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HowRu68 OP ,

Of Israeli Jews alive today, 80% were born in Israel. A majority of Israel’s Jews are not descended from Europe but rather from Arab nations, including from the parcel of land known today as modern Israel. Known as Mizrachim in Hebrew, they hail from Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Algeria, as well as from the Asian caucus region of the former Soviet Union. Those Israelis who are Ashkenazi, the Israeli term for Jews of European descent, are increasingly the minority inside Israel.

author link

HowRu68 OP ,

Yeah sure but they just don't realize how bad the situation is.

I guess you must be right. Probably, outsiders ( like me) can't phantom what's really going on..

Thousands protest in Georgia after lawmakers pass controversial ‘Russian law’ ( www.france24.com ) Englisch

Thousands of protesters rallied Tuesday in Georgia after parliament adopted a law to brand overseas-funded NGOs as groups under “foreign influence”, a measure Brussels has warned will undermine Tbilisi’s European aspirations.

HowRu68 OP ,

Russia has used a similar law to silence public figures and organisations that disagree with or deviate from the Kremlin’s views. Georgian society is widely anti-Kremlin. Georgia’s bid for membership of the EU and NATO is enshrined in its constitution and—according to opinion polls—supported by a majority of the population.

HowRu68 OP , (Bearbeitet )

Not even curb really, just make transparent when NGOs are getting foreign funding.

Problem being with the BILL , is that's a copypaste Russian Law from Putins desk. And everyone saw what happened there when several 10th of thousands were arrested for protesting, ngos, newspapers were found illegal. Yip, democracic citizen etc were labelled as foreign influence, and handled as traitors . something like this doesn't bode Well for freedom and democracies.

This is about a (pro Ruzz?) actors in Georgian Government pushing a Bill without any democratic support. Nobody wants it.

In an area in eastern Serbia, a steel mill acquired by Chinese company HBIS became synonymous with environmental degradation and health hazards for the local community ( www.onegreenplanet.org ) Englisch

In the villages surrounding the eastern Serbian city of Smederevo, trouble has brewed over the last eight years. Once a symbol of economic promise, the steel mill acquired by Chinese company HBIS has become synonymous with environmental degradation and health hazards for the local community....

Amid fresh warnings that Russia is preparing “violent acts of sabotage” in Europe and NATO states, experts say there is already a significant uptick in what appears to be covert Russian sabotage ( www.france24.com ) Englisch

Jenny Mathers, a specialist in Russian intelligence services at Aberystwyth University in Wales, said there has been a notable increase in the number and intensity of Russia-linked incidents for the past year, adding that “we are likely to see an acceleration of this trend"....

HowRu68 ,

FYI: The " FT exclusive" reference in this article is here

ECB June Rate Cut ‘Most Likely’ If Outlook Holds, Elderson Says ( www.bloomberg.com ) Englisch

The European Central Bank will “most likely” lower borrowing costs when it meets in June — should the outlook for consumer prices be confirmed by fresh quarterly forecasts, Executive Board member Frank Elderson said....

HowRu68 OP ,

Trying to upload another link. But it got hung up. "Are you a bot" message is annoying me^^

HowRu68 , (Bearbeitet )

Imo it will fist get worse in the years to come, as decoupling has somewhat started where possible.
Also I don't expect any major changes from Xi Jiping or the CCP, in his (strict) policies in the foreseeable future.

European People’s Party to which Ursula von der Leyen belongs declines to sign letter condemning far right political violence ( www.theguardian.com ) Englisch

The open letter calls on Von der Leyen to “reject any normalisation, cooperation or alliance with the far right and radical parties” and denounces a physical assault on German centre-left politician Matthias Ecke. Ecke was “seriously injured” after allegedly being attacked by four young men while putting up campaign...

HowRu68 , (Bearbeitet )

I wonder how they are going to concretely translate this issue into legislation or praxis..

  • Some actors of far-right parties have been proven to be hostile to their own countries and to democracy.

  • On the otherhand these parties were officially democratically elected by voters.

  • And finally, why the heck are these poltician and or parties still not sanctioned, after breaking their freely taken oath to protect democracy and the interests of its respective constituents.

  • I hope our politician and the legislation proves adaptable enough to counter this new dangers, without loosing their core democratic mandate.

Hungary and Serbia’s autocratic leaders to roll out red carpet for China’s Xi during Europe tour ( apnews.com ) Englisch

Chinese leader Xi Jinping will spend the bulk of his five-day tour in Europe this week in two small countries at the continent’s eastern half, a region that Beijing has used as a foothold for its expanding economic ambitions in Europe....

HowRu68 , (Bearbeitet )

Best buddies, agreeing on the absence of free press,absolute control and stealing and skimming money from people. They'll probably just compare their bankaccounts and tip each other off for new" business ventures/ annexations, and how to farm the world of its resources in 80 days" idk. Got carried away.

Gazprom slumps to first annual loss in 22 years as trade with Europe hit ( www.theguardian.com ) Englisch

The company made a net loss of 629bn roubles (£5.5bn) in 2023 amid dwindling gas trade with Europe, once Gazprom’s main sales market, as a result of sanctions and the throttling of pipelines to the continent.

