it matters for home users, as home users generally aren't using Active Directory with roaming profiles.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Still the case today... Not every Linux app complies with XDG.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

HKEY means "handle to registry key"... Not that that helps anything.

When code opens a file, device, etc, it's given a "handle" to it, which is an internal reference so that Windows knows which file you're reading or writing, and it keeps track of where you are in the document. Similarly, HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the handle that gives you the current user part of the registry.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

there is no difference between a program and an app

Yeah the naming is confusing. The reason is what you said - machine vs app.

Back on Windows 9x, some apps would store files directly in the C:\Program Files directory. This was 'fine' at the time since every app ran with full permissions. Users were at C:\Windows\Users, but users were optional so not every install used it.

Windows XP had a better NT-based permission model (not nearly as improved as Vista, but better than 9x) and allowing regular users to write to the Program Files and Windows folders wasn't really a good idea. It added two directories for settings:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data for user-specific data
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data for non-user-specific data

Vista kept the former but moved the latter to C:\ProgramData. I can't remember why.

Windows 7 moved the user stuff to C:\Users.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

It's HKEY, not HOTKEY. That's what I was trying to say in my comment. There's no "HOTKEY".

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Yeah both runit and sysvinit are supported, but packages are no longer required to include sysvinit scripts, so there's no guarantee that all software will work. Most have kept their sysvinit script though.

The main issue will be that systemd does a lot of stuff, so you'd have to install replacements for everything else it does - like a syslog daemon for logging, ntp client for clock syncing, DNS resolver, etc.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

A rooted phone doesn't have to give superuser access to every app.

Sure, but apps that run as superuser can access anything, including the data and memory for banking apps. A big part of Android's security model is that each app runs as a different user and can't touch data that's exclusively owned by another user.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

and it was only discovered accidentally, when someone was profiling some stuff, noticed SSH using a bit too much CPU power when receiving connections even for invalid usernames/passwords, and spent the time to investigate it more deeply. A lot of developers aren't that attentive, and it could have easily snuck through.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

and you shouldn't be using any of those, since the order can and will change. The numbers are based on the order the devices and device drivers are initialized in, not based on physical location in the system. The modern approach (assuming you're using udev) is to use the symlinks in /dev/disk/by-id/ or /dev/disk/by-uuid/ instead, since both are consistent across reboots (and by-id should be consistent across reinstalls, assuming the same partitioning scheme on the same physical drives)

This is also why Ethernet devices now have names like enp0s3 - the numbers are based on physical location on the bus. The old eth0, eth1, etc. could swap positions between Linux upgrades (or even between reboots) since they were also just the order the drivers were initialized in.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Alternate version:

> use the internet

> it works

> thank you furries

(for whatever reason, there seems to be an overrepresentation of furries in network admin roles)

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

A lot of Linux drivers are like this - just one or two people maintaining them. They usually eventually mainline the driver rather than having a separate Git repo though.

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