HowRu68 OP ,

The dog actually barked at him, is that tagging? Anyhow, great instincts.

HowRu68 ,

Seems this Georgian billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili has it's own ( and or pro-Putin) agenda. Here's some background Meduza' feature article

In other words, [ some criticis find] that, while outward signs indicate a sudden pro-Russian shift, the reality is more complex than manichean geopolitics would suggest. “I don’t really agree with the assessment that [Ivanishvili is] pro-Russian, or that he gets directions from Putin,” Kakabadze says. “He cares about himself most of all — his interests, his security, his money.”

‘A lot of collective trauma’: Sweden’s Indigenous Sami people speak to truth commission ( www.theguardian.com ) Englisch

Many people they have interviewed want to see better protection for Sami lands and livelihoods. Vars said reindeer-herding Sami suffer additional discrimination as strong symbols of Sami culture who are frequently attacked as they fight to protect grazing lands against industrialisation.

Media freedom ‘perilously close to breaking point’ in several EU countries ( www.theguardian.com ) Englisch

Slapps were commonly used against journalists in Croatia, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden, while reporters in Germany, Greece, the Netherlands and Poland were placed under surveillance from spyware such as Pegasus and Predator.

HowRu68 OP ,

"Media ownership concentration remained high in Croatia, France, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands and Slovakia, with many media companies owned by just a few individuals, threatening the diversity of media voices and increasing the risk of bias.
In Slovakia, the populist prime minister, Robert Fico, has “cut off all communication” with four media outlets accused of “openly displaying hostile attitudes”. His government this month approved a controversial bill to overhaul the public broadcaster RTVS.

In Hungary, public service media was already “so completely under the yoke of the government” that its output was “characterised by biased and one-sided reporting that is always in line with the interests of the ruling Fidesz party”, Liberties said.

HowRu68 OP ,

Ukraine is also busy cleaning their house.

HowRu68 OP ,

Wishing Ukraine a good ( spring ) cleanup, though it's a hard & difficult job to do. And as long as they don't forget to throw the garbage out, it will be nice and shiny once again.

Espionage in the EU: Is the bloc ready to ward off spies? ( www.dw.com ) Englisch

Russia has systematically maintained contacts with far-right and far-left parties, and other personalities and movements to gain support from institutional actors within the union in order to legitimize its illegal and criminal actions," the draft statement, set to go to the vote on Thursday and subject to change or rejection,...

HowRu68 OP ,

Afaik, there ECB was and is trying to lower /cap inflation. The logic being that the (pandemic) inflation ( and interest) rate was too high , and to avoid a living cost/ wage spiral.

There will be many more expendirures to come due to, the energy transition, failing international trade, political instability, wars, climate catastrophe, migration, new virus problems, etc. If I were them, I'd up my budget reservation for " unforseen costs " to a 20% to be safe. It doesn't hurt to build some fat before difficult years.

But, how do modern economics see this?

HowRu68 OP , (Bearbeitet )

Tbx for sharing MMT economics, sounds reasonable enough. I'm no economic expert btw ;)

For sure I agree that in these time, major Investments are the only reasonable way forward, especially now. And, like you said, it's now or never.

Add NB: The viewpoint of more domestic spending is also adhered by Mario Draghi, as seen per his speech recently. (Link Speech multilingual )

At the same time, as long as we remain critical to these gvement expenditures, thus procurement, methods and goals, and watch out for corruption, mismanagement, incorrect allocations etc, we should be ok.

Besides our own immediate motives, we don't live in an isolated world; problem being that in our strategic choices as EU & memberstates we must consider the times & geopolitical tides. We must consider the actions of surrounding superpowers ( superstates and superconglomerates) ; which aren't in free-trade; are being creative by falsifying economic data, or stealing IP, have been influencing the market malevolently; are extremely subsidising their own products, but issuing tariffs to imports. Also, unlike the US ,which can issue extra" free "money, we as EU cannot.
I surely hope, that the EU guidelines, offer more choices and leeway then the old ones. For example, there's been the internal discussion of issuing EU bonds for specific goals. They are establishing and expanding funds, for future investments. How that will workout as to membership loan/GDP ratio, depends on then chosen configuration, I reckon.

HowRu68 OP ,

Energy dependency ( and competitiveness) paragraph P 62.:

True, energy costs in Europe remain higher than those of its major competitors. During the energy crisis, the EU, as other regions relying on imported fossil gas (UK, Japan, South Korea) has witnessed a trend of increased price differentials with other parts of the world. Gas prices were 3 to 6 times higher than those in the U.S, compared to 2-3 times historically and are still significantly higher today. EU electricity industrial retail prices are close to 2 times the US prices and are becoming progressively higher than in China. Such a situation will persist until the marginal price is predominantly determined by renewable and low-carbon electricity sources rather than gas. The continent's limited self-sufficiency in energy also heightens its vulnerability to sudden price shocks. In 2021, the EU's dependency on energy imports was high: 91.7% for oil, 83.4% for gas, and 37.5% for solid fossil fuels, contributing to an overall energy dependency rate of approximately 55.5%. In 2022 alone, Europe's bill for importing fossil fuels amounted to €640 billion, approximately 4.1% of its GDP. In 2023, even with lower prices, it remained close to 2.4% of the EU's GDP.

Chinese spies targeting semiconductor, aerospace, maritime industries in the Netherlands to strengthen China’s armed forces, Dutch military intelligence agency claims ( www.europeaninterest.eu ) Englisch

"China tries to get hold of technology in the Netherlands in various ways, using a combination of (cyber) espionage, company insiders, acquisitions, circumvention of export restrictions and reverse engineering of technology for which no licenses are required,” the Dutch intelligence agency said....

HowRu68 , (Bearbeitet )

"It also suggests that Chinese universities play a vital intelligence-gathering role, noting that [Chinese] scientists employed by western companies often work for China’s security services and state companies."

Unfortunately, academics whom work in collaboration with China scientists in projects, have claimed similar experiences as to IP theft etc.

You can leave the CCP, but the CCP never leaves you, it seems.

Kremlin spy suspect arrests may be tip of iceberg, says former German agency chief ( www.theguardian.com ) Englisch

He said espionage and sabotage were an integral part of the “standard toolbox of Russian geopolitics”. The secret service activities in Germany exposed by this week’s arrests, he said, were “from that point of view no surprise. Rather, it’s the tip of the iceberg.”He said espionage and sabotage were an integral part...

HowRu68 OP ,

really hope this will be taken more seriously from now on..

There's been imo much news lately about this stuff. Sometimes it feels as if it keeps "hanging " for a long time, and then there is an investigation , and suddenly, arrests.

If this news has been only " the tip of the iceberg " (in Germany and probably all of Europe), like what this expert is saying, then how big is the iceberg?

China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds ( www.euronews.com ) Englisch

For at least ten years, the Chinese Communist Party has been abducting its overseas citizens on EU territory and forcibly returning them to China - violating the rule of law and public security in Europe - a new report finds....

HowRu68 OP ,

"Official Chinese figures show 12,000 repatriation cases from more than 120 countries as a result of the two main repatriation campaigns. These are often touted by Beijing as a major success.
It is not clear exactly how much of this is propaganda and how much is real data. To give a sense of the scale, a few years ago China managed to persuade 230,000 people to return to China in just one year as part of a special campaign in which the threat of collective punishment was also used as a means of persuasion."

So basically Chinese refuges or expats resident have never been safe. Its not something recent .And apperantly the Chinese Gvement isn't respecting the sovereignty of other countries at all.
It's a wakeupcall, our territories are "infiltrated and not safe", and now with the upcoming collaboration between Hungary and China, it will only get worse; if we don't change our ways soon.

Council of Europe unanimously votes to use seized Russian assets to fund Ukraine reconstruction, compensation ( www.euractiv.com ) Englisch

EU member states on Monday (15 April) were close to a deal, with EU diplomats saying last outstanding technical issues remained to be solved, with the aim for the bloc to use the profits by June....

An espionage scandal rocks Austria, laying bare alleged Russian spying operations across Europe ( apnews.com ) Englisch

The case is special given its international dimension and the fact that it is not only about espionage but also about the infiltration of the Austrian political system and the weakening of the country’s internal security,”...

EU’s historic migration pact passes amidst divisions and far-right fears ( www.euractiv.com ) Englisch

Now, we must make sure that what has been agreed to is fully implemented in all our Member States, and that implementation goes hand in hand with the respect for our shared humanity,” Parliament’s President Roberta Metsola said after the vote....

United Ireland would cost €20 billion for 20 years, new study finds ( www.euronews.com ) Englisch

In their conclusions, the authors recommend Northern Ireland – which remains relatively poor and heavily reliant on public sector spending and employment – embark on major reforms to improve its residents' standard of living....

Thousands protest against Hungary's Orban after former insider leaks … ( www.reuters.com ) Englisch

BUDAPEST, March 26 (Reuters) - Thousands of people protested in Budapest near parliament on Tuesday demanding the chief prosecutor and Prime Minister Viktor Orban resign after a former government insider accused a senior aide to Orban of trying interfere in a graft case....

‘The time is here’: the ex-government insider shaking up Hungarian politics ( www.theguardian.com ) Englisch

Until a few weeks ago, Péter Magyar was virtually unknown. Now, he is dominating conversations and headlines – and making the government of Hungary’s longtime prime minister, Viktor Orbán, deeply uncomfortable.

HowRu68 OP ,

Some more background from this article :
"Magyar has pitched himself as a centrist, focusing on domestic issues – combating corruption, improving healthcare, modernising the education system and aiming to unite Hungary’s highly polarised society.
Magyar, by contrast, has said he is in favour of a foreign policy that protects Hungary’s sovereignty while maintaining a constructive relationship with the EU and Nato."

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